The 10 most BEAUTIFUL CATS in the world

The 10 most BEAUTIFUL CATS in the world
The 10 most BEAUTIFUL CATS in the world
The 10 most beautiful cats in the world
The 10 most beautiful cats in the world

Cats are lovely and admirable animals In addition to their beauty and elegance, they are very cheerful and affectionate, despite the belief of They are very cold animals. In nature there are beautiful felines such as the cheetah or the jaguar, but no less important are the domestic cats These are very good companions and, like dogs, they can become man's best friend.

Russian Blue Cat

There are numerous hypotheses about the origin of this breed, however, the most accurate is the one that suggests its first appearance in RussiaAfter its discovery, the Russian blue cat was exported to other countries such as the United Kingdom or the United States of America, where they began to cross it with different breeds of cats.

The Russian Blue cat is characterized by its short, soft fur with blue-greyish colorations throughout its body, which gives it great elegance. In addition, he has large and impressive eyes with shades of green that make him even more charming.

In terms of behavior, he is a very intelligent and affectionate cat, as well asindependent This is not to say that he doesn't need the love of his own, but like any feline, he will always need his space. It is appropriate to have on floors, surrounded by games suitable for cats, such as scratching posts, and their basic needs.

The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Russian Blue Cat
The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Russian Blue Cat

Abyssinian cat

There are some hypotheses about where the Abyssinian cat appeared, but the most successful is the one that supports its origin in Ethiopia or ancient Abyssinia. Later, it spread to different countries around the world, including the United Kingdom.

He is a feline thin and slender, but with strong muscles, giving him great agility. It is characterized by its soft fur with brown tones, the large size of its eyes and the great width of its ears with respect to its triangular head. In general, the appearance of the Abyssinian cat reminds us of a wild cat, especially of the cougar, so it is considered one of the most beautiful cats in the world.

Unlike most domestic cats, the Abyssinian cat is a more dependent animal. He loves being constantly loved by everyone around him, and with a childish behavior, he will seek out the game at all hours. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to it and avoid moments of boredom.

So that your cat doesn't get bored, we leave you this other article about 5 homemade toys for cats.

The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Abyssinian cat
The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Abyssinian cat

Siamese cat

The first Siamese cats appeared in present-day Thailand and were called thai cats Later, they were exported to other countries where in the In recent years, attempts have been made to reinforce a series of characteristics, with the appearance of the modern Siamese cat.

These felines have a slender and stylized body with very silky fur. They are generally white or cream-colored with slightly darker areas on the limbs, face, and tail. Since it is a very nice and charming breed, it is not uncommon to see it participate in numerous beauty contests

In addition to being very close and loyal to their family, they are characterized by being very agile and active, so they need a lot of attention and play. However, there are always exceptions, with there being more distrustful or fearful Siamese cats. In any case, they will always need the love of their own.

Bombay cat

The Bombay cat breed originated in 1976 in the United States of America, when breeder Nikki Horner wanted to create a domestic cat similar to a black panther. To do this, she carried out crosses between a Burmese cat and a short-haired black male, thus appearing for the first time the Bombay cat.

This beautiful feline is characterized by its appearance similar to a miniature panther, which attracts the attention of many people. Apart from its shiny, jet-black fur, it has large, striking eyes with golden-brown tones and a very muscular body.

Like most house cats, this precious feline needs a lot of attention. However, the Bombay cat demands a lot of our love and care, so it is important not to leave him alone for too long. Although it is somewhat lazy, it also stands out for its sociability and loy alty, making it perfect to have as a pet.

Egyptian Mau

The origin of this breed of cat lies in ancient Egypt, where they were considered especially sacred and protected animals, hence their common name Egyptian mau or Egyptian cat. However, after its discovery, it spread to different countries, where it has been catalogued as a beautiful feline

What characterizes the Egyptian mau is its coat, as it consists of a light coat with brown or gray tones on which numerous round and dark spots stand out, reminding us of a wild cat. In addition, its extremities are striking, since the posterior ones are genetically longer than the anterior ones.

As for his behaviour, he is a very reserved and independent cat However, this does not mean that he is affectionate and cheerful with those closest to you. For this reason, it is important to educate the Egyptian Mau with patience and offer him toys so that little by little he gains confidence and feels comfortable with those around him.

In this other article we give you 5 tips to gain a cat's trust.

The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Egyptian Mau
The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Egyptian Mau

Persian cat

Another of the most beautiful and popular cats in the world is the Persian cat. Although the origin of the Persian cat is not very clear, everything indicates that it appeared in Iran, specifically in Persia. Later it was introduced in other countries such as Italy or Spain, where today it lives in many homes.

It is characterized by its abundant and long fur, which can be solid (black, white, gray, brown…) or mixed pied. It is also known for its round flattened face, its peculiarly wide legs, and its huge round eyes.

This amazing feline is very peaceful and affectionate, making it suitable for keeping in a flat. It is not very active, but it will always require attention from people, as it is a very familiar cat and it also loves children. If you want to adopt a calm and loyal companion, the Persian cat is ideal to have at home.

Of course, due to its abundant hair, you should brush it periodically. For more tips, check out this other article on Persian cat hair care.

Bengal or Bengal cat

It is believed that the origin of this breed lies in the United States of America, where a domestic cat began to cross with a wild cat that looked like a leopard, resulting in the current Bengal cat.

What most characterizes this cat is its large size, which can exceed 8 kilograms, and its tabby fur that combines colors such as orange, gold, yellowish or cream. In addition, it has a rounded head with large yellowish and greenish eyes, giving the feline a special elegance

If you are thinking of adopting a cheerful, sociable and playful cat, the Bengal cat is the ideal companion. It has a good behavior with children and other animals, but like any pet, it is important to educate it from the beginning and attend to all its needs.

In this other article, we explain how to train a cat from when he is little?


This breed of cat appeared for the first time in the state of Maine, America, predominating in rural environments. Later, it spread throughout the world and today it is a wonderful companion animal.

It is characterized by being a large-sized cat with long fur Although it has abundant hair all over its body, it is thicker on the area of the sides or the back of the body. As for their colors, these can be very varied, such as white or dark brown.

The Maine Coon is very Happy and energetic, so he loves to play with his family. His friendly attitude makes him a good companion animal, so he will always appreciate the love and attention of his own.

In addition to being one of the most beautiful cat breeds in the world, it is also one of the most popular giant cat breeds in existence.

Munchkin Cat

This breed, also known as “ miniature cat ” or “ short-legged cat”, was discovered in the United States of America as a result of a genetic mutation caused by crossing two cats of different breeds.

What most characterizes the munchkin cat is its long body and its short limbs, reminding us of the morphology of a dachshund. However, this is not the only thing that makes this feline charming, as hissmall size and his bright eyes also convey great tenderness. His fur can be practically any color.

As for the character of these cats, they are curious and very active, so it is appropriate to offer them fun and avoid boredom. In addition to their great sociability, they show a lot of affection for their loved ones, making them ideal for homes with children.

The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Munchkin cat
The 10 most beautiful cats in the world - Munchkin cat

Singapore cat

Although it is not entirely clear what is the origin of the singapore cat or singapura cat, as its name indicates, everything indicates that it first appeared in the Asian country of Singapore several years ago.

Like the munchkin cat, it is a small-sized cat, normally weighing no more than 3 kilograms. However, the Singapore cat has a better proportion of its legs in relation to the length of the body, usually has a coat with different shades of brown and has a very small head

This is a cat Happy and playful, but he also needs his space on certain occasions, because he is not very dependent It is important to offer him the necessary care and play, but without disturbing his peace of mind since at many times of the day he is usually resting.
