Fishes with TEETH - Characteristics and examples (with photos)

Fishes with TEETH - Characteristics and examples (with photos)
Fishes with TEETH - Characteristics and examples (with photos)
Toothy Fish - Features and Examples
Toothy Fish - Features and Examples

The teeth play a very important role in the feeding of most animal species, as they are responsible for cutting and grinding the food so that it can later be digested. For this reason, there are also fish with teeth, although these stand out more in those that feed on meat or vegetable matter, since they are necessary to catch their prey or uproot plant species.

Although this dentition is typical of gnathostome or jawed fish, it should be noted that agnathous or jawless fish, such as the lamprey, were the first to develop small horn-like structures like teeth with the that attaches to its prey to suck its blood. In this article on our site you will learn some characteristics and examples of fish with teeth

Types of teeth in fish

Depending on the shape and location of the teeth, these can be classified into three large groups:

  • Pharyngeal teeth: they are found in the gill arch of the fish and their main objective is to protect the gills from the entry of any material strange that could cause some harm to the animal.
  • Buccal teeth: These are located just inside the oral cavity. Depending on the species they can take on different shapes and some fish include vomerine teeth, which are located on the roof of the mouth to help grind food.
  • Mandibular teeth: unlike the previous ones, these teeth are more external and are found on the edge of the fish's jaws. Depending on the species of fish, the jaw teeth can have different shapes. In this way, you can distinguish viliform teeth, which are characterized by being fine and pointed; the teeth cardiform, similar to the previous ones but shorter; teeth canines, conical and pointed; teeth incisors, flattened and bevel-shaped with cutting function; and teeth molariformes, flatter teeth whose purpose is to grind and crush food.

Are there fish with human teeth?

Since there are numerous types of fish in the great seas and oceans, it is not uncommon to wonder if there are any species with teeth similar to those of humans and, in fact, the answer is yes Among these we can highlight the sargo chopa or Archosargus probatocephalus, a fish found in the Gulf of Mexico and the western coast of the Atlantic, mainly. These animals, belonging to the Sparidae family, measure approximately 80 centimeters, can weigh up to 14 kilograms and have a greyish, laterally flattened body with some darker bands. However, the most striking thing about the chopa bream is its teeth, which are large and flattened similar to those of humans. These teeth allow it to feed both on plant material (algae) and other small animals (molluscs and crustaceans) since they are omnivorous fish It is harmless to humans and in some regions are fished for their meat.

Archosargus probatocephalus is not the only specimen with teeth similar to those of humans, as other fish with these peculiar teeth are also known to exist. Among them stands out the famous triggerfish, which inhabits numerous seas and oceans on the planet.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples - Are there fish with human teeth?
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples - Are there fish with human teeth?

Examples of fish with teeth

Although there are many species of filter fish, which do not need a dentition to feed, numerous specimens of fish with teeth and with different teeth are also known. Here are some examples of fish that have teeth:

Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Without a doubt, when thinking of fish with teeth, great white sharks are the first that come to mind. They are giant and amazing fish that have several rows or rows of very strong teeth. These can be classified as canine teeth, since they are conical and sharp, capable of tearing any kind of prey. Notably, shark teeth have the ability to replace themselves when teeth are worn or lost during hunting.

Discover more types of sharks in this other article.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples - Examples of fish with teeth
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples - Examples of fish with teeth

River stingray (Potamotrygon brachyurus)

These rajiformes are distributed, as their name indicates, mainly in the rivers of Uruguay and Paraguay. They have a very small mouth on the ventral part of their body and there are around 25 rows of tiny teethThey are benthic fish and thanks to their teeth they can feed on some crustaceans, fish and molluscs from the bottom.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

Blond corvina (Micropogonias furnieri)

This common-looking s altwater fish is characterized by strong mandibular and molar-shaped teeth with which it can crush the shells of their main prey, benthic molluscs. In addition, it has some resistant pharyngeal teeth that help grind food and protect the passage of other bodies to the gills.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

Common Warbler (Pterodoras granulosus)

This species of freshwater toothed fish is characterized by its wide mouth containing small very fine oral teeth arranged in rowsthat allows them to feed on numerous crustaceans, algae, molluscs, fruits, etc. In addition, there is also a plaque at the back of the throat made up of pharyngeal teeth

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

This freshwater species originates from Asia and is known for its full lips with two barbels on either side. They present small oral teeth and some remarkable pharyngeal teeth which, like the blond croaker, They allow you to crush the shells of numerous molluscs. The common carp is an omnivorous fish, since it feeds both on vegetable matter and on numerous small invertebrates that are located on the seabed.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

White catfish (Pimelodus albicans)

This type of fish with teeth is characterized by having a large mouth where the oral teeth, smallare found. vomerine teeth forming two plates and large jaws forming a single band. Although it is an omnivorous fish, it usually feeds more on other fish (ichthyophagy).

Yellow Catfish (Pimelodus maculatus)

It is found in the rivers of South America and is characterized by its body with yellow tones, as its name indicates. It has numerous oral and mandibular teeth, the latter being viliform with a slight curvature. This denture only allows it to capture the food, since grinding becomes more complicated. However, these fish also have pharyngeal teeth with which they help to crush both plant and animal matter, since they are also omnivorous fish.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

Smooth bogue (Schizodon borellii)

Its mouth is small and it has only eight oral teeth and are delicate and incapable of grinding food. In the branchial arch area it also has pharyngeal teeth These teeth are adapted to the consumption of vegetable matter, as it is considered a herbivorous fish that consumes large amounts of algae.

As you can see, there are many types of fish teeth that exist and not all of them are intended to tear prey. However, if you want to see the teeth of carnivorous fish, don't miss this other article: "Characteristics of carnivorous fish".

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

Dotted Pencil (Chilodus punctatus)

This fish with teeth, which is typical of the Amazon River, is known for its laterally flattened body and its grayish tones with small black spots along its entire body length. The type of teeth it presents are mainly incisors and are used to scrape food from the bottom, as they consume a large amount of algae.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

Raspallón (Diplodus annularis)

Its habitat is marine with abundant vegetation and rocks. It has a flattened and shiny body with a small mouth where teeth of type incisors and molars are mainly located. Thanks to these, the raspallón can feed on some fish, echinoderms, worms, etc., since they are very good predators.

Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples
Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples

Other fish with teeth

The list of carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous fish is very long, so there are numerous species of toothy fish in the world. Among them we find the following:

  • Spiny catfish (Acanthodoras spinosissimus)
  • Piranha (Serrasalmus brandtii)
  • Red-spotted Parrot (Cetoscarus bicolor)
  • Coridoras (Corydoras areio)
  • Bull shark (Carcharias taurus)
  • Boga (Leporinus obtusiden)
  • Tailed Old Lady (Brochiloricaria chauliodon)
  • Armed yellow (Rhinodoras dorbignyi)
  • Marbled ray (Aetobatus narinari)
  • Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
