Vomiting in Dogs - Causes, Treatment, Types of Vomiting (With Photos)

Vomiting in Dogs - Causes, Treatment, Types of Vomiting (With Photos)
Vomiting in Dogs - Causes, Treatment, Types of Vomiting (With Photos)
Vomiting in Dogs - Causes and Treatment
Vomiting in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

vomiting in dogs is a fairly common disorder that can occur for multiple reasons. In general, the most common is that they happen after a change in diet, by eating junk food, by eating too quickly or by suffering from mild gastroenteritis. In these cases, a 24-hour fast is performed and the vomiting subsides.

However, sometimes the causes of vomiting in dogs are more serious, and can be caused by diseases, obstructions, etc. The ingestion of objects can obstruct your digestive system or you may have been allergic to a new food. For this reason, in this article on our site we will explain everything about vomiting in dogs, its causes, treatment and types of vomiting.

Types of vomiting in dogs

The types of vomiting in dogs are classified according to their duration and according to their composition. Thus, vomiting can be acute when it subsides within a maximum period of four days, or chronicwhen they are repeated over time constantly and regularly.

Depending on the content of the vomit, we find the following types of vomiting in dogs:

  • Bilious vomiting: This vomiting is characterized by the expulsion of bile fluid.
  • Food Vomit: When the dog vomits the digested food.
  • Mucus Vomit: Occurs when the dog vomits mucus.
  • Hematic vomiting: This is vomiting with/blood.

It is also common to find vomiting in dogs with the presence of grass, vomit that is brown or smells like feces. In the following sections we show the causes of vomiting in dogs, as well as the different factors that can explain the development of one type or another.

Why is my dog vomiting? - Most common causes

The causes that can cause vomiting in dogs are very varied. All produce an inflammation or irritation of the stomach or intestine that hinders normal digestive transit. It is advisable for all owners to know them in order to act quickly.

Stomach flu

Gastroenteritis affects dogs in the same way as humans. The vomiting is constant and is usually accompanied by diarrhoea, the dog is listless and has abdominal pain. This disease can be treated at home and in a couple of days our dog will recover, although it all depends on the cause. In general, gastroenteritis is usually caused by the intake of spoiled food, by a viral or bacterial infection. Depending on the type of virus or bacteria, veterinary treatment may be required.

If the vomiting persists for more than two days and there is no improvement, it is essential to go to the vet. If you want to know more about canine gastroenteritis, also read our article on gastroenteritis in dogs.

Foreign body ingestion

Ingesting any object can cause blockages in the dog's stomach or intestine, causing him to vomit to expel it. In many cases you will not be able to expel it and the vomiting will be repeated. It is important that if you see your dog ingesting any object, go to your veterinarian immediately.

Intestinal parasites

The presence of intestinal parasites such as tapeworms or roundworms can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal inflammation, loss of appetite and other symptoms that must be treated. It is necessary for the veterinarian to administer the appropriate antiparasitic to expel them.

If you want to know more about the parasites that affect dogs, in our article on intestinal parasites in dogs you will learn about the main parasites and how to fight them.

Viral infection

Severe viral illnesses, such as parvovirus or distemper, can cause vomiting. Puppies are much more susceptible to these types of infections. Both are highly contagious diseases between dogs and can be fatal if you go to the specialist late. Find out properly and if you suspect that it may be any of these causes, do not hesitate to go to the vet.

Toxic foods or food allergies

Some plants or foods can be toxic and cause indigestion to our dog, as well as eating spoiled food from the garbage. In this article about toxic plants for dogs you will be able to know everything about the subject.

Similarly, a food allergy will cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain in the dog that suffers from it. Likewise, it is common to observe inflammation of the oral area, as well as redness and hair loss. There are many foods that can cause allergies and it is necessary to identify the cause to remove it from the diet immediately.


Old dogs are more prone to tumors. In this case, vomiting would be accompanied by other obvious symptoms that show us the presence of a disease. Feel your dog's entire coat for physical abnormalities.

Inflammatory bowel disease

This chronic disease causes inflammation of the intestines. Generates vomiting after intense efforts or after exercising after meals. With a special diet and controlled exercise, any dog can lead a normal life.

Diet changes

A a sudden change in diet can cause intestinal problems and consequently vomiting. It is important that you introduce the changes gradually, whether the animal follows a homemade diet or if you offer commercial feed. So, if you have changed your dog's food and you have noticed that he vomits or has diarrhea, you should know that this is very likely the cause. You just have to be patient and wait for it to adapt to the new food if you no longer have the old one to mix it and make the gradual change.

Eating too fast

Sometimes there are dogs that get very excited at the time of eating and eat food too quickly. In these cases, they expel a vomit that may be accompanied by white foam. It is a specific problem, we should not be alarmed but we should try to get our dog to improve his behavior. If he eats too fast, he rations his food into two bowls and don't give him the second until he finishes the first. Wait a few minutes to make sure he doesn't vomit and give him the rest of the food. Find out what else to do if your dog eats too fast.

Vaccines or antiparasitic products

Side effects of vaccines and deworming products include vomiting and diarrhea. Especially puppies, they tend to be listless or have small vomiting after receiving their first doses. It is a totally normal situation that does not usually last more than 24-48 hours If after this time the vomiting continues, it is necessary to visit the vet.

Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - Why is my dog vomiting? - Most common causes
Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - Why is my dog vomiting? - Most common causes

Why is my puppy vomiting?

In the previous section we have already seen some of the most common causes of vomiting in puppies. However, we mention them again below:

  • Canine parvovirus: Canine parvovirus is one of the deadliest diseases in existence because there is still no cure today. When a puppy contracts parvovirus, the treatment is based on combating dehydration and strengthening the immune system so that it is the animal itself that expels the virus.
  • Diet change: It is common to suddenly change a puppy's diet when adopting it, either due to ignorance of its previous diet or because the effects of this sudden change are not taken into account. A puppy's stomach is even more sensitive than an adult's, which is why if the food change is not made gradually, it will vomit or have diarrhea.
  • Vaccination and deworming: both actions can cause vomiting and/or diarrhea in puppies.

Yellow vomit in dogs

Yellow vomit in dogs belongs to the type of bile vomiting, since the yellowish liquid we see is none other than bile This happens when the dog has already vomited several times and his stomach is empty, causing the only thing available to expel is this bile fluid.

Why is my dog vomiting bile?

Although these vomits of bile usually appear yellow, it is also common to see them in a greenish or brownish tone. In any case, the most common causes of vomiting in dogs are usually the presence of some infectious disease, the development of an allergy or food intolerance, the consumption of toxic objects or substances or a situation of a lot of stressIt is important to visit the vet, especially to combat dehydration and find the underlying cause, since, as we have said, yellow vomit is the result of having been vomiting before.

Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - Yellow vomiting in dogs
Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - Yellow vomiting in dogs

My dog vomits undigested food

When we observe that the dog eats and immediately vomits, we must know that we are not dealing with a case of vomiting, but of regurgitation They are different disorders and indicate different causes. Thus, vomiting indicates the presence of a gastrointestinal problem, which occurs when the animal expels the contents of the stomach having first presented nausea and retching. Regurgitation, on the other hand, expels the ingested food without going into the stomach, so there is no nausea or retching, nor is it accompanied by bile. In this case, the organ that is affected is the esophagus.

The main cause of regurgitation is eating too quicklyWhen this occurs, it is normal to see the dog vomit food without digest, such as whole feed or whole pieces of meat if you follow a homemade diet. Another common reason for this symptom is food allergy. When the body notices that the allergen has come into contact with it, it expels it almost immediately.

However, there are many more causes that can be found behind this regurgitation, so we recommend consulting the following article: "Why does my dog vomit after eating?".

My dog is vomiting blood

Bleeding vomiting is one of the most worrying among caregivers, especially when the entire vomit is blood. Sometimes a dog will vomit blood from something as simple as a wound to the gum or tongue, however, more serious problems can also be behind this type of vomit.

Among the most common causes we find diseases that cause inflammation of the digestive system, which usually cause us to observe that the dog vomits blood and has diarrhea. Among all of them, the most common is the parvovirus, especially if it is a puppy.

The presence of c foreign bodies can also cause bloody vomiting in dogs because they have been able to perforate or damage different areas of the digestive tract. Poisoning, poisoning, kidney failure, gastric ulcers or tumors are also common causes of blood in vomit. All these problems require veterinary treatment, so it is necessary to visit a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.

For more information, see this article: "Why is my dog vomiting blood?".

Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - My dog vomits blood
Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - My dog vomits blood

My dog vomits white foam

The vomiting of white foam in dogs usually corresponds to the vomiting of bile, since it occurs when the animal's stomach is empty. The main cause of this vomiting in dogs is inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis, which is mainly caused by a viral infection.

On the other hand, a kidney or liver failure can also be behind this gastritis, since its symptoms include white vomit or yellowish In this way, yellow vomiting can also be caused by this. These problems occur especially in older dogs, so it is advisable to carry out routine examinations at our trusted veterinary clinic in order to detect them early.

Another cause of vomiting in dogs is bitch cough, which makes the dog vomit and cough. It is a highly contagious disease that should be treated as soon as possible. Other reasons may be heart disease, tracheal collapse, intoxication, etc. Do not miss this other article and go to the specialist: "My dog vomits white foam - Causes".

Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - My dog vomits white foam
Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - My dog vomits white foam

Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs

After reviewing the different diseases and he alth problems that cause vomiting in dogs, it is not surprising that many of them also show the presence of diarrhoea. So, if your dog is vomiting and has diarrhea, it will be necessary to go to the vet to have him examined and find the underlying cause. In many cases, this cause is mild and disappears with a soft diet, however, in others it is a more serious problem that requires pharmacological treatment or surgery.

Vomiting in dogs: treatment

The treatment of vomiting in dogs depends on the underlying cause, since there is no single action strategy. A viral disease is not treated the same as indigestion, for example, so it will be necessary to go to the veterinarian to diagnose the problem and establish the best treatment. Depending on the disorder or condition, he or she may prescribe antibiotics, pain relievers, and a stomach protector Also, in some cases surgery may be necessary.

Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - Vomiting in dogs: treatment
Vomiting in dogs - Causes and treatment - Vomiting in dogs: treatment

My dog vomits a lot, what do I do?

When vomiting in dogs occurs due to the ingestion of spoiled food or because the food did not sit well with him, what we must do is restore the intestinal florawithholding food for 24 hours and then offering a bland diet. Of course, throughout this process it is very important to maintain hydration, so the dog must be able to drink all the water it needs.

What to give a dog when he vomits?

The diet for vomiting in dogs should be composed of easily digestible foods, such as boiled chicken, boiled potato, boiled rice, carrot boiled, boiled pumpkin or boiled turkey. Since the animal may not want to eat, we will offer the food in small amounts, several times a day, since it is not advisable to overload the stomach after a period of vomiting or diarrhea.

In the following article you will find very effective remedies to combat vomiting in dogs: "Home remedies for dogs with vomiting".

Now, if the vomiting has been caused by another more serious cause, such as an illness, if the problem is not treated, the vomiting will not go away. For this reason, it is very important to see a specialist, especially if the vomiting continues after fasting for 24 hours and the introduction of a soft diet.

When to go to the vet?

Vomiting can be caused by different causes. In many cases we will not know exactly why. If a dog vomits once or twice, but is not listless and eats normally, it was probably a temporary thing. That is why it is important to know our dog and his habits. We must know how to differentiate between isolated vomiting and, for example, gastroenteritis.

As a general rule, if the vomiting is continuous and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as apathy, loss of appetite, fever or diarrhoea, we should be concerned. It is best to withdraw food during the first 24 hours and ensure our dog's hydration as we have explained in the previous section. But, if after this time the vomiting persists, we will visit the vet immediately.

If the dog is elderly or a puppy, more care should be taken. They are more prone to dehydration and in a very young dog severe gastroenteritis can be fatal.

If you see blood in the vomit or in the stool, see your vet immediately.
