My RABBIT BITES the CAGE - Why and what to do?

My RABBIT BITES the CAGE - Why and what to do?
My RABBIT BITES the CAGE - Why and what to do?
My rabbit bites the cage - why and what to do?
My rabbit bites the cage - why and what to do?

Surely you have sometimes woken up with the noise of your rabbit's teeth biting the cage. This is a very common behavior in rabbits, but why do they do it? Nowadays, we know that rabbits are sociable, lively and very active animals, which is why it is more and more common to see them outside the cages than inside them. However, many guardians choose to cage the rabbits at night, so during the early hours or with the first rays of the day, the bunnies can bite the cage again and again. So, if our furry has been able to exercise all day, why does he keep biting the cage?

In this article on our site, we will explain why my rabbit bites the cage and what to do. You will discover tips to prepare a suitable space for your rabbit and we will explain the reasons why it bites the cage.

Why do rabbits bite the cage?

If your rabbit bites the cage, it may be due to the following:

You want to go out

Rabbits have an enormous need to move In addition, they have high activity peaks, so living in a cage all their lives It is agony for these animals. Therefore, when your rabbit bites the bars of his cage, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • Stress or nerves.
  • The cage is small and cannot move.
  • You are stressed or nervous.
  • Is bored.

In other words: he wants to get out of there. So that this does not happen, although the ideal would be to be able to allow the rabbit to live outside the cage, if you prefer to have a cage at your disposal for certain times of the day, it should be as spacious as possible.

You will find more information about what a rabbit's cage should be like, as well as other rabbits for proper care in this other article on Rabbit care.

Is bored

Another possible reason a rabbit bites its cage is boredom of being alone or lack of stimulation. Rabbits are very curious animals, and if they live alone they get very bored, so when they bite the bars of the cage they ask for more variety and activity The solution is to keep them as a couple and, of course, offer them plenty of space to run and play.

Try providing playhouses, wooden tunnels, and chew toys for entertainment. After a few days, remove them or change them for others. Thus, the "old toys" will become interesting again after a while without seeing them. Another option is to make homemade rabbit toys. Your furry will have a blast!

Wants to get your attention

We must bear in mind that rabbits are very social animals, who like (and need) to be with us and / or with other pets. If your furry one is in his cage and he is watching you pass or hears you talking, he is likely to bite the cage to get your attention, that is why many times our rabbit will not bite the cage until we are close.

On the other hand, if its cage or enclosure is large and has everything you need, it may also try to get your attention by biting it because it's hungry, thirstyor because your corner is already a little dirty (remember also that rabbits are very clean animals).

It's part of their behavior

In addition to the possible reasons that we have explained why rabbits bite the cage, we cannot forget that biting is part of the natural behavior of these animals. Moreover, due to the constant growth of their teeth, rabbits need to gnaw constantly, as we explained in this other article about My rabbit has very long teeth - Why and what to do?

On the other hand, rabbits are crepuscular animals, which means that they are more active during the first hours of the day and the first hours of the night. Therefore, if they are in the cage at that time, it is completely normal for them to feel like going out to run and play.

My rabbit bites the cage - why and what to do? - Why do rabbits bite the cage?
My rabbit bites the cage - why and what to do? - Why do rabbits bite the cage?

How much space does a rabbit need?

If you plan the possibility of adopting a rabbit, you should prepare to live with it, and not separately, because they need environmental stimuli. For this reason, rabbits should be housed where family life takes place, unless they live outside in the garden, in the open air, where they feel the fall of the leaves, the snow, the wind and the songs of the birds.

Maintaining and caring for them takes time and is complicated. Our furry friends are living beings that deserve the best attention and to be free. They are very fast and running is in their blood, so they need to be able to get out to satisfy their instincts But if the cage is unavoidable, make it as big as possible and have a minimum of 6 m2 per rabbit. In addition, we will let them out of the cage several times a day.

The rabbit needs a lot of space to be able to make the following movements and maneuvers, just as it would in its natural habitat:

  • Do a binki (the crazy jump and spin that rabbits do).
  • Escape and flee when scared.
  • Play with items or toys.
  • Buzzing at 60 km/h.
  • Being able to avoid the partner, sometimes.
  • Jumping for joy.
  • Stay fit and active to avoid obesity.

Solution to cages with bars

Biting the cage grid is harmful to rabbits' teeth and, depending on the bars, their coating can be poisonous. Also, it becomes annoying and noisy if it suddenly starts biting the cage in the middle of the night. What to do if my rabbit bites the cage? In extreme cases, this behavior can be remedied by closing the enclosure by covering the lower area with methacrylate or transparent compact polycarbonate.

My rabbit bites the cage - why and what to do? - How much space does a rabbit need?
My rabbit bites the cage - why and what to do? - How much space does a rabbit need?

How to prevent my rabbit from biting the cage?

Rabbits are sensitive and demanding animals. But if we take care of them with respect and affection, they will accept us as friends. Following these tips will help us ensure that our bunny has a long and happy life and, hopefully, does not bite the cage:

  • Adopt Another Rabbit: Since rabbits are herd animals, they should never be alone. Therefore, if you live with a furry at home, we advise you to consider the possibility of adopting another rabbit to keep him company.
  • Provide room to play: When the rabbit lives inside, make sure the apartment or house is safe for him and that he has plenty of room for daily exercise. They often like to chew on cords, chair legs, furniture, and rugs. You can design an enclosure in the garden and provide it with more freedom. A standard cage can never be a habitat for rabbits!
  • Understand him: Don't get mad if the rabbit makes noises at night! They are crepuscular, which means that they get up very early and bite, scratch and hit at night and early in the morning. This behavior is normal and should be tolerated in the home.
  • Pay attention to him: Rabbits need a lot of love, especially if they don't have a companion of the same species. Dedicate time to it and you will see how in a while you will have a more loving and calm rabbit by your side.
  • Keep his cage clean: cages or enclosures must be cleaned regularly. A dirty cage is not only unhygienic for your animal, but it will also make your rabbit more uncomfortable and therefore probably noisier.

Cover the rabbit cage at night

Many rabbit keepers believe that covering the rabbit's cage at night will help the rabbit stop biting. Although this practice may work momentarily, it can be dangerous for the rabbit Actually, covering the rabbit's cage is what it does to isolate the cold that it may be in the experience. Rabbits take cold better than heat and the ideal environmental temperature for them is between 18 and 20 degrees, so if we cover their cage we can run the risk of heat stroke.

If they live inside the apartment, where very low temperatures are not usually reached at night, it will not be necessary to cover the cage. However, if your bunnies live outside, for example in the garden or on the terrace, and temperatures drop below zero at night, it will be necessary to protect their enclosure from the cold. In this case, it is very important that the rabbits have a shelter to hide in and hay to make a cozy nest. When it comes to covering your enclosure, make sure it has proper ventilation so that the rabbits have fresh air.
