CLOWN FISH CARE - Habitat, Feeding and Compatibility

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CLOWN FISH CARE - Habitat, Feeding and Compatibility
CLOWN FISH CARE - Habitat, Feeding and Compatibility
Clownfish Care
Clownfish Care

Who doesn't know which fish is the protagonist of the movie "Finding Nemo"? No one! Everyone knows that Nemo is a clown fish, also called anemone fish (Amphiprion ocellaris), which lives in the tropical waters of the coral reefs of the Indian-Pacific Ocean and can live up to 15 years. Since the movie came out, this colorful orange fish with black and white stripes has been increasingly seen in aquariums around the world for its beauty and relatively easy to keepWhat are they.

If you want to know how to take care of a clownfish, keep reading this article on our site where we will explain exactly what the clownfish care are, so that if you adopt one, you know at all times what your marine partner needs to be a he althy and happy fish.

The Clownfish Aquarium

To care for a clownfish properly you need to prepare a good habitat for it to live in. Therefore, if we are going to adopt a pair of clownfish we will need at least an aquarium with 150 liters of water and if we only have one, an aquarium with 75 liters of waterIt will be enough. Keep in mind that these fish are very active animals and swim up and down the tank all the time, so they need plenty of room to move around.

On the other hand, the water must be between 24 and 27 degrees in temperature, since clownfish are tropical and they need the water to stay warm and clean. To do this, we can put a thermometer and a heater in the aquarium and make sure every day that the water is at the corresponding temperature. We must also make sure that the water is within the corresponding salinity parameters for a s altwater aquarium.

Clownfish Care - The Clownfish Aquarium
Clownfish Care - The Clownfish Aquarium

Clownfish Aquarium Decoration

Other important clownfish care are the things to include in your aquarium. In addition to being part of their diet, Anemones are essential animals for these fish, since apart from feeding on the parasites and food residues they contain, they also They serve them to have fun and shelter from other fish. As we have already mentioned, clown fish are very active and need places in the aquarium to distract themselves or hide from other fish, but be careful because they are very territorial and hierarchical, so each one needs an anemone for itself and if you do not have it, will fight with others to get it. It's also called "anemone fish" for a reason.

Also, we can place other animals and plants around the aquarium and for the bottom, it is recommended place coral grains because the fish Clownfish are the quintessential inhabitants of coral reefs in tropical waters and placing them in your aquarium will remind them of their natural habitat.

Clownfish feeding

The clownfish's diet is another factor to take into account when caring for it. Bearing in mind that are carnivores, these fish need a daily supply of specific pellet food, but it is also advisable to give them live or dead feed from time to time without stopping the water currents of the aquarium, since being predators, their hunting instinct makes them chase their food until they catch it.

Apart from the symbiosis with anemones, clownfish can eat in their natural habitat from small crustaceans such as prawns or peeled prawns, through squid or octopus, to some molluscs such as mussels or cockles. However, they also need a vegetable supply in their diet, so by giving them quality dry or dehydrated meals once a day, we will cover all the clownfish's nutritional needs.

Clownfish care - Clownfish feeding
Clownfish care - Clownfish feeding

Compatibility with other clownfish and other species

Being so territorial, you have to keep in mind that clownfish don't usually get along with others of the same species and can even become aggressive when a new one is introduced into the aquarium and there is already an established hierarchy. In addition, mixing clownfish species is not recommended unless you have very large aquariums (300 to 500 liters of water). Therefore, we must be very careful, even during theseason. clownfish reproduction

Despite everything, they are small and relatively slow swimming, therefore, to favor clownfish care, it is not recommended to place them with other larger species or aggressive carnivorous fish such as lionfish, since the anemone fish's chances of survival would be reduced exponentially. What we can do is place them together with other tropical fish for an aquarium that are clownfish related such as:

  • Damsels
  • Maidens
  • Angels
  • Gobies
  • Blennies
  • Surgeonfish
  • Gramma loretos
  • Fire Darts
  • Marine invertebrates
  • Anemones
  • Corals
