Care of the Prague mouse dog

Care of the Prague mouse dog
Care of the Prague mouse dog
Prague mouse dog care
Prague mouse dog care

If you are thinking of adopting a Prague mouse dog and have doubts about its care, you have come to the right place. Among the characteristics of this breed we highlight its small size and delicate appearance.

Also, and regarding its care, it is important to consider the character and behavior of this animal to understand what it will need in its day to day.

Keep reading this article on our site to find out the prague mouse care. Don't forget to comment if you want to share your experiences with other users!

Coat care

The Prague mouse dog does not require excessive care of its coat: it has short, straight hair, perfect for forgetting about the regular brushing that other breeds need. However, it will be important to bathe him once a month Do not abuse the bath since an excess of soap removes the natural protection layer that dogs have on their skin.

After the bath it will be convenient to apply a pipette to deworm it externally.

It is also important to point out that in times of extreme cold we must keep our Prague mouse dog warm, because sometimes we can find dogs that have a tendency to shiver, as a result of the cold. Elderly or young specimens will undoubtedly need to shelter from the cold.

Prague mouse dog care - Coat care
Prague mouse dog care - Coat care

Exercise and walk

The Prague mouse dog is especially athletic and it is a breed that greatly enjoys exercising and having fun. Get in the habit of walking with him two to three times a day.

If you have socialized your puppy well you will be able to enjoy the company of other dogs in the pipi can, in this way it will exercise properly. You can also exercise with him and enjoy a wonderful jogging session together. If you don't like running, discover a wide variety of exercises to practice with an adult dog on our site.

Care of the Prague mouse dog - Exercise and walk
Care of the Prague mouse dog - Exercise and walk

Prague mouse feeding

Learn about the different types of food you can offer your dog, however, our site advises you to search the market food for small breed dogs, preferably high quality.

A good diet will have a direct impact on your prague mouse's coat, he alth and energy. Don't underestimate the importance of this.

Occasionally combine the feed with wet food and snacks so that your dog can enjoy pampering and variation in his diet. Offer him the right amount and always have fresh water available.

Prague mouse dog care - Prague mouse feeding
Prague mouse dog care - Prague mouse feeding

Education and training

The Prague Mouse is particularly intelligent and obedient, for this reason don't hesitate to teach him all kinds of commands and tricks, always using positive reinforcement, never mistreatment or inappropriate tools.

We recommend that you teach him the basic commands, essential for his safety:

  • Still
  • Come
  • Sit down
  • Lie down
  • Together

Finally we are going to highlight the importance of socializing a prague mouse pup. It will be essential if we want to have other pets or join him with other animals to have fun. It will also be useful to prevent fears.
