Why does my DOG have RED EYES? - Causes and Treatments

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Why does my DOG have RED EYES? - Causes and Treatments
Why does my DOG have RED EYES? - Causes and Treatments
Why does my dog have red eyes?
Why does my dog have red eyes?

The red eyes in dogs can be due to different pathologies and, in most cases, their appearance is usually accompanied by other symptoms that indicate that something is not right, such as green and purulent crusts, inflammation, watery eyes or apathy, among others. These manifestations may increase or, on the contrary, remain, however, if we want to receive a good prognosis, the ideal is go to the vet as soon as possible.

In this article on our site we will explain why your dog has red eyes, showing you various causes that can cause it, what to expect in the veterinary consultation or what will be the treatment of choice that the specialist will choose. Read on to find out all about red eye in dogs.

Red eyes in dogs - Main causes

It is very common that, at least once in life, we observe that our dog has red eyes. These symptoms may be due to various pathologies, which will receive different names depending on the area of the eye affected and/or the causes that have caused their appearance. Here are the most common causes:

Conjunctivitis in dogs

Inflammation of the internal conjunctiva (pink tissue) or the bulvar conjunctiva(transparent and thin, completely covering the eye, almost imperceptible) refers to an inflammation of these tissues and is known as conjunctivitis in dogs It can have viral, bacterial, allergic causes and can even develop due to the presence of a foreign body, so it is essential to go to the vet when observing its appearance.

In this case, we will observe the dog with red eyes and green rheum, although it is also possible to see red eyes that are watery and closed. Depending on the reason that has caused this inflammation of the conjunctiva, and whether there is an infection or not, it can be treated with eye drops for dogs or by cleaning the area well with saline.

Red eyes in dogs due to episcleritis

When we observe redness in the episclera, the outermost part of the sclera (white tissue), we speak of episcleritis, a term that indicates inflammation of this ocular structure. In this case, it usually presents as a generalized thickening of the eyeball or as a small inflamed nodule with a very defined location. Beforehand we must clarify that, generally, it is a benign condition with a good prognosis, although it will depend on each specific case.

If our dog suffers from inflammation of the episclera we can observe the nodule in the eye or a generalized thickening, altered coloration of the white part of the eyeball that can range from a pink color to a brownish tone, irritated and reddened eyes. In addition, the dog may keep the affected eye closed and show signs of discomfort and pain when the inflammation is widespread. Likewise, there is the possibility of observing the red eye contour in dogs, with swollen, inflamed eyelids and even scabs.

Other causes of red eyes in dogs

Of course there are other causes that can explain why your dog has red eyes, among them we can highlight the following:

  • Styes
  • Blepharitis
  • Strange body
  • Glaucoma
  • Wounds
  • Keratitis
  • Poisoning
  • Allergy
  • Corneal ulcer

As you have seen, there are multiple causes of red eyes in dogs and, in any case, it is highly recommended to visit a specialist. However, how can we know when we have a veterinary emergency? We'll explain it to you in the next section, keep reading.

Why does my dog have red eyes? - Red eyes in dogs - Main causes
Why does my dog have red eyes? - Red eyes in dogs - Main causes

My dog has a red eye, what could it be?

The truth is that almost all of the causes mentioned can occur in one or both eyes. In this way, if your dog only has a red eye, it is possible that it is conjunctivitis caused by the intrusion of a foreign body, by having scratched too much or from a bacterial infection. Allergic conjunctivitis usually occurs in both eyes at the same time.

On the other hand, keratitis, regardless of the type, can also develop in only one eye, causing the dog to have one eye red and swollen, half closed, tearful or rheumy. The symptoms that accompany the redness will vary depending on the type of keratitis that the dog suffers.

A stye, a corneal ulcer, bacterial blepharitis and a wound can also be causes of redness in one eye.

When to take a dog with red eyes to the vet?

It is very likely that before the appearance of red eyes in dogs you wonder what it means and, even more importantly, what to do. Especially if you see the dog with red eyes and the following symptoms we advise you to go to the vet urgently:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Green Legañas
  • Crusts
  • Purulent discharge
  • Crying eyes
  • He's down
  • Don't want to eat
  • Fever
  • Dry nose
  • Tremors
  • Etc.

Diagnosis of red eyes in dogs

For a correct diagnosis, the veterinarian will use an ophthalmoscope, with which he will be able to see the eye more clearly. It will also be necessary for us to explain the symptoms that it manifests, aside from the red eyes, how many days it has been suffering from it, if we have applied drops or any other remedy, etc. All the information we can offer will help the specialist to develop a differentialdiagnosisIn the most serious cases, the professional may also ask us for a blood test or other complementary tests that he considers necessary.

Why does my dog have red eyes? - Diagnosis of red eyes in dogs
Why does my dog have red eyes? - Diagnosis of red eyes in dogs

How to cure red eyes in dogs? - Treatment

After carrying out the differential diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe the treatment that he considers most appropriate. Of course, it can vary depending on whether it is due to conjunctivitis, glaucoma, an ulcer or a foreign body. Veterinary evaluation will be of great importance to determine the underlying cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Likewise, depending on the specific case, the prognosis may be favorable or reserved.

Medicine for red eyes in dogs

The veterinarian may prescribe eye drops and ophthalmic ointments, which may include different active ingredients, usually including anti-inflammatory and analgesic components. If the inflammation is very severe, a drug containing cortisone can be used, one of the most powerful anti-inflammatories, although it also has significant adverse effects.

The treatment may be administered from home and the owner must undertake to carry out an adequate therapeutic compliance, as well as to monitor the condition of his dog, going immediately to the veterinarian if any type of aggravation or new symptomatology. Not respecting, stopping early or modifying the treatment can cause the dog to show the initial symptoms again, even when it seems that it is completely cured. We will strictly follow veterinary advice, following the prescribed times and days

Why does my dog have red eyes? - How to cure red eyes in dogs? - Treatment
Why does my dog have red eyes? - How to cure red eyes in dogs? - Treatment

Home remedies for red eyes in dogs

It is easy to find all kinds of home remedies for dogs with red eyes on the Internet. However, it is essential to point out that in most cases its application may not give results and that, in other cases, its application may even worse the clinical picture Given Given the multiple pathologies that can cause these symptoms, it is not advisable in any case to seek universal remedies.

For all these reasons, we do not recommend using home remedies that are not prescribed and supervised by our trusted veterinarian and in addition to a effective treatment. Keep in mind that it is essential to treat red eyes in dogs depending on the cause that causes this redness and irritation. In case of a mild conjunctivitis, you can consult the article in which we show the Home Treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs, but they are not applicable to treat other problems.

How to take care of a dog with red eyes?

Most eye problems in dogs cause discomfort to the dog, therefore, although it is not advisable to apply home remedies, we can alleviate the discomfort in the following way:

  • Clean his eyes with physiological saline for sale in veterinary clinics, pet stores or pharmacies because, unlike water, these serums they respect the pH of the body and do not irritate as much.
  • Wipe the tears and secretions with a regular sterile gauze, sold in pharmacies. It is important not to reuse it and not to use the same gauze for both eyes.
  • Apply a warm, moist compress over the dog's eyes for 5 minutes, this reduces discomfort and improves well-being. Once again remember not to reuse the same compress or use it on the other affected (or unaffected).

To finish, especially in long-haired dogs, we recommend going to the dog groomer once the problem has been treated to make a cut that helps keep the contour of the dog's eyes clean. In the following video, Raúl from LoveDogs®️ explains how to perform a correct tear hygiene:
