10 things your dog wants you to know - Find out, they're important

10 things your dog wants you to know - Find out, they're important
10 things your dog wants you to know - Find out, they're important
10 things your dog wants you to know
10 things your dog wants you to know

Dogs are very expressive animals, with a little observation it is possible to know if they are happy, sad or nervous. However, many people find it difficult to understand them or understand what happens to them in certain situations.

What if your dog could talk? What kind of things do you think he would say to you? On our site we wanted to imagine this and we bring you 1 0 things your dog wants you to know. Do not miss it!

1. I learn what you teach me with patience

Having a dog is not an easy task, especially for those who are new to adopting an animal. When you bring a furry friend home for the first time, you want to teach him everything he needs to maintain a harmonious coexistence and educate him as a good companion. However, training days can often be frustrating if you don't get the expected results immediately or apply the wrong methods due to ignorance.

If your dog could talk, he would tell you that he is capable of learning anything you want, as long as patience and loveare essential elements during training. The positive reinforcement, kind words and play are essential in a successful teaching process, as well as respecting the appropriate times per session (no more than 15 minutes) and not stress the animal with long, monotonous or boring training sessions. Check the following article to find out what mistakes you make: "15 common mistakes when training a dog."

10 things your dog wants you to know - 1. I learn what you teach me with patience
10 things your dog wants you to know - 1. I learn what you teach me with patience

two. We are partners forever

Adopting a dog is making a commitment for the rest of your life, it's not a decision you can regret overnight. That is why abandoning him, ignoring his needs, being lazy to take care of him or mistreating him are things that should never happen.

Many people find it difficult to understand this because they do not see that the dog is a living being with feelings and needs similar to those of the human being. Before adopting, evaluate your ability to offer him everything he needs and the prospect that he will be with you for many years. Also, keep in mind that if you take care of him and cover all his needs, you will have by your side a faithful companion who will never abandon youand will give you, every day, the best of himself.

10 things your dog wants you to know - 2. We are companions forever
10 things your dog wants you to know - 2. We are companions forever

3. I depend on you for everything

Taking care of a furry companion means being willing to meet their every need: food, shelter, vet visits, play, training, exercise, own space, affection and respect are some of them.

When you adopt a dog, you must understand that he depends on you for everything: you must feed him, you must take him to the vet when you notice that something in his he alth has changed, you must give him love and affection, and a great etcetera. Don't worry, it's not all about giving: the dog will reward you with joy, loy alty and love unconditional.

If you have doubts about feeding him, don't miss this article: "Amount of daily food for dogs"

10 things your dog wants you to know - 3. I depend on you for everything
10 things your dog wants you to know - 3. I depend on you for everything

4. Punishing me doesn't work

Many times we try to attribute to dogs attitudes typical of human beings, such as guilt, revenge or resentment. How many people have you heard say that their dog did this or that as revenge for him being reprimanded for something? Probably more than one.

The truth is that dogs do not understand, much less experience feelings similar to what we understand as “guilt” or “resentment”, for example. That's why when you yell at him, deny him his toys or go out to the park as punishment for something he has done, the dog is unable to interpret what is happening much less relate it as a direct consequence of something “bad” he has done.

Punishments of this type will only cause confusion, unleash episodes of anxiety and open a gap in the love they share. For this reason, dog behavior experts always recommend opting for positive reinforcement, based on rewarding good behaviors instead of "punishing" bad ones, since in this way the animal does understand that a certain behavior is appropriate and remains motivated to repeat it. See the following article for more information: "5 common mistakes when scolding a dog."

10 things your dog wants you to know - 4. Punishing me doesn't work
10 things your dog wants you to know - 4. Punishing me doesn't work

5. Everything I do has a reason

If from one day to the next your dog starts chewing furniture, doing his business inside the house, biting his paws, tripping over objects, and a long etcetera, you must understand that all the things he does have a reason and are not his whim.

In the face of any abnormal behavior, start by ruling out illnesses, stress problems or disorders for various reasons. The dog is not capricious or spoiled, something happens to him when his usual behavior is affected. An example of this is the one we show in this article: "Why does my dog poop at home if he didn't do it before?".

10 things your dog wants you to know - 5. Everything I do has a reason
10 things your dog wants you to know - 5. Everything I do has a reason

6. I need you to understand me

Understanding the language of dogs is crucial to interpreting what they need and noticing when something negative happens. Knowing what it means when it raises its paw, why sometimes its ears are tilted and on other occasions erect, what the different movements of its tail mean or when it warns you about something it doesn't like, among others, will allow you to get to know it better, avoid conflicts between you, prevent unwanted attitudes and preserve harmony in the home.

Check out our article on "Dog language and calm signals" to learn how to interpret it and communicate better with your furry friend.

10 things your dog wants you to know - 6. I need you to understand me
10 things your dog wants you to know - 6. I need you to understand me

7. Exercise is essential for me

Due to lack of time in the fast-paced daily routine, many people consider it more than enough to take the dog out in the afternoon to relieve herself outside and then return home quickly. However, this is a terrible mistake.

Like any other animal, the dog needs to exercise daily to stay he althy, interspersing quiet walks with jogs during the week or games in the park, for example.

Exercise will not only allow him to stay in shape, but also to interact with other dogs, discover new places and smells to stimulate his mind, distract himself, drain energy, among others. A dog that is deprived of physical activity will develop compulsive, destructive and nervous behaviors. Find out how to properly walk your dog in this article.

10 things your dog wants you to know - 7. Exercise is essential for me
10 things your dog wants you to know - 7. Exercise is essential for me

8. I need my own space

A he althy dog needs a bed that is warm in winter and cool in summer, an established place to relieve himself, toys, food containers and space in the home that allows him to remain integrated into family life, but at the same time have privacy in the moments when you want to rest

Before adopting a furry friend, you must take into account this necessary space for him, because only then will he be comfortable.

10 things your dog wants you to know - 8. I need my own space
10 things your dog wants you to know - 8. I need my own space

9. I need to be a dog

Nowadays it is very common humanizing dogs What does this mean? It has to do with attributing to them needs and behaviors that are typical of human beings. It manifests itself in actions such as, for example, organizing birthday parties for dogs similar to those prepared for children, dressing them in clothes that do not protect them from the weather at all, treating them like babies, among others.

People who do this think they pamper and give their dogs the best, when the truth is that treating them like children means limiting behaviors that are typical of the canes, such as preventing him from running in the field or carrying him in his arms everywhere so that he does not walk.

When this happens, the same dog confuses the role he has in the family and develops compulsive and destructive behaviors when he is prevented from carrying out natural activities for his species. In this way, another of the things that your dog wants to tell you is that you let him express himself freely, in his own way and following his instinct.

10 things your dog wants you to know - 9. I need to be a dog
10 things your dog wants you to know - 9. I need to be a dog

10. The love I have for you is unconditional

Dogs are said to be a human's best friend and are considered a symbol of loy alty, and none of these things are in vain. The bond that dogs create with humans is strong and lasting, it will be maintained for the rest of their lives and it is up to you to respond in the same way.

Care, love and responsible adoption are the main ingredients when giving your dog the necessary care to repay all the joy that brings to your life.
