Homeopathy for dogs with cancer

Homeopathy for dogs with cancer
Homeopathy for dogs with cancer
Homeopathy for Dogs with Cancer
Homeopathy for Dogs with Cancer

Bumps, excessively strong odors, abnormal secretions (ocular and nasal), poor wound healing, lethargy and pain manifestations are often symptoms that can be found in dogs with cancer, a pathology that unfortunately affects our pets more and more frequently.

Cancer is a disease that will deteriorate the quality of life of our companion animal, but it will not only suffer from this situation, since it is truly complex for the human family to manage a pathology of these characteristics in your pet.

Many owners decide to find out about more natural and body-friendly alternatives that help their pet to overcome this disease, therefore, in this article on our site we talk about thehomeopathy for dogs with cancer

Understanding cancer in dogs

To delve into this complex topic we must first differentiate tumor from cancer Tumor is simply an abnormal growth of tissue, which can be malignant or benign. On many occasions the tumors are benign and only carry the risk of compressing other anatomical structures due to their size.

When the tumor is malignant, then we are dealing with cancer, characterized by the presence of cancer cells, which are those capable of skipping the process of cell death to continue reproducing indefinitely, altering the entire physiology of the organism.

That our pet has cancer is not synonymous with dying, although unfortunately this is a risk. Everything will depend on the type of cancer, the presence or absence of metastasis and the possibility of removing the cancerous tumor by surgery.

Finally we must clarify that there is no single cause of cancer in dogs, but rather a set of factors that end up precipitating genetic mutations: heredity, diet, stress or environmental pollution.

Homeopathy for dogs with cancer

Many alternative therapies can currently be used for dogs with cancer, homeopathy stands out among all of them for being completely harmless and for offering excellent results when applied to animals. Homeopathic treatment for dogs with cancer may have the following objectives, depending on each specific case:

  • Stimulate the animal's own healing resources, ensuring optimal functioning of the immune system.
  • Reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, in case you decide to use this treatment.
  • Reduce the risks deriving from the surgical intervention if it can be carried out.
  • Facilitate recovery and healing after surgery.
  • Stop cancer cell growth and achieve total tumor shrinkage.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety in the dog, promoting calm and balanced behavior.
  • Decrease pain.
  • Offer the dog a palliative treatment without side effects, to help him remain calm and pain-free, in the event that the cancer cannot be eradicated in any other way.
Homeopathy for dogs with cancer - Homeopathy for dogs with cancer
Homeopathy for dogs with cancer - Homeopathy for dogs with cancer

What homeopathic remedies are used to treat dogs with cancer?

Homeopathic treatment for cancer can only be prescribed by a homeopathic veterinarian, he will decide which are the ideal remedies to treat cancer in your pet, since the remedy will be chosen based on the individual characteristics of each dog, the specific characteristics of the cancer and the state of the organism.

Therefore, there are multiple remedies that can be used, since in homeopathy the goal is to treat the patient and not the disease, which reveals that the individualization of the case and the observation of those symptoms that the dog manifests in a unique way, will be a priority to choose the appropriate treatment.

However, we can talk about a remedy that should always be taken into account against cancer, it is "carcinosinum" a homeopathic preparation made from cancerous tissue, which by stimulating the vital force of the animal helping to treat the condition to which all body tissues are subjected in the case of cancer and also modulating cellular behavior.

Homeopathic treatment VS conventional treatment

The homeopathic veterinarian will decide if it is necessary to add some type of pharmacological therapy or if it is necessary to perform a surgical intervention, in this case, homeopathy will also be used to avoid the side effects that could arise from more conventional therapeutic tools.

Regardless of whether a traditional treatment is performed or not, homeopathy is an option that should be essential for treating cancer in dogs.
