Horner's syndrome in cats consists of a set of symptoms that affect the nervous system, specifically we can see itseye effects . This alteration can appear in cats of all ages.
In this article on our site we will explain how we can recognize Horner's syndrome and what are the most common causes that can produce it. Our veterinarian, after examining our feline, will be in charge of reaching a diagnosis as well as proposing the most appropriate treatment
What is Horner syndrome in cats?
It is complex to explain the mechanisms that lead to the appearance of Horner's syndrome. Broadly speaking, we can say that there is a communication error in the nervous system that manifests itself with eye problems. It can be unilateral or bilateral, depending on whether it affects one eye or both. This fault has different causes and produces easily recognizable symptoms.
Symptoms of Horner syndrome in cats
The clinical picture of Horner is characteristic and we can suspect that our cat is suffering from it if we observe signs such as the following:
- Protrusion of the nictitating membrane or third eyelid: cats have this membrane that in this and other conditions extends over the eye to protect it. We will observe it perfectly as a white sheet that prolapses, occupying a good part of the eye.
- Miosis: which is defined as the fixed appearance of the pupil, which is permanently contracted.
- Ptosis palpebral: which consists of the slight drooping of the upper eyelid over the eye.
- Enophthalmia: the eye seems smaller in size, it seems retracted in its socket.
Any of these symptoms is reason for veterinary consultation.

Causes of Horner syndrome in cats
It must be said that, on occasions, the cause that has triggered the syndrome cannot be determined. It is said that, in these cases, the origin is idiopathic Other times we do conclude that it may be caused by a traumatism, which includes everything from running over to falling from considerable heights, but also damage caused by bites such as those that can occur in a fight or in the attack of other animals.
Another cause of Horner's syndrome is otitis media or interna, that is, when there is inflammation of the ear at its levels deeper, which ends up causing damage at the nerve level. Poisoning, infections and tumors may also be responsible for Horner syndrome.
Diagnosis of Horner's syndrome in cats
First of all, the vet will ask us about our cat's circumstances to find out if he has suffered an accident or we suspect it, if he has been ill or receiving any treatment, etc. The symptoms of Horner's are unmistakable, so it is more about determining the cause behind its appearance.
To achieve this, the veterinarian can resort to different tests, including blood tests,X-rays , the MRIs or the CT , which allow us to obtain information about the area at all levels. Of course, you should not miss a neurological, eye and ear exam If we establish the cause we can treat the origin of the problem.
Treatment of Horner syndrome in cats
The typical symptoms of the Horner may subside in a matter of weeks but the veterinarian will prescribe treatment for the cause that is identified. Thus, if our cat has suffered an accident or an attack, it will be necessary to assess whether he suffers other injuries, such as, for example, fractures. In these cases, analgesics, anti-inflammatories and even antibiotics are often needed.
If we are facing an otitis, it is necessary to find out the cause in order to prescribe an appropriate drug. Sometimes anesthesia will be needed in order to examine theear and clean it thoroughly. Tumors can be treated but will have a guarded prognosis.