HIVES in Dogs - Causes and Home Remedies

HIVES in Dogs - Causes and Home Remedies
HIVES in Dogs - Causes and Home Remedies
Hives in Dogs - Causes and Home Remedies
Hives in Dogs - Causes and Home Remedies

Wheals in dogs can be defined as red, smooth-surfaced bumps that appear anywhere on the skin due to different causes and cause itching of greater or lesser intensity. A bruise can also be called a wheal, that is, the purple-colored area that occurs on the skin due to the accumulation of blood after a blow. In this article on our site we will see the causes that can cause a hive and what its treatment is, so keep reading to discover everything you need to know about hives in dogs

Types of hives in dogs

We have seen that hives can be seen as reddish spots anywhere on the dog's body. They are of sudden appearance or of chronic presentation. The color can vary if we take a bruise for a welt, since, in this case, the shades would include a wide range of purples

In our dog we can discover different types of welts, since they will be of different sizes, they can appear in different parts of the body, although we will observe them more easily in areas devoid of hair, and they are capable of cause more or less intense itching. In addition, some may spontaneously remit in a few hours. It is important that we pay attention to all these characteristics to transfer the information to the veterinarian.

Causes of hives in dogs

First of all, if what our dog has is a hematoma, it will be produced by a blow of sufficient intensity to cause a hemorrhage under the skin, which is what causes the coloration that we observe. As in any welt, because the dog's body is usually covered with hair, we will detect them more easily in areas such as the abdomen. Bruises are not common in dogs and can be caused by a blow or a coagulation problem. In the latter case, they could be part of a serious disorder.

hives or hives in dogs are often linked to allergic reactionsThese occur when the dog's immune system overreacts to a substance that, in principle, poses no threat. It is common for them to cause a lot of itching, although not always, and they occur for different reasons. They have an immunological origin or not. In the first case, there may be a reaction to insect bites, various parasites, any food, vaccinations, etc. Instead, non-immunological causes are heat, light, exercise, stress, drugs, etc. Being the main reason that triggers the hives an allergy, it is normal to observe that the dog has hives and is swollen or that it has hives on the skin and scratches a lot.

Hair loss and hives in dogs

Hair loss and hives in dogs are associated when the clinical picture is itchy The dog will scratch and this mechanical action ends for breaking the hair and promoting alopecia, in addition to other injuries that can be done with the mouth or with the nails, complicating the picture. The causes of this situation are the same as those mentioned in the previous section. In general, this type of hives in dogs is usually caused by an allergic reaction or by the presence of parasites. In the latter case, hair loss and hives in the dog usually appear as a result of an allergic reaction. For example, this occurs when the animal has flea bite allergy It is necessary to detect the parasites to eliminate them.

Hives in dogs - Causes and home remedies - Hair loss and hives in dogs
Hives in dogs - Causes and home remedies - Hair loss and hives in dogs

Wheals and dermatitis in dogs

Dermatitis is nothing more than inflammation of the skin, which is why it appears as a symptom of some of the most common skin diseases in dogs. In this way, dermatitis and hives are different manifestations that we should not confuse. For example, if we observe that the dog has red spots on its belly, it is most likely a case of atopic dermatitis, which may or may not be related to an allergy. Likewise, if the dog has hives in the armpits or has hives with dandruff, there is also the possibility that we are facing some type of dermatitis, such as the aforementioned atopic dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis.

Hives and scabies in dogs

As we have seen, on some occasions, the skin manifestations of pathologies other than those mentioned may look like welts. Another example of this is sarcoptic mange, in which some red dots can be distinguished and, in addition, the dog will have a very intense itch and, when scratching, you will lose hair and get wounds. Thus, if welts are observed on the elbows of dogs, it is necessary to check if it is this problem or a completely different one, such as this type of mange or another. Another condition more common than scabies, folliculitis, can also appear as a series of papules that can be mistaken for hives.

For all these reasons, we insist on the importance of going to the vet. If we detect hives in our dog, they can not only be due to allergies or bruises that we have mentioned, but we could take other dermatological lesions for hives. It will be the veterinarian who, after examining the dog, determines what type of dermatitis it is.

Hives in dogs - Causes and home remedies - Hives and mange in dogs
Hives in dogs - Causes and home remedies - Hives and mange in dogs

How to cure hives in dogs?

In the treatment for hives in dogs it is going to be important to distinguish an acute appearance or a chronic presentation. In the first case, it is usually easier to find the cause that has triggered the reaction and therefore control it. On the other hand, in chronic cases it can be very difficult to determine exactly what has caused them, and this is essential to treat, since the first point involves avoiding exposure to this factorAs always, the veterinarian will be in charge of reaching the diagnosis and recommending the most appropriate treatment. For example, if the skin reaction is due to a food allergy, an elimination diet should be administered for at least a couple of months. The goal is to avoid contact with the trigger food. Depending on the dog's response, the menu will be modified.

Medicine for hives in dogs

To control the reaction and itching, if any, corticoids are usually used, which can even be administered intravenously, if required. You can also use antihistamines It is possible that the doctor prescribes a cream for hives in dogs, which will have drugs like those mentioned for topical use. We should only use medicines under veterinary prescription.

Home remedies for hives in dogs

At this point it is important that we know that, if we discover hives on our dog of unknown origin, we should not apply any product on our own, since it is important that the veterinarian can see them as they have appeared.

Once we have the diagnosis, and always in consultation with the veterinarian, at home, in addition to the medication prescribed by this professional, we can resort to some products that will relieve itching and, in general, to improve the condition of the skin, favoring its hydration, which is important to avoid make the picture worse. We insist on the importance of agreeing on these applications with the veterinarian so that they do not interfere with the drugs prescribed for us, if applicable. The natural products that we highlight are the following:

  • Avena: recommended for its softening and moisturizing action. We can make an oatmeal shampoo at home and bathe the dog with it or, at least, wash the affected area.
  • Olive Oil: This oil is another standout moisturizer. Simply apply a small amount directly to the affected area, massaging gently for absorption.
  • Miel: this product also softens the skin and will also help healing in cases where it is eroded. It is applied directly and we will let it act for a while, preventing the dog from ingesting it if it has access to the area. For more similar remedies, do not miss this article: "Home remedies to heal wounds in dogs".
  • Aloe vera: well known for its beneficial properties on damaged skin, we should look for it better naturally and we can even get hold of the plant to use it directly when we need it. We will only have to cut a fragment of the leaf, peel it and apply the gel inside it on the damaged area.
