The REPRODUCTION of frogs - Copulation, Spawning and Incubation

The REPRODUCTION of frogs - Copulation, Spawning and Incubation
The REPRODUCTION of frogs - Copulation, Spawning and Incubation
Reproduction of frogs
Reproduction of frogs

Frogs are amphibians present in various ecosystems on planet earth. It is possible to find them on rainy days near ponds and rivers. In fact, all species require a certain proximity to the aquatic environment, where they carry out several of the processes of their life cycle. How much do you know about them? Do you have any idea how frogs reproduce?

If you want to know everything about this important stage in the development of anurans, then you can't miss this article on our site. Below, learn every detail about frog reproduction.

How do frogs reproduce?

Before I explain how frogs reproduce, you should know that they have a marked sexual dimorphism This means that there are notable differences between males and females. Females: Males are generally smaller and more flexible, their skin rougher, and they develop small finger pads on their feet.

Regarding the breeding season for frogs, they wait for the warmer temperatures of spring and summer before mating, similarly, in tropical climates with high temperatures throughout the year, reproduction of some species can take place at any time

The process begins with the emission of vocalizations, both by the male to call the female, and by the female responding to the her request. After this, the male sits on top of the female and holds her with her legs, in order to stimulate the spawning of the eggs This position is called "amplexus". Frogs have external fertilization, which means that the eggs must be released for the male to fertilize them.

Male frogs do not have a penis and females do not have a vagina, both release their sex cells through the cloacae, holes located in their bodies for this purpose. The embrace of the amplexus stimulates the release of the female's eggs, who expels them through the viaducts in the form of a gelatinous mass After this process is completed, the male ready to release his sperm to fertilize them.

In most frog species, this process takes place in water, as the eggs require high levels of humidity so as not to dry out. Also, depending on the species, frogs can expel between 3,000 and 20,000 eggs in each mating.

The reproduction of frogs - How do frogs reproduce?
The reproduction of frogs - How do frogs reproduce?

How are frogs born?

Once the reproduction process is done, comes the period of incubation of the eggs. These have varied colors, usually different shades of white, dark gray or black.

When do tadpoles hatch? Although this can vary between some frog species and is affected by weather conditions, most tadpoles hatch 2 to 9 days after fertilization How do tadpoles hatch? frogs? They simply break the egg barrier and are released into the water, starting their life cycle.

During spawning, adult frogs do their best to keep the water where they lay their eggs free of predators, such as fish, to ensure the survival of the tadpoles. However, many of them become the food of other animalsDespite this, the high number of eggs expelled in each laying allows many tadpoles to complete the frog cycle and become adults.

Now, how long does it take for a tadpole to turn into a frog? What changes occur in your body? Next, we tell you all about that metamorphosis.

Special cases

The above description corresponds to what happens in most anurans. However, the reproduction of frogs can vary in some species For example, Colostethus machalilla spawns its eggs on land, provided it is very humid. After spawning, the male protects the eggs until the larvae hatch and, after 19 days, the father carries the tadpoles on his back to the water to complete the life cycle.

The case of the marsupial frog (Gastrotheca riobambae) is even more curious: during amplexus, the eggs are deposited in the marsupial or mother's bag located in the dorsal area, where they remain up to 120 days before emerging as tadpoles. These tadpoles are released by the mother into the water to complete their development.
