Without a doubt, one of the most frequent queries in the small animal clinic is associated with digestive problems Diet, frequency with which the animal defecates, the consistency of the feces and many others, are doubts that owners constantly have when assessing the he alth of their pets.
Digestive problems in cats can be associated with many causes and promptness is required on the part of the owner so that their pet receives medical attention as soon as possible and, thus, increase the chances that it will return to life. normal in a reasonable time. In this article on our site, we will talk about coccidiosis in cats, a disease caused by parasites that can compromise your kitten's quality of life and, at worst, cases, cause death.
What is coccidiosis in cats?
Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease, caused by microorganisms that are usually located in the small intestine. This infection causes severe diarrhea, which can be bloody, and is very dangerous in young animals. Even though it has been described that coccidia are not too pathogenic in felines, it is a fairly risky disease in animals younger than six months. Adult animals can contain a certain amount of coccidia in their intestine and not show any symptoms.
Is coccidiosis contagious to humans?
The coccidia that most parasitize cats belong to the genus Isospora, and are not capable of infecting humansOn the other hand, a very important coccidia that can parasitize humans is Toxoplasma, which causes toxoplasmosis in cats, one of the most studied diseases in humans in recent times.
How is feline coccidiosis spread?
Infective forms of coccidia are found in faeces, therefore, they are the main source of contagion for other susceptible animals. It has been reported that these infective forms can be ingested by mice, which, when hunted by cats, end up infecting them indirectly.
The immune system of each animal plays a fundamental role when it comes to whether or not the disease can occur. The correct cleaning of the litter box or the place where your pets defecate is important to prevent another animal from being harmed in case there are infective forms of coccidia in their stools.

Symptoms of coccidiosis in cats
The symptoms are quite common if we talk about a digestive condition. It is normal for the owner to come to the consultation because his pet is not behaving the same and is choosing food. The first thing that can be noticed in any animal is lack of appetite and apathy, but as the parasite progresses and the reproduction of microorganisms becomes present, we can appreciate:
- Lethargy: in all diseases where the animal has lost blood, a symptom of "reluctance" may be evident. This sign is very noticeable if the animal is lively under normal conditions, and is usually a cause for immediate concern for the owner.
- Anorexia: it is normal for the animal to lose weight in a short time in digestive conditions. In a matter of days, you can notice a big difference and you should see your vet right away.
- Diarrhea (sometimes bloody): due to parasitic immunity processes, diarrhea will occur. In some cases, the reproduction of the parasites breaks the intestinal cell and blood can be seen in the stool.
- Abdominal pain: One of the most worrying signs in cats is abdominal pain, which is first associated with fatal diseases. It is normal that due to the process that is occurring at the intestinal level, the patient presents severe abdominal pain.
- Fever: we will be able to appreciate the higher than normal temperature, especially if a secondary infection has established itself in the feline's intestine.
- Vomiting: although the damage is at the intestinal level, the pain and nausea end up causing recurrent vomiting in our pet.
- Dehydration: diarrhea, vomiting and decreased intake of water and food end up causing significant dehydration in the patient. Here you will find some home remedies for dehydrated cats.
- Tenesmus: these are strong and painful contractions of an organ (of the rectum, in this case), generally accompanied by incomplete emptying of it.
If your cat shows any of these symptoms, don't hesitate and take him to the vet to treat the parasite as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of coccidiosis in cats
The disease ends up being diagnosed when the veterinary practitioner relates the clinical signs to the laboratory results. It will take a stool test and a blood test to make a definitive diagnosis.
The veterinarian must have some skill when it comes to identifying coccidia eggs, since although they are quite peculiar and it is really difficult to identify the species, especially in the early stages. This is of some clinical importance, because not all coccidia are pathogenic in cats, and this misrepresents the definitive diagnosis when relating the presence of unrelated eggs pathogens with clinical signs.
It must be taken into account that the presence of coccidia in the feces does not necessarily mean that the animal suffers from coccidiosis, since adult animals can live peacefully with a certain parasite load without presenting symptoms.

Feline coccidiosis treatment
The treatment will depend on the characteristics of the patient and the evolution of the disease. First of all, a symptomatological treatment must be instituted to reverse the damage caused by the parasite. Generally used:
- Fluids: to restore water and electrolyte losses.
- Drugs: those that help the patient with abdominal pain.
- Vomiting inhibitors: only if the situation calls for it.
This action is essential, since the life of the animal could depend on it. After this, an etiological treatment must be carried out, which refers to directly combating the agent responsible for the disease. Coccidia are susceptible to certain antibiotics belonging to the sulfonamide family, and if the symptomatic treatment has been carried out well, the prognosis is generally positive. We must not forget that each doctor has their criteria and that the treatments are chosen by the veterinarians. Under no circumstances should the owner medicate their pet without the supervision of their pet's physician.