Types of House Rats

Types of House Rats
Types of House Rats
Types of House Rats
Types of House Rats

There are many types of house rats around the world. Contrary to what many people believe, they are intelligent and sociable animals such as rabbits, hamsters or guinea pigs.

More and more people are deciding to adopt these animals because of their multiple qualities as pets, and we should not let ourselves be guided by the classic stereotype that accompanies them. Find out in this article on our site we will talk about different types of house rats that can become fantastic and loving pets

Common Rat

The genus Rattus is home to more than 50 different species of rats, although in terms of ownership, the most popular are undoubtedly the brown rat(Rattus norvegicus) and the black rat (Rattus rattus), both considered as "common rat" and are present in practically all the planet earth. These types of rats have not suffered any type of genetic mutation, such as those shown below.

Generally we find them dark brown or black, but they can also be white. It is important to remember that the well-known "laboratory rats" are actually mice, generally of the species Mus musculus.

Types of domestic rats - Common rat
Types of domestic rats - Common rat

Manx Rat

Manx rats are very easy to identify because they are born without a tail or with a very small tail. They are much smaller than standard rats and unlike these their body is shorter and rounder.

It is important to remember that the tail helps rats to regulate their body temperature depending on the temperature of the environment, so owners who decide to adopt a Manx rat should be more alert to maintaining a correct temperature inside the home.

Types of domestic rats - Manx rat
Types of domestic rats - Manx rat

Bald rat or hairless rat

The bald rat is undoubtedly one of the most popular types of rat today. However, it should be noted that these rats are not completely hairless, they may show a small layer of fluff all over their body. This type of rats are vulnerable to cold or drafts, so it is essential to inform yourself before adopting one about the care of the hairless rat.

Types of House Rats - Bald Rat or Hairless Rat
Types of House Rats - Bald Rat or Hairless Rat

Dumbo Rat

As you can imagine the name "Dumbo" was named after the famous elephant from the movie because of its big and wide earsUnlike common rats, Dumbo rats have their ears lower down and their body is much more corpulent. It has very short and fine hair and can be of many different colors: white, grey, light gray and light brown are the most common.

Types of domestic rats - Dumbo rat
Types of domestic rats - Dumbo rat

Rex Rat

The Rex rat is one of the largest house rats in existence. They have a large amount of hair throughout the entire body, except on the abdomen, although there is a variety called "Double rex" that is practically bald. His whiskers are short and curly.
