Daily amount of food for guinea pigs

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Daily amount of food for guinea pigs
Daily amount of food for guinea pigs
Daily amount of food for guinea pigs
Daily amount of food for guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are very good animals as pets since they do not need much care in general and are very sociable To feed them and that they have a correct growth, it is necessary to know their diet well since it consists of 3 main types of food: hay, vegetables and fruits, and feed. We cannot feed our guinea pig in a he althy way if we do not give it one of these three things, so they are all essential.

In this article on our site about the amount of daily food for guinea pigs we will explain the basic nutritional requirements and food needs of guinea pigs. young and adult guinea pigs. In addition, you will also find lists of good vegetables and fruits, and prohibited foods for guinea pigs, so that you have all the information on how to feed your beloved pet.

Guinea Pig Nutritional Requirements

From the age of 3 weeks, when guinea pigs can be weaned and given food, these little animals need a series of essential foodsfor proper nutrition, no matter how old they are, although their quantity will vary, depending on whether they are younger or older.


Our guinea pig, apart from always having clean water, must also have unlimited fresh hay, since these Rodents (like many others) never stop growing their front teeth, and hay will help them wear them down continuously. In addition, guinea pigs do not have intestinal motility unlike other animals, and as they need to eat at least every 4 hours, this food helps their digestive system not stop working and thus do not have he alth problems, because it contains a large percentage of fiber. Therefore, hay must always be available for our guinea pig since it constitutes approximately 70% of its daily diet.

Not to confuse hay with alfalfa, which is given only to young or sick, pregnant or pregnant guinea pigs. breastfeeding, since it is a food that apart from fiber, has a high calcium content, and can cause stones in the bladder of he althy adult guinea pigs.

Vegetables and fruits

Unfortunately, guinea pigs are not able to produce vitamin C on their own, so they need to obtain it externally, through proper Diet. To do this, we can give you a wide variety of green leafy vegetables that contain a considerable amount of this vitamin such as chard, lamb's lettuce, lettuce (except iceberg), carrot leaves, parsley (although without going too far because it is very diuretic) or spinach. Other vegetables such as carrots or red pepper (more than green), will also help us with a great supply of vitamin C. And of fruits we have oranges, tomatoes, apples or kiwis for example, which are also low in sugars, and that is what interests us for our guinea pigs.

It must be said that it is necessary to wash and clean the fruits and vegetables that we give to our pets so that they do not get poisoned, and if possible, do not give them whole fruits, but in portions and a little each day. If you want to know more about this topic, you can look at this list of good fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs or this other list of prohibited foods for guinea pigs.

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Finally we have the feed, which must be specific for guinea pigs, since they are 100% herbivorous and do not tolerate animal proteins, that other feed for rodents in general does contain. They should also contain an extra supply of fiber and vitamin C, although once opened, this vitamin takes very little time to evaporate, so we must store the feed in a place cool, dry and well sealed. And we must avoid containing as few sugars, fats and chemicals as possible, so that our guinea pig grows in the he althiest way.

Amount of daily food for guinea pigs - Nutritional requirements of guinea pigs
Amount of daily food for guinea pigs - Nutritional requirements of guinea pigs

How much should a young guinea pig eat?

is considered a young guinea pig up to 15 months of age. As we have said before, the amount of water and hay is unlimited, but it is recommended that we give them a little bit of fibrous vegetables twice a day, once in the morning and afternoon. Fruits, on the other hand, it is recommended that we give them a portion every other day, since if we give them every day, our pet will begin to gain weight quickly. Ideally, make them a small mixed salad with 2 types of vegetables or a vegetable and a fruit, for example.

Regarding the feed, which must constitute 10% of the feeding of young guinea pigs, it is recommended a quantity of feed of 20 grams per day(two tablespoons), distributed in two batches like vegetables, for rodents weighing up to 300 grams.

Amount of daily food for guinea pigs - How much should a young guinea pig eat?
Amount of daily food for guinea pigs - How much should a young guinea pig eat?

How much should an adult guinea pig eat?

After 15 months of age, guinea pigs can already be considered adults, and therefore we must change their amount and percentage of daily food a little. As for the young, fresh hay must always be available 24 hours a day and makes up 70% of their diet, but for adult guinea pigs the daily intake of vegetables and fruits will be 25%, and feed will be 5%since it is now considered an extra, thus giving them only one serving a day, usually in the morning.

Even so, the amount of feed will vary depending on the weight of our pet:

  • If he weighs up to 500 grams, he will get 45 grams of feed per day
  • If he weighs more than 500 grams, he will get 60 grams of feed per day.

It should be said that once the guinea pig has finished the feed, it will not be replaced until the next day.

Amount of daily food for guinea pigs - How much should an adult guinea pig eat?
Amount of daily food for guinea pigs - How much should an adult guinea pig eat?


  • They should always have unlimited clean water and hay at their disposal.
  • It is important to take your guinea pig to the vet every six months and check its weight.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily amounts of food.
  • In case they don't have enough vitamin C, we can supply them with a food supplement.
