Coccidiosis in birds

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Coccidiosis in birds
Coccidiosis in birds
Coccidiosis in birds
Coccidiosis in birds

The he alth of the birds is of great importance, if we want them as pets we will do our best for their well-being, but in the case of birds intended for food, their he alth is directly related to the public he alth.

In this article on our site we talk about coccidiosis in birds, a contagious disease that must be detected and treated as soon as possible possible, as it can be very serious.

Keep reading to find out what it is and what are the symptoms and treatments indicated for a bird suffering from coccidiosis:

What is coccidiosis?

Coccidiosis in birds is a disease caused by protozoa, specifically coccidia, which are spread by the fecal-oral route and reproduce inside the bird affecting the gastrointestinal tractand are subsequently distributed in the feces, causing new foci of infection.

Affects domestic birds and other birds such as farm birds, in this case, growing chickens and young adults, chicks less than three weeks old or chicks are more susceptible. mature chickens very rarely suffer from this disease.

The protozoa that cause it are coccidia of the genus Eimeria, the following strains cause coccidiosis in birds:

  • AND. Tenella
  • AND. Acervulina
  • AND. Maximum
  • AND. Necatrix
  • AND. Mivati
  • AND. Mitis
  • AND. Praecox
  • AND. Nagari

The condition they cause in the gastrointestinal tract mainly causes enteritis (inflammation of the cells of the intestinal wall) and bloody diarrhea.

Symptoms of coccidiosis in birds

A bird affected by coccidiosis will show the following symptoms:

  • Bloody stool
  • Weakness and drowsiness
  • Inflammation of the cloaca
  • Area around the sewer stained with blood
  • Reduction in head size

If we suspect coccidiosis we should go to a veterinarian urgently as it is very important to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible.

Coccidiosis in birds - Symptoms of coccidiosis in birds
Coccidiosis in birds - Symptoms of coccidiosis in birds

Treatment of coccidiosis in poultry

Coccidiosis can be fatal for birds, death is due to loss of electrolytes due to dehydration. Unfortunately, coccidiosis can only be treated in the early stages of the disease. In the case of timely treatment, an anticoccidial (generally decoquinate) is used, which inhibits the development of protozoa and allows a good prognosis of the disease.

Due to the contagious nature of coccidiosis, part of the treatment must be based on isolating the sick bird from other birds, otherwise, the disease can spread rapidly and fatally.

It will be the veterinarian who tells you when the bird has overcome coccidiosis and therefore when it can be in contact with the rest of the birds again.

Coccidiosis in birds - Treatment of coccidiosis in birds
Coccidiosis in birds - Treatment of coccidiosis in birds

Prevention of coccidiosis in poultry

Coccidiosis in birds can be prevented In farm birds, immunization is carried out with commercial vaccines since poultry are the most susceptible to being subjected to continuous stress. In other cases, coccidiostats are used on a rotating basis that are administered together with the food, this being the most widespread system.

Adequate prevention of coccidiosis requires regular visits to the veterinarian, since birds also need frequent check-ups to ensure their optimal state of he alth and well-being.
