Duck as a pet

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Duck as a pet
Duck as a pet
Duck as a pet
Duck as a pet

When we talk about ducks, we are really referring to various species of birds that are part of the Anatidae family, although it is correct to use this word generically because the different species that we know as ducks have needs and very similar features.

The needs that a duck requires are perfectly compatible with living in a human home, although as we will see later, the space that we must offer the duck must have some minimum requirements.

Although talking about the duck as a pet may seem strange at first, today there are many different animals that can be considered as pets, so let's see what it can be like to share our home with this endearing bird.

The nature of the duck

If there is something we should highlight about the nature of the duck, it is its sociability, ducks are very sociable animals therefore it is important to mention that It is not a good idea to have a single duck as a pet, since they need the company of their species, so if we are considering the option of taking in a duck, we should know that it is much better to take in two of them.

Does the sociability among the ducks mean that we are left out? The truth is that if we keep several ducks in our home, they will need to interact with us on a daily basis. Ducks can hear and respond to sound, so it's a good idea to give them a name and start interacting with them through speech, but you can even provide them with toys and interact with them through these objects.

You may be surprised to learn that ducks are even capable of performing simple tricks, and can win you over by bringing back the toy you were using in your leisure time.

The duck as a pet - The nature of the duck
The duck as a pet - The nature of the duck

Duck needs a big home

Before welcoming any type of animal into our home we must carry out a deep exercise of responsibility and understand that this fact implies offering our pet everything it needs to live happily and we must also take into account that the longevity of the duck ranges between 13 and 15 years of life

If you don't have a garden in your home, having several ducks as pets is not possible, in captivity the duck needs the following resources:

A space where you can walk freely

A chicken coop or rabbit hut of adequate dimensions, since the duck must be able to take refuge in adverse weather situations, in the same way, this space is necessary to prevent the ducks from being exposed to the attack of other predatory animals

Ducks enjoy water, and access to a suitable aquatic environment is essential for them, this means that in your garden you must have an artificial pond or any object that can emulate an artificial pond as wide as possible

The duck as a pet - The duck needs a large home
The duck as a pet - The duck needs a large home

Duck feeding

A duck needs approximately between 170 and 200 grams of food per day, its diet can be very varied and include foods such as vegetables, seeds, grains, insects and some fish, obviously, we can also find specific feed, however they are feed intended for fattening, so we must offer our animal a smaller amount in this case.

They must have free access to food throughout the day, and obviously, the same happens with water, which we must have in a deep enough drinker, and which must always be clean and fresh, for what needs to be changed on a daily basis.

Consult your veterinarian about the recommended diet for your new pet, it may vary slightly between breeds although in general the base will be the same.

The duck as a pet - Feeding the duck
The duck as a pet - Feeding the duck

The duck needs a clean environment

For our duck to enjoy a full state of well-being, it must live in an environment with optimal hygienic conditions, we can achieve this following these simple steps:

We must place a sand floor in his shed, this will make it easier for us to clean the feces periodically

It is important that we also keep the pond water as clean as possible

During the night it is recommended to set aside the food that the ducks have not eaten during the day, in order to prevent it from becoming contaminated or from being eaten in poor condition

The duck as a pet - The duck needs a clean environment
The duck as a pet - The duck needs a clean environment

Duck veterinary care

If we take the appropriate hygienic-dietary measures, the duck will not require specific veterinary care, however, it is important to know what are the symptoms indicative of disease:

  • Nasal swelling, redness, or runny nose
  • Abnormal stools, very hard or very soft or yellowish, reddish or black in color
  • Respiratory distress
  • Ruffled, dull, or dirty-looking feathers
  • Eye redness or discharge
  • Loss of appetite
  • Changes in your usual behavior

In the face of these symptoms it is important to go to the vet as soon as possible, because our duck could be sick and require urgent care. urgent.

The duck as a pet - Veterinary care of the duck
The duck as a pet - Veterinary care of the duck

When the duck comes home…

If we welcome a duck into our home in its initial life stages, we must know that during the first 4 or 5 weeks after birth the duck must be kept in a dry and warm place, for example, a cardboard box with some straw can work.

At this stage we cannot leave the duck in the water, as it has not yet developed enough plumage and could be in danger.

We must keep him inside our home until he is 2 months old, then he should start going outside whenever the weather conditions are favourable, progressively, el The duck will begin to adapt to the habitat outside the home.

The duck as a pet - When the duck comes home…
The duck as a pet - When the duck comes home…

Do you want to discover more about domestic birds?

If you are considering welcoming a duck into your home, you will surely be very concerned about birds that can be tamed, so here are several articles that may be of great interest to you:

  • The hen as a pet
  • Symptoms and treatment of feather mites
  • How to train lovebirds
