LADDER SNAKE - Characteristics, habitat, customs, feeding and reproduction

LADDER SNAKE - Characteristics, habitat, customs, feeding and reproduction
LADDER SNAKE - Characteristics, habitat, customs, feeding and reproduction
Ladder Snake
Ladder Snake

In this tab of our site we present information about one of the snakes with a wide distribution in some countries of the European continent, the ladder snakeInterestingly, this animal has been identified from the taxonomic point of view in different ways, since it was called Rhinechis scalaris and was also considered to be within the genus Elaphe and currently corresponds to the species Zamenis scalaris . Dare to continue reading and discover the main features of this type of snake.

Characteristics of the ladder snake

The main characteristics of the ladder snake are:

  • Medium size: measuring on average about 1.5 meters in length and rarely exceeds this dimension.
  • Head well differentiated: being wide compared to the body.
  • Differences in Jaws: The upper jaw is slightly more prominent than the lower.
  • Head scales large: particularly those near the nasal area are protuberant, while those on the rest of the body are smooth and more little.
  • Black or dark eyes: with well rounded pupils.
  • It is a robust and muscular animal.
  • Coloration varies with age: the young being lighter or whitish, with a black pattern from behind the eyes, to the mouth; the adults, on the other hand, are yellowish or brownish.
  • Name based on its physique: the common name of the species is related to two very visible black lines that run longitudinally throughout the body on both sides of the back: perpendicular to these lines, there are transverse marks, also black, that join the longitudinal stripes, creating the shape of a ladder.
  • Change in spots: adults gradually lose their transverse spots and only keep those that are arranged longitudinally.
  • Sexual dimorphism: Although there is no marked sexual dimorphism, male ladder snakes are usually slightly larger and with the widest head.

To find out if the ladder snake has poison, consult our article Is the ladder snake poisonous?

Ladder Snake Habitat

The widest distribution of the ladder snake is found in Portugal and Spain, although it is absent from most of the northern region of the latter country. It also has a presence in France and has been reported with an uncertain presence in Italy. Within its range, it exists on certain islands, which in some cases has to do with introductions that have been made.

This snake can range from sea level to 2,200 meters in elevation. The habitat is mainly made up of Mediterranean ecosystems, which are usually sunny, rocky and with abundant plant cover. Additionally, it is possible to find it in open-type forests, thickets, spaces bordering fields, cultivated areas of hedges, vineyards, olive groves, as well as grasslands with weeds and even abandoned areas with ruins.

Customs of the ladder snake

The activity and habits of the ladder snake vary depending on the time of year and its influence on the weather. In some areas without such abrupt changes, this species is usually active throughout the year.

In regions with more accentuated changes, it has two moments of greater activity:

  • One that is in the spring
  • The other for the fall

Generally it tends to be active in the mornings and afternoons, being common that, in the summer, it extends its outings until the night, something that is mainly done by young individuals. The ladder snake is an animal with basically terrestrial habits, but it is a good climber both in trees and on ruin walls where it is commonly found.

On the other hand, it is a snake that tries to flee quickly and agile in the presence of humans, but it can be quite aggressive if she is bothered or feels threatened, a behavior that she also has when she takes care of her eggs.

Ladder Snake Feeding

The ladder snake is a carnivorous animal, which actively looks for its prey on its routes. Small and young individuals reduce their diet to small animals, which changes as they grow and can capture larger victims. Its hunting technique consists of catching its prey with its teeth, in some cases it swallows them alive, but in others, it suffocates them by constriction and then eats them.

Among the animals that this snake consumes are birds, different types of rodents, including rabbits, invertebrates, other reptiles and even eggs.

Reproduction of the ladder snake

It is an animal with reproduction of oviparous type, which copulates mainly at night in spring, although eventually towards the end of the season can do it in the day. After a month or a little longer, the female lays between 5 and 25 eggs, which she will take care of and incubate for more than two months. The spawning can be done under the vegetation cover or even semi bury the eggs.

The birth of the young occurs in the autumn, and they measure between approximately 10 to 25 cm long, and will not reach sexual maturity until around four years old.

Conservation status of the ladder snake

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has classified the ladder snake in the category of least concern, with a trend stable population. The species is abundant and does not present major threats, however, it is frequent run over by individuals that move along highways or certain paths where they frequent. For some time, although it has now been limited, some peasants used the fat of this snake to apply it to the wounds of domesticated animals such as goats and sheep.

There has also been a certain level of alert due to the transformation of the vegetation cover in the areas where the species inhabits, caused mainly by the type of agricultural activity that takes place in certain areas.

Photos of Ladder Snake
