Homeopathy for fearful dogs

Homeopathy for fearful dogs
Homeopathy for fearful dogs
Homeopathy for Fearful Dogs
Homeopathy for Fearful Dogs

The holidays are approaching and with them the doubts about whether our pet will have as much fun as we do or if we will need to help him with something to keep him calm. In consultation you hear, too often, "can I give my pet something to keep him calm?" To which I in particular respond: what is happening to him? And I have many and varied answers such as: "I don't know, I think that way she will be calmer because I leave her alone at home", or "she is afraid of fireworks and hides", or "she is not comfortable when she comes people home and attack", …

There will be people who identified with these testimonies and others who will have other justifications. In the veterinary market there are all kinds of products for these cases, natural and not so many, but as a homeopathic veterinary doctor I would like us to start seeing our pet in a more holistic way.

From our site we want to try to expand this holistic view of the animal through homeopathy for fearful dogs, focusing on sick people and not diseases, as Hippocrates said.

What is fear?

To face treatments about fear, we must first define it: "sensation of anguish caused by a real or imaginary danger" according to Wikipedia. But for it to be completely correct, it is quite close, but in animals we cannot define their "sensations", since we do not know them, we can only guess them, so we will define it as: "an adopted behavior in the face of real or imagined danger"

These behaviors will be different in different animals, from a rabbit or a hamster to a dog or a cat. It is about observing our pet to understand if it is a startle (slight), fear or terror (very extreme) The 3 can be behaviors adopted before something unknown or known but not expected, which are modalizations of the same fear. This in canine homeopathy is very important to define tolerance levels in our pet and how it interacts with the environment. The homeopathic veterinary doctor will value this information that you, as owners, can provide.

Homeopathy for fearful dogs - What is fear?
Homeopathy for fearful dogs - What is fear?

Veterinary homeopathy: unicist or pluricist

Today, here in Spain specifically, there is a battle against homeopathy that we do not want to enter into but we do want to emphasize that animals do not have subjectivities, and if the medication chosen is correct we will have an answer. Homeopathic medicine supposes a change and a holistic vision of all beings treated with it: humans, animals and/or plants. It no longer matters if we talk about unicism (giving only 1 homeopathic medicine at a time) or pluricism (several homeopathic medicines that respond to the symptoms), but what helps our pets in their vital state.

Thanks to the fact that homeopathic medicines for dogs have no toxicity, we can act freely. But for a drug, or several, to have a positive evolution in our animal, we must speak with total sincerity with our veterinarian, without omitting data from the questionnaire that he proposes. In this way we will be able to obtain the desired effect and that it does not continue over time and, what is more important, our animal will be more comfortable in its lifestyle.

Start, fear or phobia

As we said before, there are different levels of "fears" that it would be very useful for the veterinarian to be able to identify them. We begin by saying that we are in holiday season so fireworks will be the order of the day, but is our animal afraid of them only? Perhaps we should remember and remember what happens when the doorbell rings, something falls to the ground or there are thunderstorms. Are they the same reactions or do they even notice?

These are the easiest ways to identify what level of fear we are at. In homeopathy they are called "individualizing symptoms" that is, only that pet has them, although they are repeated in other animals. It is not the same if our animal hides every time it hears rain than the one that seeks to be by our side. There are many modalities but the same homeopathic veterinarian will guide us in the search for it.

Homeopathy for fearful dogs - Startle, fear or phobia
Homeopathy for fearful dogs - Startle, fear or phobia

Homeopathic kit for fearful dogs

Because my training is unicist homeopathic veterinarian I am quite adept at looking for the basic medicine of our animal and, in this way, form, heal the fears that present.

I also understand that the speed with which we live daily, we want solutions now and, what is worse, we believe that canine homeopathy will be slow, which I totally deny. But in these cases, before resorting to an allopathic sedative, I encourage pet owners to have at home a homeopathic medicine cabinet Inside we will have only homeopathic medicines for dogs that help us get out of extreme situations such as pain from falls, burns, skin injuries, allergic outbreaks and fears or anxieties.

As the issue we deal with in homeopathy for fearful dogs is the fear of the unknown (thunder, fireworks), I recommend having Aconitum 200 in this kit.in the form that is most practical for you, drops or globules, and give it 1 or 2 days before the holidays several times a day. Another option they can use is Valeriana 30 , same way. In any case, consult your veterinarian for any questions.
