Why does my dog have dry skin?

Why does my dog have dry skin?
Why does my dog have dry skin?
Why does my dog have dry skin
Why does my dog have dry skin

Sometimes dogs suffer from having dry skin and this can lead to calluses or excessive scratching that causes wounds. The speed of the treatment will allow us to solve it effectively and prevent it from getting worse.

It is essential to know some tricks in certain breeds that are prone to dry skin, such as hairless dogs. Remember that it is important that you visit your veterinarian to make sure that it is not an allergy or other he alth problem.

In this article on our site we are going to answer why your dog has dry skin by analyzing some causes andthe most indicated treatment for it.


During rainy days our dog usually gets wet. It can also happen when we go with him to the beach or the river. As a consequence, your animal may suffer the appearance of fungi or irritation of its dermis.

Especially those with delicate skin such as Shar Pei or very long-haired dogs can stay wet for a long time. When you get home you should help them to remove moisture with a towel to avoid subsequent dryness. Take a good look at places that are difficult to access, such as the pads or the armpits, among others.

Why does my dog have dry skin - Humidity
Why does my dog have dry skin - Humidity

External parasites

Fleas and ticks causes dry skin of your animal. Take a good look at its fur to find out if it could be suffering from the appearance of these annoying guests.

If so, do not hesitate to find out about how to eliminate fleas and how to eliminate ticks properly. Using a pipette or a necklace will be essential to prevent its reappearance.

Why does my dog have dry skin - External parasites
Why does my dog have dry skin - External parasites

Change shampoo

If you have recently changed your dog's shampoo this may be the cause of his dry skin. Remember that the skin of each dog is special and different from that of other breeds.

Identify what your dog's skin is like to make sure you are giving him the right shampoo. If you have doubts you can consult the veterinarian. For your dog's next hygiene session, it will be essential to use a dermoprotective or hypolargenic shampoo that does not cause discomfort to his dermis.

Why does my dog have dry skin - Change shampoo
Why does my dog have dry skin - Change shampoo


Some colognes for dogs are not only composed of natural products. That can be a problem for those with minimally sensitive skin.

Discover how to make a natural perfume for dogs at home. Of course, do not apply it until your pet is completely recovered from the dryness.

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Why does my dog have dry skin - Colonies


Very short-haired dogs or those that have had their hair cut excessively in winter may experience dryness due to the cold. It is important that dogs that shiver when they go outside can enjoy the warmth of a coat.

Why does my dog have dry skin - Cold
Why does my dog have dry skin - Cold

Excessive washing

Dogs can't take baths as often as people do. The usual thing is to give them a bath on a monthly basis although there are some breeds that should do it every 2 or 3 months.

Why? Dogs have a natural protective layer on their skin that insulates them from the outside world. By bathing them we remove this layer that regenerates naturally. However, if we abuse the application of water and shampoos, we can cause complications in your dermis that end in dry skin. Discover some tips for bathing your dog at home.

If your dog gets too dirty too often, you can avoid bathing by brushing him more regularly and using baby wipes.

Why does my dog have dry skin - Excessive washing
Why does my dog have dry skin - Excessive washing


Providing our dog with a soft bed is essential to prevent the appearance of calluseson the elbows. Sometimes it is the dog itself that does not seem to want to lie down in its bed, it is normal for this to happen in summer for example, for this you can use an old cotton sheet that insulates it minimally from the ground and is not excessively hot.

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Why does my dog have dry skin - Lack of comfort

Allergies and other illnesses

The appearance of allergies is usually caused by the intake of a new food, dust, synthetic objects or other causes. Dryness can also be a symptom of diseaseIf you notice redness or itching, see your vet to rule out a skin problem.
