ALL ABOUT Hiccups in Dogs - Causes and what to do

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ALL ABOUT Hiccups in Dogs - Causes and what to do
ALL ABOUT Hiccups in Dogs - Causes and what to do
Hiccups in Dogs - Causes and What to Do
Hiccups in Dogs - Causes and What to Do

Hiccups in dogs occurs in the same way as in people, through involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, which we can easily identify by the short sounds similar to "hip-hip". However, what does hiccups mean in dogs? Should we worry? Many owners notice hiccups in their dogs and wonder what to do, how to cure it and if it is dangerous.

In this article on our site we will talk about hiccups in dogs, explain the causes that cause them, to take certain precautions or how to get rid of hiccups in dogs. However, if appears too often, you should consult a veterinarian to rule out a secondary he alth problem.

Is hiccups normal in dogs?

Many people notice a "hiccup attack" in their dogs and worry, however, as we have anticipated in the introduction, hiccups in dogs are produced in a similar way as in people, by involuntary contractions that cause the vocal cords to close, causing the characteristic sound.

There are many causes that can cause this symptom to appear and, in general, we can say that is totally normal However, In some cases, a visit to the vet will be essential, we will talk about it below, taking into account the causes that can cause it.

Causes of hiccups in dogs

The symptoms of hiccups in dogs can appear suddenly or continuously and can be due to very varied causes. Below we talk about the most common, although of course there are more:

  • Rapid or excessive intake: many dogs eat anxiously, practically without chewing, and they are more prone to appearance of hiccups. But what to do if our dog eats very fast? There are different exercises to work on it, in addition to anti-voracity feeders for sale on the market. Likewise, drinking water that causes the accumulation of a lot of air in the stomach can also cause the appearance of hiccups.
  • Intoxication or unsuitable food: another cause of its appearance may be due to intoxication (for example, if the dog consumes alcohol or any other of prohibited dog foods).
  • Stress, anxiety and emotions: indeed, a situation that causes a peak of high stress in our dog (let's talk about an emotion positive or negative) can generate the appearance of hiccups. It is important to work on calm inside and outside the house, as well as fostering a relaxed attitude in our dog as much as possible.
  • Sudden changes in temperature: is another triggering factor, common in midsummer or midwinter, when the dog leaves a home with heat or air conditioning.
  • Diseases: in some cases hiccups can be a symptom that something is wrong. Especially if it lasts more than 24 or 48 hours or manifests itself continuously, it is highly recommended to go to a veterinary to reach a diagnosis. Some of the he alth problems that can trigger it are tumors, CNS diseases or metabolic disorders.
Hiccups in dogs - Causes and what to do - Causes of hiccups in dogs
Hiccups in dogs - Causes and what to do - Causes of hiccups in dogs

Hiccups in puppies

Hiccups in small dogs or babies is common, in fact, young dogs who suffer more frequently from this annoying symptomatology. But since it is an animal as sensitive as a puppy, it is totally understandable that the whole family unit is concerned and the truth is that if it persists for a long time or is repeated constantly, the most appropriate thing would be againgo to the vet

Dog breeds most prone to hiccups

Although all dogs can experience hiccups at some point in their lives, it is more common in puppy dogs and in the small dog breedsBut among all the canine breeds, we highlight the following with the greatest predisposition to suffer from it:

  • Chihuahua
  • French Bulldog
  • English bulldog
  • Labrador retriever
  • Golden retriever
  • Dachshund (sausage)
  • Pug or Pug
  • Yorkshire

How to get rid of hiccups in dogs?

If you've come this far wondering how to cure hiccups in dogs, you should know that you don't need to do anything, because in most cases cases will end after a few minutes. To alleviate the symptoms or improve the dog's well-being we can massage the animal's neck gently. Of course, we should not force him to drink water or eat food if he does not want it. It will also be ideal to provide him with a lot of calm, avoiding stress, excessive handling, yelling or making him walk if he prefers to lie down.

However, in those cases where we observe that this annoying symptom persists for hours, we must go to the vet to identify the cause that causes it provoked by diagnostic tests. In no case should we self-medicate our dog or apply home remedies to our dog that are not prescribed by a veterinarian, as we could worsen the condition.
