Why does my DOG have 5 FINGERS on his BACK LEGS?

Why does my DOG have 5 FINGERS on his BACK LEGS?
Why does my DOG have 5 FINGERS on his BACK LEGS?
Why does my dog have 5 toes on his hind legs?
Why does my dog have 5 toes on his hind legs?

Have you ever noticed how many toes a dog has on its front and back paws? Perhaps you have never realized exactly, but dogs have 5 toes on their front feet and 4 on their back feet.

However, sometimes we can see dogs that have 5 toes on their hind legs, some even 6, and are called "spurs". Do not be alarmed if this is your case, we are going to share with you all the necessary information so that you know why this feature is due and what you should or should not do. Keep reading this article on our site and discover why my dog has 5 toes on his hind legs

What is the fifth toe on a dog's paws?

It is common to wonder how many toes dogs have, and in some of them we can find the spur or "extra toe" on the hind legs. This feature does not represent any he alth problem and is not a disorder or malformation.

But what does the spur mean in dogs? It is believed that this claw that we can see on the hind legs could serve to give them greater support and that it is due to the adaptation of certain breeds to the environment, however, there is no study that supports its utility, so there are reasonable doubts that this theory is true. We must emphasize that this fifth finger is different from the rest, as well as weaker, and offers less support than the others.

How many fingers does a dog have?

Dogs' legs are one of the most important parts, as they support their weight and allow them to do all kinds of mischief. Most dogs, like humans, have 5 toes on their front paws, but unlike us, 4 toes on the hind legs In total this makes 18 fingers. It should be noted that we have to take special care of the dog's legs, especially the pads, since they are very delicate and if they are not well cared for they can hinder their movements.

If you want to know more, don't hesitate to take a look at this other article that we recommend about the Parts of a dog's legs.

Why do some dogs have five fingers?

This is primarily due to breed-specific genetics, although it can manifest in virtually any dog. It is necessary to remember that although some dogs have five toes on their hind legs, this characteristic does not harm their he alth.

However, when we find six toes on the hind legs, we speak of double dewclaw (polydactyly), a genetic disorder that it is desirable or mandatory in certain canine breeds. For this reason, it is mentioned in the morphological standards of certain canine federations. Next, we are going to mention which dogs have dewclaws on their hind legs.

Dog breeds that have spurs on their hind legs

The standards of different canine breeds "allow" or make it desirable for some dogs to have spurs without this implying a disqualifying fault in canine morphology contests. Among them we can highlight the Pyrenean Mastiff [1], the Spanish Mastiff [2], the Saint Bernard dog [3], the Basque shepherd dog [4]

Although in some cases it may be due to a genetic disorder, it is not considered that the spur should be cut or removed, except in specific cases, when this involves a he alth problem for the dog. In any case, it is the veterinarian who should recommend cutting the dewclaw in dogs.

On the other hand, remember that any other dog, whether of breed or not, can have a dewclaw or double dewclaw Some examples of dogs with dewclaws they can be the German shepherd, the rottweiler and even breeds as small as the yorkshire terrier or the poodle.

Why does my dog have 5 toes on his hind legs? - Breeds of dogs that have spurs on their hind legs
Why does my dog have 5 toes on his hind legs? - Breeds of dogs that have spurs on their hind legs

Problems that dewclaws or double dewclaws can cause in dogs

The dewclaw or double dewclaw of the hind legs are toes that are not attached to the dog's leg in the same way as the rest of the hind toes. There is only a junction of skin and muscle. There is no bone and therefore this characteristic can lead to certain he alth problemsIt is important to note that in some cases we can even see a dog's spur on the front leg, although it is very rare.

Below we show you some consequences of this hereditary characteristic:

  • Tearing.
  • Incarnation.
  • Infection.
  • Inflammation.
  • Nail parting.
  • Nail breakage.

Since there is no bone to hold the fifth and even the sixth finger, it can get caught in a fence and detach or cause breakage or splitting of the nail , thus causing pain and suffering to the dog. It also happens that these toes, not being in contact with the ground, do not wear out like the rest of the nails, therefore, it can happen that the dog's dewclaw ends up nailed or ingrown If left untreated, the spur can become infected and inflamed

We leave you with this other article on How to heal wounds on dog's paw pads?, so that you have more information on the subject.

Does the dog's dewclaw need to be amputated?

Dogs that present one or more of the he alth problems mentioned above, should go to the vet urgently for an evaluation of the spurs. When the damage is severe and very advanced, the specialist may suggest amputation of the dog's dewclaw. However, in other cases, when the dog presents recurring problems, it can also recommend cutting the dog's spur.

When the dog is still a puppy it is highly recommended to go to the vet as soon as we detect it to assess whether the fifth toe should be removed of his hind leg. We avoid future problems and it will be less traumatic for him to treat a puppy.

  • This is a simple operation.
  • Duration of approximately 10 minutes.
  • It is not a painful operation.

For dogs older than 6 months it is not mandatory to carry out the operation. If we do not see obvious discomfort and we have decided not to operate, we must be attentive to the evolution of the fifth finger. If finally, it is harming him we should go to the vet although:

  • Post-operative recovery is slower.
  • He will try to scratch and lick himself so he will have to wear a neck brace.
  • He will walk strangely.

Finally we advise all guardians to be especially careful to observe and care for their dog so that the problem does not have serious consequences and painful. Maintaining an attentive attitude and going to the vet whenever you need it will make your dog gain in quality of life. All this gives us a he althy and happy dog!
