Rescuing a bird can sometimes be more complicated than adopting a stray dog or cat, since birds tend to be distrustful of people, do not accept help easily and require much more specific and delicate care so that they survive. Also, if it is a chick, it may be counterproductive for you to try to help it, since the mother is usually nearby and carrying it with you takes it further away from its nest and encourages rejection by the mother.
However, if you don't see its mother nearby or you already have the bird at home and don't know how to help it, our site presents this article on care for a bird that has fallen from the nest.
When to pick up the bird?
If you come across a bird that seems to have fallen from the nest and for one reason or another seems unable to fly (it's a chick or it's injured) your instinctive reaction will be to pick it up and bring it home. However, sometimes this can backfire.
In general, most birds perceive humans as dangerous beings, potential predators, so don't be surprised if the bird gets nervous when it sees you around it. If you notice that it is injured, whether it is injured in its legs, wings or somewhere else, unable to fly or jump, then you should take it home to treat it, although if it is a protected bird it is recommended toCall the forest agents so that they themselves take charge of rehabilitating it. If it is a pigeon or a house sparrow, probably the forest agents will not act and then we can rescue it and take it to the consultation of a exotic vet
On the contrary, if the bird is he althy, several variables are presented. If it is a chick, its nest may be nearby and even the parents may be watching the baby from where they are. It is best to try to locate the nest and return the bird to its nest Do not be afraid to take it with your hands, because the belief that the parents will reject it because of your smell Human is just a myth. Of course, try to be very careful.
If you can't find the nest, you can put the chick in a box and hang it from a tree so that its parents can find it. At the same time, you will be protecting it from possible predators, such as dogs and cats. If after a few hours nobody takes care of the little one, you will have to take it with you. Remember that this should be the only option, especially when the bird is unable to fend for itself and does not have others of its kind to help it, since it is usually difficult for them to live in freedom after being raised by humans.

Nest preparation
If the bird must stay with you while it heals its wound or learns to defend itself, you need to set up a suitable space.
In the case of the chicks, preparing a nest is is the most recommended. At that age they need a lot of heat, so a cardboard box with holes for them to breathe or a basket will be fine. Put absorbent paper on the bottom to make it easy to clean and place the box in a corner. You can add an artificial nest (which you can buy at any animal store) or make your own with coconut hair or similar.
Take the nest to a safe space in the home, away from dogs and cats and away from drafts. It should also not be placed in direct sunlight, although a little indirect light is required for the development of the plumage of some species.
The temperature of the nest is important, so you must have an electric mesh (in winter) so that it does not get cold. If your chick is shivering it will need more heat, and if it is panting and seems tired or choked, you are giving it too much heat and it can die quickly if you don't lower the temperature. Being vigilant is fundamental.
If it is an adult bird that you rescued because it was injured, a cagewill be perfect for her, if it's big the better so it can fly. Place newspapers in the bottom to remove waste, keep a feeder, a drinker and a container with water so that it can clean itself. The best thing in this case is that the cage can be in the garden or near a window, so that the bird does not lose contact with the outside world. This, of course, without exposing it to strong currents or direct sunlight.
In both cases it is recommended to avoid touching them as much as possible and force interaction with humans. If we do, in the future in freedom, he will approach strangers and strangers who can harm him. It is imperative that you continue to be afraid of people in order to survive.

Food will depend on the species and the age of the bird, for this reason it is essential to investigate the species that we have to feed In general, the chicks will need soft foods, such as breeding paste, which we will find in any animal store or exotic veterinary center.
Moisten it with lukewarm water to soften it and make a paste that is not too thick. Then, take a pair of small tweezers or a blunt syringe and bring it up to the chick's beak, touching one side. By instinct, it will open to be fed but if it doesn't you can simulate a whistle so that it opens its beak. Place a small portion and allow him to swallow before offering more.
The chicks have to eat a little bit every hour, from sunrise to a little before sunset. During the night they sleep, so you should not disturb them. Before feeding, check its body temperature: if the bird feels very cold, do not feed it, offer warmth and wait for it to stabilize before feeding.
You will know you have offered enough food when the bird's crop is full Remember that the crop is a small "pouch" that has the birds on one side of the neck and that is especially visible in the chicks. As you offer food, the crop will grow.
With the adult birds you have several options, depending on the species, but in principle the food can be made up of large insects small (or insectivorous paste, available at any exotics vet) and seeds in the case of granivorous birds. Informing us about the species will once again be essential to know what to offer as food.
The feed is placed in the feeder so that the bird can feed itself; if it refuses, you can move closer to the beak to stimulate it, but never try to force it to eat. A container with clean and fresh water cannot be missing. Food is offered between two or three times a day. You can combine these foods with fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as plants endemic to the area they feed on.

General tips
- If you have rescued a chick, as it grows you should vary its diet so that it consumes adult food similar to what it would eat in wild state.
- Avoid touching or holding the chick more than necessary, as it may consider you to be its mother and thus it will never be possible to release it.
- The cage or box should be cleaned daily to remove waste and debris.
- Wash your hands after touching the bird, to avoid spreading diseases or infections.
- Never try to force feed them. If the bird does not want to eat, maybe you are not offering the right menu. Get advice from a specialist.
- If it is an insectivore, you can leave the cage near your garden so that it eats the insects brought by the wind. Place a light nearby to attract them.
- When feeding the chick with the porridge, avoid dirtying the feathers, because the feathers stick together and cleaning can become complicated; likewise, be careful not to fill the nostrils and eyes with food.
- If you notice fading color of the feathers, apathy or narrowed eyes, probably some he alth problem is affecting your bird, check its plumage to detect possible parasites and if sodeworm it externally and internally to improve its he alth.
- Consult a specialist whenever possible, remember that birds are very delicate.
When your chick has grown or recovered from the wound of the bird you rescued, it's time to release it back into its natural habitat. It is best to choose the same place where you found it to do it, as it is likely that others of the same species live nearby.
It is not correct to force the little bird out of the cage, because he will not feel safe. The ideal is to open the cage and allow him to go out and explore his surroundings, until he feels safe enough to fly
When he has decided to go out and take flight, you can stay for a while watching that he does not return to the cage. Your work will be done.