Amount of food for a beagle

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Amount of food for a beagle
Amount of food for a beagle
Amount of food for a beagle
Amount of food for a beagle

If you have just adopted a beagle you should know that you have just gained a faithful companion, affectionate, very active and full of energy. If you are someone who has a spacious home and time to provide all the exercise they need, you have found your ideal dog!

The specific care that the beagle requires are weekly brushing, sport and food control. Why? Very simply, it is a dog with an insatiable appetite that could eat an entire bowl of feed in one sitting, a fact that would lead to obesity that, in all likelihood, would trigger serious he alth problems. To find out what is the amount of food for a daily beagle, on our site we have prepared this article with all the details.

What does the amount of daily food depend on

Each breed of dog has particular characteristics that mean that we should opt for some nutritional needs or others, although all of them require a large amount of protein. In addition to the composition of the food, the amount that we provide will also depend on the breed and the following factors:

  • Age
  • Adult weight
  • Physical activity

It is evident that a dog in its puppy stage will not consume the same amount of food as an adult or elderly dog. In the same way, small, medium, large and giant dogs also have adequate quantities for their size.

However, when determining how much food our beagle dog needs, we will focus mainly on his physical activity. Being a very active dog, it requires long walks and exercise to burn off all the accumulated energy. Also, this same energetic nature makes it have a virtually insatiable appetite, a fact that added to its tendency to obesity means that controlling the daily amounts of food becomes an obligatory task for the owners.

Amount of food for a beagle - What does the amount of daily food depend on
Amount of food for a beagle - What does the amount of daily food depend on

How much should a beagle puppy eat

During the puppy stage is when our dog needs more grams of food. Therefore, it is not surprising that we give it more during the first months than once it reaches adulthood. In this sense, it is considered that the beagle has reached maturity once the first 12 months of life have passed. Until then, we will have to give him dry food from the junior range, manufactured exclusively to meet the needs of this breed of dog.

The selected feed must contain a high percentage of proteins and nutrients to favor the digestive system and ensure the correct development of the puppy's intestinal flora. Likewise, it will be important that its composition contains essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which help the proper formation of the dog's skeleton and prevent joint problems. Being such active and energetic animals, they often suffer from diseases related to bones and joints, so keeping them in perfect condition from a young age is essential to prevent them. Finally, check that the feed contains antioxidants to help strengthen their immune system.

From our site we advise you to look for quality feed to provide your puppy with the best food. Keep in mind that this is the most important stage of their life because it will mark their entire evolution and development, so avoid those brands that focus their composition on flour and cereals.

When feeding your beagle puppy, you should take into account the following considerations:

  • To favor the intake of feed during the first two months, it is advisable to moisten it in water to soften it. Then, you will have to decrease the amount of water until the feed is completely dry.
  • From 2 to 4 months we will ration the daily grams and provide them in four doses.
  • From 4 to 6, we'll give them to you in three.
  • After 6 months, we will be able to give you the total daily grams divided into two doses.

Below you will find the table with the total amount of grams that you should give your beagle per day, depending on the months that have and the weight that will reach as an adult. To know this weight, you should consult your veterinarian. You will notice that up to 6 months the daily amount increases to cover all their nutritional needs. From this age, we will reduce the food to prevent it from becoming overweight.

Amount of food for a beagle - How much should a beagle puppy eat
Amount of food for a beagle - How much should a beagle puppy eat

How much should an adult beagle eat

Once he is a year old, our beagle is already an adult and we must provide him with dry food from the adult range Also, to prevent our dog from suffering from obesity, the daily amount must be reduced and balanced with the intensity of the physical activity to which we submit it.

As this is a breed of dog with an almost insatiable appetite, don't be surprised if you notice that after eating the recommended amount, it asks for more food. At this point, it is essential that you remain firm and do not give in to his request, since his nutritional needs are already covered with the amount provided and, therefore, his body does not require more food. Of course, if your beagle begins to lose weight progressively, you should go to the vet and detail all the exercise he does a day, you may have to increase the dose.

When selecting the feed, you must make sure that the percentage of proteins remains the highest, occupying 40% of the total composition, and that minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are present to keep your bones and joints in perfect condition. In this sense, the consumption of EPA and DHA is also essential for promoting he althy bones and skin, as well as keeping their coat shiny.

Below we show you the table with the amount of food your beagle should consume per day. As we mentioned at the beginning, this amount should be established based on your weight and the degree of physical activity. Remember that from this moment on you can continue giving the total amount in two doses or reduce it to one.

Amount of food for a beagle - How much should an adult beagle eat
Amount of food for a beagle - How much should an adult beagle eat

How much should an elderly beagle eat

Approximately, from 8 years of age the beagle is considered to be elderly and, therefore, we must change its diet for a food from the senior range. Although he does not appear to show signs of advanced age, the truth is that his body is beginning to notice it and, therefore, we must adapt his diet to his new nutritional needs.

The beagle is one of the most active and energetic breeds, so it can stay with us for up to 15 years if we offer it all the care it needs and quality food. In this sense, the feed that you select to cover this new stage of your life must continue to be enriched with EPA and DHA to maintain the he alth of the skin and hair, calcium for the bones and joints, fiber and protein to promote intestinal transit. In addition, to increase the supply of antioxidants and help keep free radicals at bay, responsible for cellular oxidation that can result in the appearance of eye or degenerative diseases, we can provide our elderly beagle with fruits and vegetables from time to time.

During old age the amount of food you should give your beagle is the same as that given during his adult stage. The only thing that changes is the composition of the feed and the shape. For adult beagles, the use of difficult-to-chew croquettes is recommended, because they are usually dogs with a tendency to gobble without practically chewing, while for the elderly beagle it is advisable to opt for easily digestible croquettes, which can be dry or semi-moist. Another totally valid option if your beagle does not have all its teeth is to mix dry food with wet food.

If your elderly beagle suffers from any type of liver or kidney disease or has diabetes, don't hesitate to go to your veterinarian to have it he who determines which is the best feed. On the other hand, if you notice that he has lost his appetite, is listless, shows signs of tiredness, sleeps more than usual, vomits, has diarrhea or presents any other symptom, go to a specialist to examine him immediately. At this stage is when you should pay more attention to your dog to act quickly and provide him with the care he deserves after having offered you a life full of unconditional love and lots of company.
