Native animals of Chile - Discover the 10 most representative

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Native animals of Chile - Discover the 10 most representative
Native animals of Chile - Discover the 10 most representative
Animals native to Chile
Animals native to Chile

Chile is a country in South America with varied ecosystems: the coast of the Pacific Ocean, the rugged and snowy Andes mountain range, the Atacama desert, the ice of the Antarctic region are some of them. With such different geographical features, it is not uncommon for the fauna and flora to be diverse as well.

If you are interested in knowing what species are hidden in these lands, then you cannot miss this article on our site about native animals of Chile. Keep reading!

Animals of the southern zone of Chile: monito del monte

The Dromiciops gliroides, also called monito del monte or colocolo is a marsupial that inhabits the coastal areas of the Maule region, has light brown fur, bulging eyes, and long ears and teeth. It feeds mainly on fruits, seeds and insects. It is an animal very skillful with its legs, which allows it to get food more easily and climb trees to escape predators. The monito del monte lives alone, gathering in herds of a maximum of three individuals.

Native animals of Chile - Animals of the southern zone of Chile: monito del monte
Native animals of Chile - Animals of the southern zone of Chile: monito del monte

Animals of the southern zone of Chile: Chilote fox

The chilote fox, or Pseudalopex fulvipeses, is a very popular mammal, discovered by Charles Darwin during his expeditions, which also has earned the name of Darwin's foxIt lives in mountainous areas and forests with abundant vegetation. The Chilote fox is omnivorous, so it consumes small mammals, insects, reptiles, plants, fruits, among others. It is one of the smallest foxes that can be found in Chile, as it is only 80 centimeters long and weighs between 2 and 3 kilos.

Native animals of Chile - Animals of the southern zone of Chile: Chilote fox
Native animals of Chile - Animals of the southern zone of Chile: Chilote fox

Animals of the southern zone of Chile: huemul

The huemul, also known as Hippocamelus bisulcus, is a species of deer that lives in wooded areas with abundant bushes, preferably if They are found near lakes and rivers. It weighs about 100 kilos and measures 90 centimeters. It has two horns that protrude from its head, which are manifested during its reproductive phase. Like many species, the huemul is a solitary animal, so it moves in small groups of only 2 or 3 individuals, most of which are female. It is herbivorous, so it feeds on grasses, fruits and leaves.

Native animals of Chile - Animals of the southern zone of Chile: huemul
Native animals of Chile - Animals of the southern zone of Chile: huemul

Animals of the northern zone of Chile: alpaca

The alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a mammal whose body is covered with abundant wool that protects it from climatic conditions. It is very famous for its very particular way of defending itself, because it usually spits at predators when it feels threatened. It inhabits areas at 2000 meters above sea level, such as plains and foothills. In both Chile and Peru, the alpaca has been domesticated for centuries, especially since its wool is highly valued.

Native animals of Chile - Animals of the northern zone of Chile: alpaca
Native animals of Chile - Animals of the northern zone of Chile: alpaca

Animals of the northern zone of Chile: guanaco

The guanaco, or Lama guanicoe, is an animal very similar to the llama and one of the largest that exists in Chile, although it can also be found in Bolivia and Argentina. It reaches up to 1.50 meters in height and weighs an impressive 450 kilos It feeds on plants, herbs, trees and fruits. It lives in open areas such as the pampas, the desert and foothills. Like the alpaca, defends itself by spitting when it feels threatened, although it can also run at 50 kilometers per hour.

Native animals of Chile - Animals of the northern zone of Chile: guanaco
Native animals of Chile - Animals of the northern zone of Chile: guanaco

Animals from the north of Chile: Andean cat

The Andean cat (Oreailurus jacobita) is a feline that lives in rocky mountain areas at 4000 meters above sea level. It weighs up to 4 kilos and is characterized by its gray fur with brown around its neck and back, as well as a long tail that covers a third of its body. The indigenous communities in Chile believed that the Andean cat attracted good luck, so they used to hunt it to dissect it and bring fortune to the home and crops. It feeds on small birds and other mammals.

Native animals of Chile - Animals of the northern zone of Chile: Andean cat
Native animals of Chile - Animals of the northern zone of Chile: Andean cat

Endangered animals in Chile: Arica hummingbird

The Arica hummingbird, or Eulidia yarrellii, is one of the smallest birds in Chile and the world. It measures between 7 and 8 centimeters and weighs 2 or 2.5 kilos. Males of this species have a bluish-purple spot on their throat or neck, while females are completely white. It feeds on the nectar of some flowers, although it can also hunt small insects and eat various types of fruit. It is in danger of extinction due to the destruction of its habitat and the use of pesticides in the trees where it nests.

Animals native to Chile - Animals in danger of extinction in Chile: Arica hummingbird
Animals native to Chile - Animals in danger of extinction in Chile: Arica hummingbird

Endangered Animals in Chile: Volcano Growler

The Volcano Growler (Pristidactylus volcanensis) is a small lizard that inhabits rocky and scrubby areas up to 2000 meters above sea level from sea. Its body is gray with small transverse darker spots. It feeds on insects such as spiders and other invertebrates. The volcano growler does not like direct sun, so it always seeks to hide in bushes and thickets. It is threatened due to the earthquakes typical of the area, the fires and the climate change

Native Animals of Chile - Endangered Animals in Chile: Volcano Growler
Native Animals of Chile - Endangered Animals in Chile: Volcano Growler

Endangered animals in Chile: Darwin's frog

The Darwin's frog, or Rhinoderma rufum, is an amphibian that is critically endangered due to environmental contamination and modification or loss of their habitat, since the areas where they are distributed are used for agriculture. Darwin's frog reaches only 3 centimeters in length, it owes its name to the fact that it was one of the many animal species that Charles Darwin discovered throughout his expeditions. It has a green color that covers its entire body, except for the central area, which is black.

Animals native to Chile - Animals in danger of extinction in Chile: Darwin's frog
Animals native to Chile - Animals in danger of extinction in Chile: Darwin's frog

Endangered animals in Chile: huillín

The huillín (Lontra provocax) is a species of otter that lives in rivers and streams where there is abundant vegetation and wood debris. It feeds mainly on crustaceans, fish, other marine animals and waterfowl. It measures between 1 and 1.5 meters, and weighs between 15 and 20 kilos. It is in danger of extinction for several reasons: hunting for the consumption of its meat and the export of skins; the destruction of their habitat by burning and felling trees; and the pollution of rivers and streams.

Native animals of Chile - Animals in danger of extinction in Chile: huillín
Native animals of Chile - Animals in danger of extinction in Chile: huillín

I want to know more about Chile

We know that the native animals of Chile are incredible, for this reason, on our site we have prepared a list with 10 exotic birds of Chile that you cannot miss and, if you prefer, you can continue investigating more about Chile's endangered animals.
