Unfortunately, cancer is a disease that also strikes our canine friends. In this article on our site we are going to focus on one of its most common manifestations, which is none other than breast cancer that our female dogs can suffer from. We are going to discover its symptoms, the way in which we can diagnose it and, of course, the treatment that can be used, as well as the preventive measures since, as always, prevention is better than cure.
If you are interested in knowing more about breast cancer in dogs, its symptoms and treatment, keep reading!
What is cancer?
Cancer is the abnormal growth, continuous and rapid growth of cells in the body. In mammary cancer in dogs, as its name suggests, this pathological development will take place in the mammary glands. Almost all cells die and are replaced throughout the life of the individual. If a mutation occurs in the mechanisms that govern this cell division, very fast-growing cells will originate that will form masses capable of displacing he althy cells.
In addition, cancer cells do not perform the functions of cells. If the cancer grows into the area or organ where it originates, it will cause damage which, in time, will lead to the dog's death. In young animals, their growth is usually faster, contrary to what happens with older animals, due to the rate of cell regeneration.
There are genes that suppress cancer genes but there are also others that inhibit their function and all this is caused by external factors such as diet, stress or the environment. Thus, cancer is a phenomenon where genetics and the environment interact. In addition, carcinogens are known, ie influences that increase the chances of cancer origination. Elements such as ultraviolet light, X-rays, nuclear radiation, some chemical products, tobacco, viruses or internal parasites have been tested on human beings.
Tumors caused by cancer are called neoplasms and can be benign or malignantThe former usually grow slowly, without invading or destroying the surrounding tissues. They do not usually spread to other parts of the body. If possible, they are removed with surgery. On the contrary, malignant tumors do invade adjacent tissues and grow unlimitedly. These tumor cells can enter the circulatory system and travel from the primary tumor to other parts of the body. This process is called metastasis

Symptoms of mammary cancer in dogs
Dogs have about ten mammary glands, distributed in two symmetrical chains on each side of the body, from the chest to the groin. Tumors in these glands are unfortunately very common and most occur in female dogs over six years of age, with a higher incidence around the age of ten. These tumors may be benign or malignant.
This type of cancer is largely hormone-dependent, which means that its appearance and development are linked to hormones, fundamentally estrogens and progesterone, which are involved in the reproductive cycle of the bitch and for which there are receptors in the mammary tissue.
The main symptom that, as caregivers, we are going to be able to notice in our dog's breast cancer is the presence of a painless lump or massin one or more breasts, that is, a physical examination will suffice for detection. Larger mums, i.e. groin mums, are affected more often. This mass will be of variable size and with a more or less defined contour, attached to the skin or free. Sometimes, the skin ulcerates and we can see a wound You can also see a bloody discharge through the nipple.
Diagnosis for mammary cancer in dogs
Once this first sign is detected, we should look for veterinary attention without wasting time. The veterinarian, after palpation, will confirm the diagnosis, differentiating it from other possible causes such as mastitis. As we will see, the treatment of choice, in any case, is going to be surgical extraction.
The excised material must be sent for analysis (biopsy) and it will be the specialized histopathological laboratory that will be responsible for determining exactly the type of cells present. In addition, this study will be able to tell us if the tumor is benign or malignant and, in the latter case, what is its degree of virulence. These data are basic for prognosis, life expectancy or the possibility of recurrences (percentage of recurrence of the cancer, in the same or a different site).

Treatment of mammary cancer in dogs
The efficacy of treating mammary cancer in dogs will depend on early diagnosis. The surgical removal, as we have said, will be the treatment of choice, except in cases in which there is a terminal illness or the presence of metastasis is verified. For this reason, before entering the operating room, the veterinarian will perform an x-ray that will allow us to distinguish the presence of masses in other parts of the body.
It is usual for the appearance of metastasis in the lungs (sometimes they can cause breathing difficulties). An ultrasound and a blood test may also be done. In surgery, the tumor and surrounding he althy tissue will be removed. The extent of the extraction will depend on the size and location of the tumor. Thus, only the lump, the entire breast, the entire mammary chain or even both chains can be removed. The prognosis will be more unfavorable the larger the tumor and its aggressiveness.
But, in addition, since it is a hormone-dependent cancer, if the bitch is whole, she can proceed to Ovariohysterectomy, that is, removal of the uterus and ovaries. As we have said, if our dog has metastasis, surgical intervention is not recommended, although, in some cases, the mass can be removed if it is causing damage. Depending on the result of the biopsy, in addition to surgical removal, it may also be necessary to administer chemotherapy (prevents and controls metastasis).
On the other hand, the postoperative period will be like any other surgery, so we must pay attention that our dog does not pull out the stitches as well as the appearance of the wound to control possible infection. We will also avoid sudden movements, violent games or jumps that can cause the wound to open. Of course, we must keep it clean and disinfected, according to the vet's guidelines, in the same way that we must administer the marked antibiotherapy and analgesia. Keep in mind that the incision can become quite large.
As we can see, in this case, the cause of the appearance of breast cancer in female dogs is mainly hormonal, with which it is possible to adopt preventive measures, such as early sterilization of our female dog. With the removal of the uterus and ovaries, the bitch stops cycling and, without the action of the hormones of this mechanism, no tumor can develop.
It must be taken into account that this protection is practically complete in bitches operated on before their first heat. Carrying out the intervention after the first heat, protection is established at around 90%. From the second and successive heats, the percentage of protection granted by sterilization decreases. It is important, therefore, to sterilize our bitch before her first heat If we adopt her as an adult, we should operate on her as soon as possible, better when she is not in heat, since the irrigation of the area during those weeks increases, which will increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
Among the preventive measures, the early detectionIt is worth examining our dog's breasts periodically and seeking care prompt veterinary attention to any change or presence of masses, redness, inflammation, secretion or pain.
From the age of six, a monthly examination can be done at home in non-sterilized or late-sterilized bitches. Likewise, we must go to routine veterinary check-ups. Dogs over 7 years of age should undergo an annual physical exam since, as we have seen, a simple physical exam can detect the presence of cancer.
Finally, it should be known that the use of products to control the heat of the bitch (progestogens) favors the appearance of cancer from mom In addition, bitches that have suffered pseudopregnancies (psychological pregnancies) are also more likely to suffer from it. All these data reiterate the need for early sterilization to ensure that our bitch has the best quality of life.