malassezia in dogs is a yeast that is commonly found in your body. The problem occurs when, due to different circumstances, as we will see, the number of malassezia skyrockets. Malassezia infections are opportunistic, which means that they arise when another pathology is affecting the dog. Therefore, it is important to discover it in order to implement an adequate treatment. In this article on our site we will explain the characteristics of malassezia in dogs
Diseases caused by malassezia in dogs
As we have said, malassezia in dogs is part of the normal flora of their skin. It is beneficial because it inhibits the presence of other organisms that would be more pathogenic. When there is an imbalance in the skin, such as the one that can cause an allergy, dermatitis, otitis, a hormonal disease, especially hypothyroidism, parasites or a prolonged use of corticosteroids or antibiotics, which increases humidity, heat, sebum or simply lowers defenses, malassezia finds itself in an ideal environment to proliferate, especially in skin folds, complicating the picture of the primary disease.
Malassezia folliculitis may occur, in concurrence with staphylococci, and symptoms such as inflammation, itching, seborrhea, with increased sebum production, which gives the dog a characteristic musty smell.
Malassezia dermatitis in dogs
Dermatitis is a skin inflammation that can have different causes. In that caused by Malassezia pachydermatis in dogs, more frequent in adults, we insist that it is usually secondary to another pathology, pruritus is observed and areas delimited withabsence of hair, erythema and desquamation You can also see a thickening of the skin and its darkening, scabs and seborrhea, with the characteristic musty smell. It is more common in breeds such as the Westie, the Poodle, the Pekingese, the Cocker Spaniel, the Labrador, the German Shepherd or the Shar Pei and in the warmer months, with more parasites, allergens or environmental humidity.
Malassezia pododermatitis may also occur, characterized by erythema between the fingers and, if the nails are affected, brown discoloration at the base.
atopic dermatitis which is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction to different allergens, such as pollen or dust, is also usually associated with, to a painting with malassezia.
Treatment for malassezia dermatitis in dogs
For the treatment, consider the use of degreasing and antifungal shampoos, which can also be prescribed orally. If the affected area is small, treatment may be limited to the application of ointment.
The diagnosis is confirmed when the treatment works, since, as malassezia is usually found on the skin and mucous membranes, its observation under the microscope does not have to be conclusive, although detecting it in large numbers can make us suspect that it is behind the symptoms.

Malassezia otitis in dogs
Inside the ears there is also a presence of malassezia in dogs. Thus, when they suffer from otitis, that is, a inflammation in the ear canal, which may or may not be accompanied by infection, a favorable habitat is produced for the proliferation malassezia yeast. This will be influenced by the same causes as in the appearance of dermatitis.
The ear will present a characteristic secretion, in the form of scaling of color red-brownIt is possible that the dog manifests itching and demonstrates it by shaking its head or rubbing it with its paws or against any object. It generally affects both ears, and whenever we suspect a problem in them we should go to the vet and never apply medication on our own, as it could be counterproductive.
Treatment for malassezia otitis in dogs
Drugs against the malassezia fungus are prescribed, which also contain anti-inflammatories and antibioticsThey should be administered after cleaning the ear canal as recommended by the veterinarian. But, we insist, it is necessary to discover the primary cause behind the increase in malassezia.

Is malassezia in dogs contagious?
Malassezia, in general, is not contagious There are several species and, in principle, the one found in dogs would not infect humans, although this possible zoonosis is currently under review, since it has been proven that Malassezia pachydermatis has infected some particularly vulnerable people, such as premature babies or adults immunosuppressed patients admitted to intensive care units, due to transmission from the hands of he alth personnel[1]
Are there home remedies for malassezia in dogs?
As we have said, the vet will prescribe products specifically formulated to cure malassezia in dogs, which are the ones we should use in case of pathology. As maintenance, outside of the treatment, we should focus on providing a balanced diet, since it will affect the state of the skin. This diet must be adapted in cases of dogs with allergies. For the bath we must use specific products for dogs but with care, since an excess of baths could achieve the opposite effect.