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Can hamsters eat cheese?
Can hamsters eat cheese?

It is popular wisdom that small rodents love cheese, and it is not for nothing that we are familiar with the image of a mouse eating cheese. This is the reason why many owners wonder if hamsters can eat cheese, because these little friends are welcomed in many homes where they want to provide them with the best care.

If you have one of these cute pets in your care, you may have considered giving your hamster cheese. It is for this reason that, on our site, we invite you to learn how to feed your furry friend in a balanced way and if it is a good idea to include cheese in his diet.

What does a hamster eat?

Hamsters, like mice, are small omnivorous animals, that is, they have the ability to digest practically any type of food of vegetable or animal origin This fact, without a doubt, is an evolutionary advantage, since it allows this species to adapt to all kinds of environments and situations in case that there is a shortage of food of some kind, which is why this family of small rodents in the wild survive and thrive so fruitfully.

Although hamsters are domestic animals, more tame and would have great difficulty fend for themselves in the wild, we must pay attention to what they would eat in the wild when planning their diet to ensure that they are happy and he althy:

  • Approximately half of the diet should be made up of specific food for hamsters.
  • A 45 % should be made up of raw vegetables.
  • Finally, you must provide a small remaining amount of fruit (about 5%), as these contain sugar and are not recommended in excess.

Properties and benefits of cheese for hamsters

As we have discussed before, adding cheese to your hamster's regular diet is a good idea. Not only because of the benefits that this food provides, but also because he's going to love it, no doubt about it. Giving this gift to your little rodent is a good way to strengthen your friendship, but it also brings other benefits, as long as the amount is adequate. Among the properties and benefits of cheese for hamsters, the following stand out:

  • Contains protein: cheese is a way to add protein to your hamster's diet, since they need approximately 15 and 20% protein in your regular meal. And in case of being a pregnant female, this amount is even higher. However, not all specific feed for hamsters meet this requirement. It is for this reason that offering fresh cheese to your hamster can be a good option.
  • Contains minerals: In addition, cheese is also a source of necessary minerals for your body, such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Contains saturated fat: However, this food is also made up of saturated fat, which undoubtedly poses a risk for your hamster become obese if you give too much. It is for this reason that, when you want to give your rodent cheese, the best choice will be those cheeses that are low in fat and calories. In the same way, to take care of your pet's he alth, you should choose those cheeses that do not contain additives or colorants.

Cheese is, therefore, a food that your hamster will appreciate being offered and that has multiple benefits. Now, it must be emphasized that it is not essential to add it to its diet, since being an omnivorous animal, you can plan a balanced diet according to its needs with lots of variety of food.

Can hamsters eat cheese? - Properties and benefits of cheese for hamsters
Can hamsters eat cheese? - Properties and benefits of cheese for hamsters

What is lactose intolerance?

Although your hamster may love cheese, his body doesn't have to accept it in the same way. In nature, this species tends to feed on vegetables and, occasionally, an insect or small reptile. Therefore, his digestive system may not be ready to digest dairy products once he stops being breastfed by his mother.

This is because milk contains a component called lactose, for which, during the digestion process, the body requires the intervention of an enzyme called lactase to digest it. This enzyme is not produced by all bodies in the same way and, therefore, those individuals who are not capable of fruitfully breaking down lactose are intolerant to this component, since it is indigestible for them and consequently causesdigestive problems

For this reason, if you want to give your hamster cheese, you should do it very progressively and give him aminimal amount at first, so that you can observe your little one's stool and deduce if it has been good or bad. In case it is not appropriate to give your hamster cheese, do not worry, as there are many prizes and treats at your disposal, which he will love in the same way.

In addition, it is important to know what types of food are prohibited for hamsters to avoid digestive problems in your pet.

How much cheese is suitable for a hamster?

Given the high amount of lipids that cheese contains, you should not offer your hamster this food every day, but rather between 1 or 2 times a weekto prevent obesity.

Regarding the amount you should give your rodent, think that since it is so small, the piece of cheese you give it should be proportional to its body. That is, it is recommended that you give him at most a pea-like portion, starting initially with a tiny amount and slowly increasing to see if his body accepts it. accepts appropriately.

Conversely, if you give it more cheese than it can eat at the moment, it will store the remaining leftovers in its nest. This can lead to spoilage, which can pose a he alth risk if your hamster ingests it in poor condition.

To prepare your hamster's diet, you may be interested in this other ExpetoAnimal article on Fruits and vegetables for hamsters.
