10 diseases that rats transmit to humans

10 diseases that rats transmit to humans
10 diseases that rats transmit to humans
Diseases transmitted from rats to humans
Diseases transmitted from rats to humans

Rats are capable of eliciting radically opposite emotions in humans. On the one hand, its popularity as a pet is growing, mainly among children, which is probably due to the fact that they are intelligent animals, active, playful and require relatively simple care. But on the other, there are those who still see them as pests because they can act as vectors or reservoirs of certain zoonotic diseases.

In this sense, it is important to clarify that there are many types of domestic rats and wild rats, and not all of these individuals are necessarily carriers of viruses, bacteria, parasites or other potentially pathogenic microorganisms. Contrary to what many believe, rats and mice are not dirty by nature, but, like most animals, they contract these pathogenic microorganisms from the environmentwhere they live, the food and water they consume.

An animal that lives on the streets, feeds on garbage and spoiled food, drinks contaminated water and lives in unsanitary places can become infected with a wide variety of pathogens and eventually become a public he alth problem However, a domestic rat that receives adequate preventive medicine, optimal hygiene and a balanced diet does not have to be a disease reservoir, much less put the well-being of their caregivers at risk.

Still, it is true that there are some diseases that rats transmit to humans and, when deciding to adopt a pet rat, it is essential to know them to take due care to prevent them. In this new article on our site, we will tell you about the 10 zoonotic pathologies that rats can transmit to us directly or indirectly.

Diseases that rats can transmit

As we have mentioned, rats can be carriers of pathogenic agents such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, internal and external parasites, among others. These microorganisms can lodge in blood, tissues, saliva and secretions, or be eliminated through urine and feces. Some of them, by penetrating the body of human beings, can cause diseases that are considered zoonotic, that is, they can be transmitted between humans and people.

Zoonoses transmitted from rats to humans can be spread directly or If a person has direct contact with or inhales any type of secretion from an infected rat, transmission occurs directly. But it can also happen that fluids or rodent droppings contaminate food, water, soil or other types of vegetable or organic matter, characterizing an indirect transmission. In addition, another type of indirect contagion occurs when some insect or ectoparasite bites an infected rat and then transmits the pathogens to people through its saliva. their bites.

Next, we will see in more detail the symptoms, forms of contagion and some tips to prevent the following 10 diseases that rats transmit to humansdirectly or indirectly:

  1. Leptospirosis
  2. Toxoplasmosis
  3. Hantavirus
  4. Tularemia
  5. Salmonellosis
  6. Bubonic Plague (Black Death)
  7. Rat bite fever
  8. Typhus
  9. Internal parasites
  10. External parasites

1. Leptospirosis and Weil's disease

Leptospirosis is a zoonosis with epidemic potential caused by a bacterium called Leptospira interrogans, which can affect humans and many other animals. It is essential to confirm the diagnosis to proceed with the appropriate treatment in the initial stages of the pathology.

Most human cases are mild, with symptoms such as fever, headache, myalgia, general malaise, and conjunctivitisBut in more severe cases (about 10% of diagnoses), leptospirosis can lead to the following clinical pictures:

  • Weil's disease
  • Meningitis
  • Pulmonary hemorrhage

Treatment of leptspirosis is usually based on the administration of specific antibiotics to combat Leptospira bacteria, but can vary significantly depending on the symptoms and the progress of each case. For this reason, it is essential to go quickly to the clinic or hospital when you perceive any abnormal symptom.

Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 1. Leptospirosis and Weil's disease
Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 1. Leptospirosis and Weil's disease

two. Hantavirus

Hantavirus (HV) is an emerging zoonotic viral-type disease caused by a virus belonging to the family Bunyaviridae and the genus Hantavirus. It is one of the most difficult diseases transmitted by rats to humans. The main form of contagion is through direct contact or inhalation of feces, urine and saliva of some species of rats and mice that act as vectors for the agent pathogen[2]

The first symptoms are general and can be confused with other diseases:

  • Fever
  • Muscle pains
  • Dizziness
  • Shaking chills
  • General malaise
  • Gastrointestinal disorders

However, in most cases of hantavirus, these symptoms are often accompanied by a sudden shortness of breath and hypotension, which are the first signs of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome (HCPS).

The current figures regarding the distribution of this pathology are alarming, since nearly 300 new cases are detected each year in the American continent, where at least 13 endemic areas have already been identified. Most cases were diagnosed in rural, agricultural, or sparsely urbanized settings, although some cases are also diagnosed in cities. Like leptospirosis, hantavirus is associated with the vulnerability of some regions, especially with the deficiency of basic sanitation

In addition to the growth in diagnoses and the absence of a cure, it has been recorded that about 60% of hantavirus cases are fatal, so the disease is under surveillance and annual campaigns are carried out with in order to prevent its spread. To prevent hantavirus, it is recommended to reinforce hygiene habits in homes and their surroundings, mainly avoiding the accumulation of food waste that can attract rats.

Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 2. Hantavirus
Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 2. Hantavirus

3. Tularemia

Tularemia is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tulariensis that mainly affects wild rodents, such as rabbits, hares, muskrats and squirrels, but can also be diagnosed in pets. Although tularemia in rabbits is the most well-known manifestation of the disease, it can also infect domestic rats, cats, dogs, and more rarely, people[3]

In humans, the main form of transmission occurs through direct contact with tissues and blood of infected animals. But eventually, tularemia can also be transmitted by inhalation of contaminated plant material or soil, as well as by the bite of ticks, mosquitoes and flies that behave as vectors for the bacteria. Rarely, the consumption of infected and poorly cooked meat can transmit tularemia to people.

The most common symptoms associated with tularemia in humans include:

  • Fever
  • Shaking chills
  • Excessive sweating
  • Eye irritation
  • Headache
  • Muscle pains
  • Joint stiffness
  • Red spots on the skin
  • Respiratory distress
  • Weightloss

Tularemia treatment is based on the administration of antibiotics to kill bacteria and slow the progression of symptoms. Early diagnosis is again the best ally for successful treatment.

4. Bubonic plague

We continue the article on diseases that rats transmit to humans with bubonic plague, a bacterial zoonosis caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that It normally lodges in the body of small animals and parasites, such as fleas. In humans, the main form of infection is through the bites of infected fleas that usually parasitize rats and mice. But eventually it can be transmitted by direct contact with the secretions of infected animals, or by inhalation or ingestion of infected organic matter.

During the Middle Ages, Europe experienced a catastrophic contagion of bubonic plague, which, at the time, was called the "Black Death". About 5,000 cases are currently diagnosed each year, occurring primarily in rural and semi-rural regions of Asia, Africa, and the United States.

The most common clinical picture in humans is characterized by inflammation and hypersensitivity of the lymph nodes (bulbs) in the regions armpits, neck and groin. The bulbs are pleased with the inflammatory process and can reach the size of a chicken egg, also being painful and hot to the touch. In addition, the following symptoms may also appear in bubonic plague cases:

  • Fever
  • Sudden chills
  • Headache
  • General discomfort
  • Muscle pains

In more serious cases, the bacteria can reach the bloodstream, characterizing a clinical picture called septicemic plague, which can cause severe abdominal pain, bleeding, extreme weakness and death sudden Also, on rare occasions, the bacteria can spread to the lungs, causing symptoms such as a cough (which may be accompanied by blood) and shortness of breath.

Plague progresses rapidly in the body and, in the absence of adequate treatment, can lead to the death of the patient in a few days. For this reason, it is essential to seek medical attention when any symptoms are detected in order to quickly begin treatment for bubonic vesta, which basically consists of the administration of specific antibioticsIt is also key to reinforce hygiene habits to avoid the accumulation of organic matter and waste that can attract rodents, as well as providing adequate preventive medicine to domestic rats, combating the proliferation of fleas and other parasites.

Diseases that rats transmit to humans - 4. Bubonic plague
Diseases that rats transmit to humans - 4. Bubonic plague

5. Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is a pathology transmitted by a world-wide protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii. Transmission to humans can occur in various ways, although it is usually associated with cats, the most common form of contagion is through drinking water and contaminated food.

Felines (cats, pumas, lynxes, wild cats, etc.) are the main host or reservoir of toxoplasma and also the only animals that can eliminate the oocytes of the protozoan in their feces, and they may be their faeces a route of infection for humans. In general, they usually carry viable cysts of this protozoan in their tissues.

Likewise, there are several animals that can carry these toxoplasma cysts, such as rodents, poultry, sheep, goats and cows. When a person consumes raw or undercooked meat from an infected animal, these cysts are activated and begin their life cycle again inside their body. In addition, toxoplasmosis can be passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy.

The main symptoms of toxoplasmosis in humans are:

  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Throat pain
  • Blurry vision

In individuals with low immunity, such as pregnant women or people with chronic diseases. Toxoplasmosis can also cause dizziness, seizures, retinal inflammation, and confusion.

It should be noted that domestic felines that live indoors, receive adequate preventive medicine and feed on industrial feed or organic food with a he alth certificate have a very low probability of becoming infected with the protozoan toxoplasma. If you want to know more about cats and the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, we invite you to read our article "Is it bad to have cats during pregnancy?"

6. Salmonellosis

Another disease transmitted by rats to humans is salmonellosis, a well-known infectious zoonotic disease caused by bacteria of the salmonella genus. Especially due to Salmonella bongori and Salmonella Typhimurium (or Salmonella enterica), currently one of the most common foodborne diseases in the world, with more than a million people affectedannually globally[6]

Salmonella is naturally present in the intestinal tract of birds and their eggs, as well as in some reptiles. However, the bacterium can also survive in the body of various rodent species, including wild and domestic rats. In addition, salmonellosis in rodents can be passed from parent to child, but not all carriers will necessarily show symptoms of infection.

In humans, the main form of transmission of salmonellosis occurs orally, through the consumption of contaminated food or water, by the feces of infected animals, by eating eggs, raw meat or poorly cooked meat. But the bacteria can also enter the human body through the consumption of spoiled food or through inhalation.

It is estimated that a large part of the world's population has already had contact with this bacterium, but most do not develop an infectious process or present mild symptoms that their body manages to self-limit in a cycle of between 2 and 7 days. However, eventually salmonellosis can cause gastrointestinal complications, manifesting mainly through the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Shaking chills
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Dehydration
  • Blood in the stool

The treatment of salmonellosis is based on the administration of antibiotics to combat the pathogenic bacteria. On some occasions, analgesics are prescribed to control stomach discomfort and, if dehydration is advanced, serum can be administered to the patient. Subsequently, the doctor will be able to evaluate the benefits of consuming probiotics to recover the intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system.

To prevent salmonella infections, it is essential to purchase food (particularly eggs and meat) that have passed all the relevant sanitary controls, preferably in duly certified establishments, as well as washing vegetables and fruits well before eating them. Hand hygiene before handling food and making meals is also a fundamental practice for the prevention of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have rats, rodents or birds as pets at home, it is essential to ensure that their food is not contaminated, provide adequate preventive medicine and maintain an optimal hygiene of its environment and accessories, as well as that of the individual.

Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 6. Salmonellosis
Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 6. Salmonellosis

7. Rat Bite Fever

Rat-bite fever is one of the infectious diseases transmitted by rats to humans and of bacterial origin It is transmitted mainly through the bites of rats and other infected rodents, such as squirrels or weasels. In Europe and the United States, most diagnosed cases are associated with the bacterium Streptobacillus moniliformis, while in Asia they are related to the bacterium Spirillum minus and are known as sodoku. These pathogens are found in the saliva, nasal secretions, and urine of rats.

When the pathology is caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis, the bite usually heals more quickly, but the following symptoms usually appear in the 3 to 10 days that follow:

  • Fever
  • Shaking chills
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Skin rash
  • Joint swelling
  • Abscesses
  • Meningitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Inflammation in the heart

In cases of sodoku caused by the bacteria S. minus, the wounds seem to heal within the first week after the bite. However, between 7 and 21 days later, the following symptoms usually appear:

  • Fever
  • Shaking chills
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Ulceration
  • Red spots
  • Inflammation and swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Skin rash
  • Haverhill Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Throat pain
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart infection
  • Meningitis
  • Hepatitis

In both cases, treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics, after detection of the specific causative agent of the disease. The best form of prevention is to reinforce hygiene habits to prevent the proliferation of rats in homes in their surroundings, and it is also possible to follow some tips to drive away rats. In case of bites by rodents, wash the wound well with water and neutral soap and then seek medical attention.

8. Typhus

Typhus is a serious infectious disease that can be caused by two types of bacteria: Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia prowazekii. It is one of the diseases transmitted by rats to humans that could best be prevented through proper hygiene. Currently, two types of typhus are known:

  1. Endemic typhus, which can be transmitted by both bacteria. When caused by R. typhi, it is transmitted to humans by fleas that previously fed on the blood of rats. In cases associated with R. prowazekii, lice act as intermediaries.
  2. Murine typhus, which is only transmitted by the bacterium Rickettsia typhi and its main form of contagion is through direct contact with the feces of or through bites of fleas infected by rodents. Eventually, it may also be associated with other animals, such as raccoons, opossums, and cats.

The symptoms are usually similar in both cases, including the following manifestations:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain
  • High fever
  • Red non-shiny rash
  • Dry cough
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain

As it is also a bacterial disease, treatment for typhus is based on the administration of specific antibiotics In more advanced cases, The doctor will evaluate the need for oxygen therapy and intravenous fluids. Again, the best preventive measure is to maintain optimal hygiene at home and in the immediate surroundings, as well as to provide adequate preventive medicine to pets, especially if you decide to adopt a pet rat[7]

Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 8. Typhus
Diseases transmitted from rats to humans - 8. Typhus

9. Internal parasites

Internal parasites can severely harm our well-being, as well as cause numerous he alth problems Like most animals, rats can be affected by intestinal parasites, such as tapeworms and worms If we do not take the appropriate measures, these parasites can also affect people and other animals that live together with rodents.

Tapeworm is the main intestinal parasite that rats can transmit to humans, primarily through contact with infected feces by their eggs. When penetrating the human body, tapeworms usually develop widely and rapidly, and can lead to nutritional deficiencies, weight and appetite loss, anemia and anorexia in more severe cases.

10. External parasites

We close the article on diseases that rats transmit to humans by talking about ectoparasites, such as fleas, mites and ticks, can act as vectors for numerous diseases, some of which have already been mentioned in this article. They can also cause allergies, skin problems or scabies, among other complications.

Therefore, when deciding to adopt a rat as a pet, it is essential to avoid the proliferation of internal and external parasites, reinforcing hygiene habitsin the environment and especially in the rodent's cage, in addition to consulting a specialized veterinarian about the possible ways to deworm a rodent It is also recommended to perform of preventive veterinary consultations every 6 months to verify the he alth status of your domestic rat.
