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Pimples in Dogs - Causes and Treatment
Pimples in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

Sometimes we can discover in our dog one or several pimples in different parts of her body. These can have different causes, as we will examine in this article on our site. If our dog has pimples on its skin, it may indicate that it is suffering from a dermatological problem, but, in addition, the pimples are a consequence of the presence of parasites such as fleas or ticks, allergies or, in reality, they could be abscesses, cysts or tumors.

Keep reading to find out all about pimples in dogs, what causes them, how to treat them and, if so, possible, how to prevent them.

Causes of pimples in dogs

When we detect one or several pimples in our dog, the first thing we have to know is that, despite their appearance, they are not always true pimples, because we could be facing abscesses, which are accumulations of pus under the skin, or even tumors. On the other hand, there is more than one cause to explain its appearance. Acne, folliculitis, pododermatitis, allergies, insect bites or external parasites, such as ticks and fleas, are among the most common. Its location, as we will see in the next section, can give us a clue at the time of diagnosis.

Pimples In Dogs - Causes And Treatment - Causes Of Pimples In Dogs
Pimples In Dogs - Causes And Treatment - Causes Of Pimples In Dogs

Types of pimples in dogs

Depending on the location, we find the following types of pimples in dogs:

My dog has pimples on his chin

If our dog has pimples on the skin in the chin area and it is a puppy, we can think that he suffers canine acneIt is one of the causes of pimples in dogs. Pus can come out of them. The lower lips and, less frequently, the genital area, perineum, or groin may also be affected.

It seems that this type of acne in dogs is caused by an obstruction of the hair follicles and that there are predisposed breeds, such as the boxer or the bulldog. It is a disorder that normally disappears when the puppy reaches sexual maturity.

My dog has pimples on his paws

Although there are more causes, if our dog has pimples on the skin of the paws, more specifically on the feet, it is possible that he suffers from a pododermatitisThis pathology consists of an inflammation due to different causes, which range from blows to foreign bodies, through allergies or parasites. Fungi also cause this type of pimples in dogs.

In addition, the condition can be complicated by the appearance of bacterial infections, which is called interdigital pyoderma The leg will be swollen, with one or several pimples that may emit discharge, and the dog will limp. To find out the cause, look at whether one or more legs are affected.

My dog has pimples on his anus

That the dog has pimples on the skin of the anus or near it can be due to different causes. However, there is a reason for the appearance of small bumps exclusive to this location. These are anal gland infections, polyps or tumors, which can originate in the rectum or in these glands. We will observe them as lumps of different sizes that can grow, ulcerate or expel secretions.

My dog has pimples on his back

Specifically, the red grains in the lumbosacral area, that is, towards the end of the loin and at the base of the tail, may be due to the presence of fleas These feed on blood and can cause pimples, especially in animals with allergies to their bite, also in the perineal region, abdominal, rear of hind legs or thighs. In addition, the hair falls out due to the intense scratching caused by the itching. If left untreated, the skin thickens and darkens.

My dog has pimples all over his body

Causes that we have mentioned in previous sections can produce pimples in dogs in different areas. In addition, folliculitis, a disorder secondary to other pathologies, such as scabies, allergies or hypothyroidism, causes pimples on the belly, armpits, groin or back. It is due to infection of the hair follicle and you have to look for the underlying disease to be able to treat it.

But if a dog has pimples on the skin in areas with little hair, we can also think that it has come into contact with some irritating substanceFor example, if the grains are in the testicles, it may be because it has been sitting on a floor impregnated with some abrasive substance. On the contrary, pimples on the snout point to allergic dermatitis from contact with plastic dishes. In any case, we will observe reddish pimples, itching and inflammation There may be suppuration and, due to scratching, there is the possibility of complications with bacterial infections. You have to look for the irritating agent and avoid it.

Finally, the ticks, which are parasites that must introduce their heads into the dog's body to feed, generally with a preference for areas with little hair, can also cause grains in different parts. After feeding they come off or we pull them off, leaving the head inside, and the result is the formation of a red pimple or a small abscess. They are located mainly in the ears, neck or between the fingers. Insect stings, such as bees, wasps, or spiders, can also cause a pimple to form.

Pimples in dogs - Causes and treatment - Types of pimples in dogs
Pimples in dogs - Causes and treatment - Types of pimples in dogs

Symptoms of pimples in dogs

In addition to detecting one or more pimples, depending on the cause, our dog may show clinical signs such as the following:

  • Itching, which leads the animal to scratch, bite and rub.
  • Redness.
  • Inflammation.
  • Infection.
  • Wounds.
  • Alopecia.
  • Pain.
  • Concern.
  • Secretions.
  • General discomfort.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
Pimples In Dogs - Causes And Treatment - Symptoms Of Pimples In Dogs
Pimples In Dogs - Causes And Treatment - Symptoms Of Pimples In Dogs

How to treat pimples in dogs?

Logically, to get the right treatment the first thing is to know what the cause of pimples is and if they really are. For this you have to go to the vet. Once this is done, the treatment usually includes disinfectants, antiparasitics, antibiotics, antifungals, anti-inflammatories, etc. The aim is to control or eliminate the cause of the pimples and to alleviate any other associated signs, for example, pain, inflammation or bacterial infections.

Many times, especially if we go to the clinic at the first sign, the treatment can be topical, that is, applied directly on The grains. But, in other cases, it will have to be systemic, administering drugs orally or by injection.

On the other hand, if a food allergy is suspected, the veterinarian will prescribe a elimination or hypoallergenic diet, consisting of a number minimum of ingredients, better that the dog has not consumed before, or based on hydrolyzed proteins so that they do not trigger the allergic reaction.

Pimples in dogs - Causes and treatment - How to treat pimples in dogs?
Pimples in dogs - Causes and treatment - How to treat pimples in dogs?

Home remedies for canine pimples

Always after the diagnosis and treatment by the vet, at home there are some measures that we can take into account to promote the recovery of our dog and, above all, to prevent pimples from reappearing. They are as follows:

  • Wash the area with soap and water and apply a disinfectant or specific shampoo, always following the instructions of the veterinarian. Oatmeal shampoo, if the professional allows it, is a good option.
  • Offer a quality diet, rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids Be careful, never give supplements if they have not been prescribed the vet. In addition, the correct intake of fiber and good hydration favor intestinal transit and prevent the risk of suffering problems in the anal glands.
  • Control the environment to avoid the dog's contact with potentially irritating substances, including plants.
  • Keep the dog dewormed as regularly as necessary and away from insects as much as possible. In this article we leave you home remedies for ticks and in this other one for fleas. It is also important to clean the house and the dog beds.