Abscesses in rabbits are a relatively common disorder and can be more or less serious depending on their location and extent. Therefore, they will always require veterinary treatment, even when we do not notice more symptoms than a lump.
In this article on our site, we are going to review the abscesses that we can most frequently find in domestic rabbits, as well as their symptoms and the treatment of abscesses in rabbits.
What are abscesses?
An abscess is a accumulation of pus that becomes encapsulated under the skin, becomes inflamed and can gradually increase in size. They are not usually painful and there are both soft and hard consistency. They are normally associated with bacterial infections caused by Pasteurella multocida, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Pseudomona sp. or Clostridium sp.
It is more common to see them on the skin of any part of the body, especially the face, or inside the mouth. Frequently, the rabbit will not present more symptoms than the lumps, although those located in the mouth or surroundings can prevent it from eating normally, causing anorexia and the consequent weight loss. Therefore, if your rabbit has a lump in its jaw, neck, stomach or belly, it is important to go to the vet immediately. Abscesses in rabbits can be associated with questionable hygiene conditionsAbscesses may be widespread in rabbits or limited to a single area.

Diagnosing purulent abscesses in rabbits
As we have pointed out, abscesses in rabbits can be seen as lumps under the skin, especially in the jaw area. It is common for them to lose their hair. As the vet cannot be sure that it is an abscess just by its appearance, he will prick it with a fine needle to take a sample of the content and observe it under a microscope. In this way, the diagnosis is confirmed.
Causes of purulent abscesses in rabbits
This type of abscess has several possible causes, such as:
- A bacterial infection, such as that caused by Pasteurella multocida.
- A dental infection.
- A foreign body causing an injury.
In this species the most common cause of a purulent abscess is a dental problem, as we will see in the next section. To avoid these and other problems, you may also be interested in this other article on Abnormal Growth of Rabbit Teeth.
Dental abscesses in rabbits
This type of abscess in rabbits is the most common. To detect it, the vet will explore the mouth and even have to take X-rays, since the problem is not always visible to the naked eye. It is usually due to a problem in the teeth, but it is also possible that they develop from a foreign body that gets lodged in the mouth. Malocclusion or tumors are other causes to consider.
In these cases, it is always necessary to resort to surgery to completely empty the abscess and, if present, remove the affected teeth and even the jaw bone or eye, if the abscess is retrobulbar. The problem that derives the severity of these abscesses is that it is not always possible to remove the entire damaged area without causing significant deformities incompatible with life. These are the cases in which euthanasia is valued

Corneal abscesses in rabbits
Many times we can see that our rabbit has something white in the eye, in addition to having it swollen, and we don't know what could be the cause. It is probably an abscess in the eye. Among the abscesses or lumps in rabbits, we highlight the corneal, which can appear in an eye, generally after a scratch from another animal, which is why it is more frequent in those specimens that live with others or with different species, especially cats.
There is an infection that remains contained in the cornea, in an area that the usual antibiotic eye drops cannot access. Also, to aggravate the picture, this type of abscess can rupture. A very close veterinary follow-up is necessary for its management and, even so, the cure is not always complete and there may be sequels even irreversible.
To avoid other problems in your pet, it is important that your rabbit has all the annual vaccinations. To find out about it, you can take a look at this other article on Vaccines for rabbits.

How to drain an abscess in rabbits
If your rabbit has a lump on its neck or in another part of its body, you should know that the treatment of abscesses in rabbits depends on its origin, its location and the severity of the condition. That's why there is no single option to drain them and we can't do it at homeThe vet is the one who has to open them to extract the pus and disinfect them. This operation can be done with local anesthetics, if the rabbit is calm.
In the most complex cases, surgery with anesthesia is used With it, the aim is to completely clean the abscess and, if applicable, the fistulas that may have been generated. When the abscess affects joints, it may be necessary to amputate that limb In any case, the veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic for abscesses in rabbits. It is given long-term, for at least a couple of weeks. It is best to do a crop first to select the most suitable.
In addition, the cavity left by the abscess can be disinfected with products such as honey, chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine. It is also essential to feed the rabbit a suitable diet for its recovery and to avoid stress or dental problems. This species needs to always have hay and, of course, water at its disposal. The diet is completed with vegetables such as spinach, endives, asparagus, cabbage or parsley and special feed for rabbits in the form of pellets. Although fruit or bread can occasionally be given, an excess of these products contributes to the appearance of dental problems, increasing the risk of suffering abscesses in the mouth.