How to move a cat's litter box? - Helpful tips

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How to move a cat's litter box? - Helpful tips
How to move a cat's litter box? - Helpful tips
How to change the place of a cat's litter box?
How to change the place of a cat's litter box?

Placement of the litter box is one of the first questions raised by the caretaker of a cat that has just arrived at home. Finding the right place to have our cat's bathroom must combine its needs with the comfort of the human, likewise, it has to keep enough distance from the feeder and drinker. Once the balance has been found, and since cats are animals of habit, any change in their environment is a source of doubt. In this article on our site we are going to explain why and how to move a cat's litter box If you like felines, you're interested!

Cats and changes

Cats are creatures of habit, so any change has to be done in a controlled manner and, above all, when there is truly need to make a change. This means that if our cat uses the litter box without problems in the place where we have arranged it, there is no need to change it. If for a compelling reason we must move it, how to change the place of the cat's litter box can be as easy as arranging it in the new location that we have decided and showing it to it. Generally, within the same home and if there are no more changes, the cat accepts the transfer well, as long as the appropriate measures are respected. Of course, if the cat is not using the litter box, it is more than enough reason to change it, since it may be feeling uncomfortable with it or with the location, this being the cause of the problem.

Tips to know where to put the cat litter box at home

If we have to move the cat's litter box, the new place and the litter box must meet the following characteristics:

  • Collection, the litter box should be placed in a quiet and intimate place, away from traffic and noise areas. With the current dimensions of homes, especially flats, the favorite place is usually the bathroom, which is the room that spends the most time empty, which provides the tranquility that the cat requires.
  • Our cat in his litter box should feel hidden and protected, let's not forget that elimination is a moment of vulnerability, but, at the Instead, you have to have an easy "escape" so you don't get caught. Although his enemies are not going to stalk him in our house (or yes, in a figurative sense, if we live with more cats), the cat retains his instincts in such a way that he needs the litter box and its location to meet these requirements.
  • If there is more than one cat at home, there should be the same number of litter boxes as there are cats + 1, to avoid problems between they.
  • Some cats prefer closed litter boxes while others will reject anything other than an open tray. We will have to try and find out which litter box our kitty prefers.
  • The litter box must be the right size so that the cat can turn around without having to get out of it.
  • In addition, it must contain enough sand for the cat to bury its droppings. It is very important for him to be able to hide his trace
  • As for the type of sand, there is a variety to choose from on the market. We can try several and let the cat decide or, if he uses them interchangeably, we will keep the one that we like the most according to its quality/price ratio and its functionality. We can find them that absorb odors and are scented, although some cats do not accept the latter.
  • The height of the litter box must be adapted to the conditions of the cat. Thus, walls that are too high are not going to be recommended for kittens or elderly cats and/or with mobility problems.
  • In addition to habits, cats like cleanliness. You have to keep the litter box very clean.
How to change the place of a cat's litter box? - Tips to know where to put the cat's litter box at home
How to change the place of a cat's litter box? - Tips to know where to put the cat's litter box at home

Recommendations for making the change

Once you have established where to place the cat's litter box, it is time to make the change. When it comes to moving a cat's litter box, we can rely on the following measures:

  • Show him where the sandbox is in its new location. Let him see us change places.
  • To encourage him to use it, you can put on some scent that attracts him.
  • If we see that the change is affecting the cat or we want to anticipate a possible rejection, we can resort to treatments with pheromones reassuring or Bach flowers.
