8 things your dog knows about you

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8 things your dog knows about you
8 things your dog knows about you
8 things your dog knows about you
8 things your dog knows about you

Have you ever wondered how your pet knows when you're coming home or when you're feeling sick? Probably yes because it has happened to all of us who have these pets at some point, but do you know everything what they might know about you?

Dogs have a super powerful sense of smell and an innate ability to connect with us that allows them to empathize and know how we feel both physically and mentally. We all know how intelligent these animals can be and how much they can feel around us, but if you want to know exactly what dogs can know about humans, don't miss this article titled 8 things your dog knows about you from our site and find out.

They notice your fear

One of the things your dog knows about you is when you are afraid and if you need his protection When we are scared we secrete adrenaline and powerful nose of our canine friends is able to smell it. In addition, when we are afraid our body contracts and prepares to flee/defend itself, something that the dogs notice instantly, even becoming nervous and tense themselves in case they have to defend us, since we are part of their pack.

8 things your dog knows about you - They notice your fear
8 things your dog knows about you - They notice your fear

They distinguish your moods

As with fear, dogs have a lot of empathy and they also know how to recognize when you're happy or when you're sad by reading your body and facial language. Dogs are experts at reading our facial and body expressions in order to know if we feel good or bad and, the moment your dog notices that you are discouraged or afflicted, do not doubt that he will show you his affection and will try to comfort you by approaching you to pamper you and so that you know that you can always count on him. That day he won't leave your side until he's well!

8 things your dog knows about you - They distinguish your moods
8 things your dog knows about you - They distinguish your moods

They know if you're sick

With a nose between 10,000 and 100,000 times more powerful than ours, dogs are capable of detecting certain diseases and more and more dogs are specializing in it by training their sense of smell, which it is able to differentiate some chemical substances that we secrete in our body when we are sick. From migraines or urinary infections, through low blood glucose or epileptic seizures, to cancer detection. So if your pet is too focused on smelling a particular part of your body, it's best that you go to a doctor to get it checked out. When your dog feels that you are not feeling well, he will approach you to take care of you and he will not leave you alone because he knows that it is when you need him the most.

8 things your dog knows about you - They know if you're sick
8 things your dog knows about you - They know if you're sick

They notice your anger

Another thing dogs know about you is when you're mad at them. The moment they do something wrong and you are going to scold them, these animals notice that your body posture, your facial language and your tone of voice have changed, and that consequently, they have just done something you did not like. That's why they tend to pen their ears down and hide their tail between their legs.

If they consider you their alpha there is no problem because if you scold them at that moment they will be able to correct that inappropriate behavior but, if you are someone with a very flexible personality or do not have authority and they notice that it does not happen nothing when they do something bad, it is most likely that they take advantage of that situation and do not stop doing various misdeeds. Remember that dogs need you to set limits and that is achieved by educating them well.

They know if you're pregnant

If you are pregnant, it is likely that you have noticed that your pet is more aware of you and that her behavior with you has changed. This is because dogs are able to noticing the hormonal changes that are taking place in your body at that moment and are much more protective of you and the baby because they know you're vulnerable. The moment the baby is born, your dog will always protect it and will not be separated from it because it knows that it is the weakest member of its pack and must watch it well.

8 things your dog knows about you - They know if you're pregnant
8 things your dog knows about you - They know if you're pregnant

Distinguish between love and hate

Dogs are able to tell if you like or like a person by the oxytocin you secrete, also known as the love hormone. This chemical substance that you release together with the changes in the rhythm of your breathing and the tension in your body make your pet know if you love the person in front of you or not. If not, your body will secrete other hormones and your body language will reveal that this person is not well received by you.

8 things your dog knows about you - They distinguish love and hate
8 things your dog knows about you - They distinguish love and hate

They notice your intentions

Did you know that dogs know what you are going to do before you do it? This is because these animals are capable of perceiving even the most imperceptible signs of your body and facial language, and that is why they can anticipate your movementsIf you don't think about how your dog knows when you are going to take him for a walk or when you have to leave home and leave him alone without saying so, or when you want to bathe him and he hides in a corner of the house without mentioning it, etc…

Furthermore, dogs are one of the most grateful animals that exist and if you are generous or have done something good for them at some point in their lives, rest assured that they will be eternally grateful and will not forget it never. Of course, they are also capable of noticing if you have bad intentions with them or if you plan to do something bad to them, so it is better to be careful and never hurt them on purpose.

They know where you've been

Finally, another thing your dog knows about you is where you came from just by smelling you when you get home, since canines have approximately 200 million more cells receptors in their sense of smell than humans, and they are capable of knowing if you have been to the supermarket, if you have just come from work or if you have just exercised in a park where there were other animals. They can distinguish millions of subtle aromas so never put these 10 smells that dogs can't stand directly into their nose.
