Boston terrier dog: characteristics and photos

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Boston terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Boston terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Boston terrier
Boston terrier

The Boston terrier is an elegant, cheerful and sociable dog. It can be the ideal pet for dog experts and novice owners alike. We are talking about a small dog, easy to care for and really very affectionate. It is perfect for all types of families and we should not spend too much time on its education. The main quality of this dog is its high sociability, its good behavior and the attachment it has for its relatives.

In this file on our site we will detail everything about the boston terrier, such as its physical characteristics, its character or the care it will need. Read on and find out if this breed is right for you.

Don't forget that the boston terrier is a small dog, really fragile, so if we have children at home we must train them to treat him correctly and carefully.

History of the boston terrier

Unlike other dog breeds, the Boston Terrier has a well-documented history The breed was developed by a coachman who worked for rich people of boston, in 1865 This coachman dedicated himself to cross-breeding his employers' pedigree dogs, beginning by crossing an English terrier with a bulldog. It is from that cross that this breed bears the word "terrier" in its name, but today there is nothing left of those tough hunting dogs in the boston terrier.

The progeny of that cross bred only with small dogs and mainly with French bulldogs. That explains the great resemblance between the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog. Over time, the Boston Terrier became more and more popular and today it is one of the most appreciated dogs in the United States and much of Europe. In Latin America it is still a little-known dog, but it is not completely strange.

Characteristics of the boston terrier

The body of the boston terrier is short, compact and square in structure, that is, its length is equal to the height at the cross. The legs of this dog are strong for its size and elegant. The Boston terrier's head is short and square. She is well proportioned to the rest of her body and her expression denotes a high degree of intelligence. The nose, black and wide, has a well-defined groove between the nostrils.

These dogs have a characteristic prognathism (lower jaw longer than the upper jaw) that gives the muzzle a square shape. The eyes are large, round and dark The ears are small and erect. Unfortunately, the FCI standard accepts amputated ears, as long as they are erect. This practice, although it can give the desired appearance to the breed, is nothing more than mistreatment and disrespect towards animals, and is prohibited in many countries. The Boston Terrier's tail is short, thin, and set low. It is straight or corkscrew-shaped and must not exceed the horizontal.

The typical coat of this breed is short, smooth, shiny and fine in texture. May be brindle, "seal" or "seal" (black with a reddish tinge), or black with white markings.

The FCI breed standard does not indicate a particular height, but the height at the withers is usually around 40 centimeters. For its part, the ideal weight, which is indicated in the breed standard, is divided into three categories:

  • Dogs under 15 English pounds (less than 6.8 kilograms)
  • Dogs weighing between 15 and 20 English pounds (6, 8 and 9 kilograms)
  • Dogs weighing 20 to 25 English pounds (9 to 11.35 kilograms)

Boston terrier character

These dogs are friendly, outgoing and gentle. In addition, they are very loyal and intelligent. Their good nature has made them favorite pets of many families around the world.

They are usually very friendly dogs with people, although somewhat reserved at first with strangers. In addition, they have the reputation of being great friends with children, but care must be taken that the little ones do not hurt the dogs. They also tend to get along with other dogs and can learn to get along with other pets. Either way, it is important to socialize these dogs while they are still puppies.

Boston terriers have a high degree of intelligence, but they are misunderstood by many old-school trainers who think they are dumb and stubborn dogs. The truth is that these dogs learn very easily when trained with positive methods, such as clicker training. They can learn a wide variety of things when the trainer understands and applies the fundamental principles of dog training.

Although they do not present particular canine behavior problems, these dogs demand a lot of attention and company, which can complicate those who do not have the long enough for a pet. Left alone for long periods of time they can be destructive or even develop separation anxiety.

In summary, these dogs are excellent pets for families with and without children, as long as the owners have enough time to spend with their dogs. Although Boston terriers are not aggressive, it is not advisable for them to be pets of very young children, as they are fragile dogs that can be mistreated and easily injured.

Boston terrier care

The coat of the Boston terrier is easy to care for and occasional brushing and bathing only when the dog is dirty is usually sufficient. These dogs shed regularly, but not much.

When it comes to exercise, the Boston terrier doesn't need much Daily walks are usually enough to keep him in good physical condition, but he also enjoys games of fetch. Many fans of the breed practice canine agility and freestyle with their dogs, which are sports that can be enjoyed with this breed. However, take seriously the risks the Boston Terrier faces when exercising vigorously in hot weather. These dogs should never be forced to exercise in high temperatures, because they can suffer fatal heat stroke.

On the other hand, these dogs need lots of attention and company They are not dogs to be left alone for long and are not suitable for families who spend all day outside. They adapt well to apartment life and need to live indoors, even if they live in a house. If they have a garden, they can use it to play and have fun, but only when they are with their family. Otherwise, they will prefer to stay inside the house. They should not sleep outside because their fur does not provide enough protection.

Boston terrier education

The education of the boston terrier will be very simple since we naturally find him to be a sociable dog. Even so, it will be very favorable to work on the socialization in depth and the learning of the different basic obedience orders. Being a very intelligent dog he will have no problem adapting to learning different actions, as long as we use positive reinforcement.

Boston Terrier He alth

Unfortunately, due to its particular morphology, this breed is predisposed to several diseases of dogs. Boston terriers are prone to cataracts, patellar luxation, epilepsy, heart problems, allergies, and sensitivity to anesthesia and other chemicals. In addition, they are very susceptible to heat stroke and that is why you have to take great care of them in hot environments. Avoid intense exercise when temperatures are high.

These dogs are also known to be poor swimmerss, so they can easily drown if they fall into the water. It is better to be safe than sorry, so you have to avoid risks if you have a pool.

Boston terrier photos
