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Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog?
Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog?

Does the name "Hachiko" sound familiar to you? Hachiko was a faithful Japanese dog who waited for 10 years at the train station for her owner, who had died while performing his duties as a teacher. This dog became world famous and has a statue in the station itself where he died, in addition, an American film was made, "Hachiko, always by your side", thanks to which we can meet this impressive breed of dog, the Akita Inu.

The Akita Inu has admirable characteristics, among which its loy alty stands out above any other, hence the negative surprise of seeing how this breed is included in the so-called "Potentially Dangerous Dogs". But…, Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? This is the subject that we deeply address in this article on our site.

Why is the Akita Inu considered a dangerous dog?

As it happens with pit bulls, the Akita Inu has a jaw that is called "scissor-shaped", that is, Its bite is extraordinarily powerfuland it cannot be opened from the outside until the dog decides so.

Another aspect that makes the Akita Inu be considered a potentially dangerous dog is its physical constitution. The male Akita inu can weigh up to 45 kg and be 67 centimeters tall. The Akita Inu is a born hunter and this can trigger dangerous situations when socialization with other animals has not been carried out properly.

Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? - Why is the Akita Inu considered a dangerous dog?
Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? - Why is the Akita Inu considered a dangerous dog?

Are these characteristics enough to consider the Akita Inu a dangerous dog?

There is no doubt that any attack carried out by the Akita Inu is dangerous due to the size of this dog, so let's ask the question again: Do the are akita inu dogs prone to attacking humans? No, akita inu are prone to defend their human family with courage and even with their own lives, so it is not correct to say that not a dangerous dog, but an extraordinarily loyal and brave dog

Regarding his hunting instinct and his territorial personality, these are factors that can be controlled without problems through proper dog training and good socialization. Even so, in the case of males, castration is recommended as soon as possible.

Regarding the body weight that the Akita Inu can acquire, it is completely absurd to think that a larger size implies a greater danger inherent to the breed, since it is not so. There are very heavy labradors and golden retrievers and nobody thinks they are dangerous, obviously, they have a very different character from the Akita Inu, but that does not imply that the character of the Akita Inu is dangerous or inadequate, in fact, as we will see below, the character Any lover of our faithful friends will fall in love with this dog.

Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? - Are these characteristics enough to consider the Akita Inu a dangerous dog?
Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? - Are these characteristics enough to consider the Akita Inu a dangerous dog?

Is this the character of a dangerous dog?

Let's see the character and temperament of this majestic Japanese dog, which in its region of origin is conceived as an exceptional guard dog symbol of prestige, strength and loy alty, in addition to being considered a good luck charm. In ancient times it was said that if a samurai warrior died without honor, in his next life he could incarnate as an Akita in order to redeem himself, dying with honor and loy alty for his owner.

The Akita Inu is a very confident dog that instinctively protects its territory, its food and its human family. It is also a very friendly dog with people as long as it does not feel threatened. Likewise, he is playful, affectionate and loyalto his guardians. It is a silent and calm dog, in addition to being patient, this implies that it remains impassive in the face of various external stimuli when these do not represent a real danger.

The Akita Inu is a very happy dog in family life and enjoys getting involved in the daily routine of his human family, likewise, he is one of the best guard dogs.

Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? - Is this the character of a dangerous dog?
Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? - Is this the character of a dangerous dog?

Don't make the Akita Inu a dangerous dog

Is the Akita Inu a dangerous dog? No. Can the Akita Inu be a dangerous dog? Yes, it can be very dangerous, but this is not up to the dog, it is up to you. The Akita Inu is a breed that falls in love and we feel attracted to this dog in a very easy way, but that should not keep us from responsibility, no matter how amazed we feel at this spectacular dog.

Before taking in an Akita Inu, ask yourself these questions honestly, if in doubt, this is not the dog for you and the fostering will not be positive for either party:

  • Can I physically control a dog whose weight can exceed 60 kg?
  • Can I give my dog daily physical exercise?
  • Am I willing to carry out proper training and socialization, do I have time to supervise this process?
  • Do I have enough character to represent the leader of the pack and be able to discipline my dog?
  • Do I have enough time to give my dog all the love and affection he will need to be balanced?
