Occasionally, it is possible to observe that dogs breathe with their mouths open. It is panting and usually occurs when the animal is overheated or has just done some physical activity. Therefore, it is completely normal, unless it is excessive, in which case it could indicate a serious he alth problem.
In this article on our site we will discuss the causes of panting in dogs, explaining when it is normal and when we should be concerned. We will also see what to do if our dog is panting a lot.
When is it normal for a dog to pant?
First of all, when we talk about panting we refer to the rapid breathing that the dog does with its mouth open. It will call our attention immediately, since the dog will normally breathe with its mouth closed. The panting of dogs is mainly a regulatory mechanism that serves to maintain body temperature within the limits considered physiological for the species. In this case, they are between 37.8 and 39.2 ºC.
Why is my dog panting a lot? By breathing with his mouth open and his tongue sticking out, the dog manages to exchange the warm air inside for the cooler air outside, thanks to the evaporation that takes place produces in your mouth. In this way, the dog lowers its body temperature. Lacking the number of sweat glands that people have, since they only have them in the pads, they cannot cool off by sweating, hence they resort to the physiological mechanism of panting.
Therefore, when the dog needs to lower its body temperature, panting will be normal. Keep in mind that it is common for your dog to pant a lot and not want to eat. Do not offer him food until he regains his normal breathing. Eating when the dog has just performed an intense physical activity could trigger a dilatation-torsion of the stomach.
In conclusion, it is normal for the dog to pant when he is hot or has become overheatedbecause he has just done some physical activity. The latter is especially noticeable in brachycephalic dog breeds due to the characteristics of their skull. This panting usually subsides spontaneously in a few minutes, when the dog manages to recover its temperature. But if the dog is panting a lot, the panting does not subside or we detect other symptoms, we will be facing a worrying situation.

Why is my dog panting a lot? - Causes
Why is my dog panting a lot? In addition to heat, it can be due to fever or exercise. Some indicate serious pathologies that will require rapid veterinary assistance, while others refer to causes of a psychological nature. This is known as behavioral panting We review the most common causes of panting:
- Heat stroke: occurs when the dog cannot lower its body temperature. It happens, for example, when you get stuck inside a car or exercise in very hot weather. In addition to hyperthermia and excessive panting, the dog hypersalivates, shows bright red mucous membranes, vomits, has bloody diarrhea, convulsions and if the temperature is not lowered, it can die. In this way, if your dog is panting a lot and drooling, go to the vet immediately because he could suffer heat stroke.
- Shock: the state of shock is an emergency situation and is produced by different causes, such as hemorrhage or intoxication. In addition to panting, the dog may progress unfavorably to the point of losing consciousness.
Dehydration: in these cases, for various reasons, such as severe diarrhea and vomiting, the dog is unable to recover its fluids that he loses. A dehydrated dog should receive prompt veterinary attention.
- Diabetic ketoacidosis: If your dog is panting a lot due to diabetic ketoacidosis, it is another veterinary emergency due to the accumulation of ketones, which are products of fat metabolism. It can be distinguished by the smell of acetone on the dog's breath.
- Poisonings: Poisonings can have multiple causes and symptoms, such as hypersalivation, breathing difficulties or seizures. The picture will depend on the characteristics of the poison and the dog. They also require veterinary attention.
- Pleural effusion: is the accumulation of blood or serum in the chest cavity. The dog, in addition to panting, will seek to adopt a posture that helps it get more oxygen. It is another veterinary emergency and the transfer must be done with extreme care.
- Stress: When there are no environmental circumstances to explain the panting and no signs suggesting illness, the panting could be a sample of the emotional state of the dog. In other words, a stressed or anxious dog may pant for this reason. In these cases, it is possible to observe that the dog pants a lot and trembles. A typical example is panting in the veterinary clinic or when listening to fireworks. If this sign of stress is repeated too frequently, it is recommended to contact an expert in canine behavior or ethologist, since stress in the dog is a sign of imbalance that must be resolved to restore the animal's well-being.
Pain: A dog in pain may pant. Sometimes, it is the only obvious sign of an ailment that we perceive. Other times, the dog pants a lot and cries. Therefore, we must always pay attention to panting that occurs outside the context that we consider physiological.
Why does my dog pant a lot at night?
Some caregivers report their dog panting at night. It may be detected at this time as there is greater calm, even though the dog has also panted for the rest of the day. In general, the causes of night panting can be the same as those already mentioned. These triggers occur if, for example, we turn the heat on very high during the night and the dog's bed is right next to the radiator. Also if we leave physical activity, such as walks or games, for the night hours or it is at this time when perceives stimuli from outside that make him especially nervous.
If your dog is panting a lot and is restless at night and you don't know why, he goes to a veterinary check-up. It is the way to diagnose the cause.
What to do if my dog is panting a lot?
Having seen the causes that can explain why a dog is panting a lot, what can you do? Panting for which the origin is unknown, does not subside in a short space of time or is accompanied by any other sign, requires go to the vet.
Only a professional can examine the dog and carry out the pertinent tests to find the cause of the panting and, consequently, choose the most appropriate treatment. If the cause is determined to be non-organic, disorders of psychological origin can be treated by ethology experts