Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding too much hair - VERY EFFECTIVE

Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding too much hair - VERY EFFECTIVE
Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding too much hair - VERY EFFECTIVE
Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding too much
Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding too much

All of us who share life with cats know that they shed hair, to a greater or lesser extent. This hair loss is known as shedding and tells us that the hair's life cycle is normal, so we shouldn't worry. Signs that should alarm us are the presence of bald spots, dandruff or excessive scratching.

When cat hair loss is normal, we must learn to live with this fact and, therefore, in this article on our site we will give tricks to prevent our cat sheds a lot of hairWe will also see tips to easily clean the hair that falls out, such as the use of a robot vacuum cleaner, keep reading!

Why is my cat shedding a lot?

As we said, the shedding of hair is usually the most common reason why a cat loses so much hair. This process is natural and inevitable, it is activated by changes in light and temperature, which is why it is accentuated with the arrival of spring and autumn, although due to the general conditions in which cats live, it is usually present throughout the year. year.

Now then, when excessive cat hair loss is observed, the animal shows hairless areas and other warning symptoms such as itching, weight loss, apathy, vomiting, diarrhea or decay, it will be necessary Go to the vet to find the underlying cause. In general, the reasons that can justify this drop can be:

  • Skin diseases such as scabies, dermatitis, fungi or allergies.
  • Food deficits.
  • Parasites such as fleas or ticks.
  • Stress or anxiety.

Below we will detail the best tricks to prevent a cat from shedding too much hair under normal conditions, as well as tips to deal with some of the mentioned causes. In case of illness, remember that it is absolutely necessary to visit a specialist.

What to do so that the cat does not shed hair? - Check your diet

As we have already mentioned, the first trick to prevent our cat from shedding too much hair lies in its diet. Whether we feed it with feed, wet or homemade food, it is essential that it be of quality, making sure that it provides all the nutrients it needs in its vital moment. In this sense, to create the perfect diet, nothing better than following the recommendations of our veterinarian.

A cat with dandruff, a bad coat or excessive hair loss may be indicating deficiencies in its diet and, in any case, we should consult our veterinarian. We may have to change the diet and even add omega 3 and omega 6 supplements, always prescribed by our veterinarian, because they help strengthen the coat and prevent excessive shedding. Although the cat sheds several times a year, its hair, he althy, must be kept soft and shiny

Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding a lot of hair - What to do so that the cat does not shed hair? - Check your diet
Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding a lot of hair - What to do so that the cat does not shed hair? - Check your diet

Brush your cat so it doesn't lose so much hair

Even if our cat has short hair, a regular brushing will help remove dead hair and, like the hair that is collects in the brush is not at home, it is a good trick to prevent our cat from losing so much hair. Of course, it is essential that the brush we use is the suitable for your hair type In this way, we must ensure that it reaches its base, for which We will see that the length of the bristles or spikes corresponds to the length of the hair. We can ask our feline groomer or veterinarian for advice.

The frequency of brushing depends on the amount of hair. Long-haired cats are obviously going to require more brushing than short-haired cats.

Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding a lot of hair - Brush your cat so that it does not lose so much hair
Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding a lot of hair - Brush your cat so that it does not lose so much hair

The importance of deworming to prevent hair loss in cats

Cats, even if they live indoors, can become infested with parasites, especially fleas. These insects feed on the cat's blood by stinging. The annoyance that these produce leads the cat to lick and scratch itself insistently, especially those that develop allergy to flea saliva This causes hair loss, so that another way to prevent the cat from losing hair is to deworm it on time. To do this, we must establish, together with our veterinarian, a deworming schedule appropriate to the characteristics of our cat and strictly adhere to it to avoid infestations.

Avoid stress and control hair loss in your cat

The cat that suffers from stress can show it, in addition to changes in its behavior, with excessive hair loss. If we suspect that this may be the cause of the intense shedding, the best trick to prevent the cat from shedding too much is to enrich the environment by adding toys, scratching posts, places to hide or climb, etc., in addition to paying more attention to it or even, if the cat's character allows it, adopting a companion with whom it can share games.

If the above measures do not work and, in any case, before opting for a diagnosis of stress, we should go to our veterinarian or a professional in feline behaviorso that, as soon as possible, we get our cat back. Being such sensitive animals, it is necessary to find the exact reason that is causing this emotional instability and combat it. For more information, don't miss this article: "Things that stress cats."

Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding a lot of hair - Avoid stress and control hair loss in your cat
Tricks to prevent my cat from shedding a lot of hair - Avoid stress and control hair loss in your cat

How to remove cat hair?

After having seen the tricks to prevent our cat from shedding a lot of hair, we add the following tips to easily remove cat hair from clothes, sofa and floor:

  • Put a sheet, blanket or towel on the cat's resting places. It will always be easier to shake or wash it than to clean an entire bed or sofa.
  • Prioritize materials to which the hair adheres less well.
  • Return to adhesive hair remover rollers for clothes or sofas.
  • It is better vacuuming than sweeping because vacuuming, in addition to hair, also removes flea eggs from the environment.
  • On the market we find robot vacuum cleaners special for collecting animal hair, so they are a very good option when cleaning without that supposes no effort.

Focusing on the last point, one of the most efficient robot vacuum cleaners on the market is the ILIFE robot vacuum cleaner, with max mode for a more efficient vacuuming, the possibility of programming it at a specific time, the ability to easily scale the height of the carpets, brushless motor, two side brushes and one central brush. In addition, the iLife robot vacuum cleaner also mops the floor. In short, it is a robot vacuum cleaner for cat hair, dog hair and general dust with an intelligent cleaning system.
