Horses are quadrupeds belonging to the family Equidae and the genus Equus. They have all been determined to be part of the same species: Equus ferus. However, as a result of their intense domestication, various experts have agreed to name domesticated horses as the subspecies Equus ferus caballus.
A great variety of what are known as horse breeds have been obtained from selective crosses, giving rise to impressively beautiful animals. There is a wide variety of breeds, but in this article on our site we present the most beautiful horses in the world.
Pure Spanish breed
Also known as Andalusian horse or Spanish horse and is an ancient breed bred in Spain. Although there are others in this region, it is one of the emblematic ones. It is an imposing animal with a good attitude, which is why it is commonly used for outing activities, but also for various other equine disciplines. It is robust, powerful and has a mane and a tail of abundant hair. Its dimensions range between 1.63 and 1.68 meters. It can present different colors, being the gray the most popular.

The Arab race is considered one of the oldest. These horses are characterized by being quite intelligent and resistant, very fast and sociable with people, so they are used in various types of activities.
In addition to being recognized for their speed and docility, they are also considered one of the most beautiful horses in the world thanks to their elegance in carrying both their heads and tails normally erect. They can be found in various colors and their fur is beautiful and shiny, as is their mane and tail with abundant fur.

The Friesian breed is bred in Holland, where it is highly appreciated. Without a doubt, it is a beautiful horse, characterized by its strength, resistance and, at the same time, docility with people, which is why it is used for various purposes. These animals measure between 1.65 and 1.75 meters and have abundant mane and long, wavy-looking hair, or that eventually tends to be braided, on the tail. The colors of this breed can be jet, intense brown or totally black.

Irish cob
It is a breed that is bred in Ireland and Great Britain and can have different names. They are horses characterized by their beauty and strength. Its traditional size is 1.45 to 1.50 meters, although it can vary. It is observed as an animal with very well developed muscles, which offers a beautiful image. The coloration can be solid or have spots. A peculiarity is the presence of fur on the legs, which usually covers the hooves. In addition, they also have it on the top and on the tail.

The Percheron breed originated from a fairly old French breed. Currently there are several varieties, including small sizes, between 1.50 to 1.65 meters with a range of 600 to 800 kg, and the largest, ranging from 1.65 to 1.80 meters, with weights between 800 and 1000 kg.
They are horses strong, robust and heavy, but also agile and fast. The colors of the coats vary in various shades between gray and black, but there are also other colors such as roan or reddish with contrasts in the color of the mane and the abundant hair on the tail. They may also have fur on their legs, which makes them somewhat attractive.

Rocky Mountain
It is a breed of horse originating in the United States, although it is currently appreciated in Europe as well. It is used for various purposes and they are animals well adapted to the various seasons that occur during the year. They are usually good-tempered.
Its dimensions range between 1.45 and 1.63 meters. From elegant print, it is a beautiful horse and, although it can have other shades, the most common is chocolate brown with blonde mane and tail. Some individuals may have certain spots on the body and a lighter facial marking.

These beautiful animals originated about two centuries ago in Austria and Italy from Arabian specimens. They are well adapted to traversing mountain areas Their lengths range from about 1.40 to just over 1.50 meters. Shades vary in intensity from reddish brown, with blonde or white tails and manes. They may present, in some cases, white marks on the body.

Without a doubt, it is one of the most beautiful horse breeds due to its elegance and color. It is related to an extinct Asian horse and is now a national emblem of Turkmenistan. It is characterized by being a fairly athletic animal. There are not many specimens worldwide.
When exposed to the sun, their fur shines, especially when they are blonde, which is one of the most beautiful, reaching even to look metallic. They can also be black, dark brown, or gray. The males usually measure approximately 1.60 meters and the mares 1.55.

The appaloosa is an ancient breed, which was introduced to the American continent with the Spanish arrival. More recently it has been modified and bred specifically in the United States. It is a well-known horse worldwide and considered intelligent and noble. Its measurements range between 1.45 and 1.65 meters and there are six variations in the coloration of its layers, which can be light or dark, but always with the presence of spotsthat vary in shapes and colors, which undoubtedly gives them a special beauty.

Its predecessors were introduced in America and are currently bred in the United States, Canada and Mexico. In addition, these horses are also abundant in the wild in different areas. They are not very large, their measurements are in a range between about 1.35 and 1.55 meters. They are powerful, strong horses and, even in the wild, they are very beautiful. They present a diversity of tones, generally dark, of solid color.

Other nice horses
- Gypsy horse.
- Lusitanian horse.
- Blue roan horse.
- Black Forest Horse.
- Hanoverian horse.