Homeopathy for nervous dogs

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Homeopathy for nervous dogs
Homeopathy for nervous dogs
Homeopathy for nervous dogs
Homeopathy for nervous dogs

The body of our pets is truly complex and can manifest a wide range of symptoms, not only physical, but also mental, since the psyche and consciousness of animals remains largely a mystery to The science.

Dogs often show alterations in their mental state, such as anxiety or nervousness, which depending on the circumstances can be considered normal or a behavioral disorder.

As happens with us, your dog deserves to be treated with therapeutic resources that do not harm his body and are respectful of his he alth, for this reason, in this AnimalWised article we talk about the homeopathy for nervous dogs.

Physiological causes of nervousness in dogs

The physiological or normal causes of nervousness in dogs occur mainly during their early life, that is, when they are a puppy. For this reason, proper dog training and socialization will be essential to avoid any behavioral disorder in the future.

The puppy shows great nervousness and impulsiveness because this is his nature at this stage of life, where the need to play and interact is increased

Spending time with your puppy and disciplining him through play is very important for his mental he alth, and while it's normal for a early age dog gets out of control with the game, stopping the game and restarting it when the dog is calmer is an action that only corresponds to the owner and that will be extremely beneficial for the puppy, who will show a fully he althy behavior in his adult stage.

We can also distinguish other normal causes of canine nervousness. These occur when the dog is not given all the physical exercise he needs or when he spends a lot of time without contact with his human family or with other animals. These causes are normal because an animal cannot have a balanced temperament if its basic needs are not met

In the latter case, the causes of nervousness fall directly on the irresponsibility of the owner, who has not valued the need to allocate more time and resources to his pet.

Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Physiological causes of nervousness in dogs
Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Physiological causes of nervousness in dogs

Nervousness as an alteration in canine behavior

Dog behavior is more complex than it may seem at first and sustained nervousness and anxiety over a prolonged period of time can Severely affect your dog's he alth. dog, sometimes even causing hair loss and changes in appetite.

Nervousness in dogs can manifest itself very broadly, although some behavioral characteristics of a nervous dog are as follows:

  • The dog tries to run away
  • Dog has separation anxiety
  • The dog becomes too attached to its owner
  • Dog won't stay still

Generally these behaviors denote nervousness, a dog in a nervous state is alert to a situation that he considers negative When this is really not the case, their behavior has been disturbed and this generally happens as a result of poor socialization, with nervous behavior being especially visible in kennel dogs that have spent a certain amount of time in a cage and without contact with their pack.

Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Nervousness as an alteration of canine behavior
Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Nervousness as an alteration of canine behavior

Homeopathic remedies for nervous dogs

Homeopathy is a completely natural and harmless therapy that offers very good results when applied to animals. Any animal can take homeopathy regardless of its age, condition or whether it is undergoing pharmacological treatment for any ailment.

Below we present the best homeopathic remedies for nervous dogs, however, this generic recommendation does not replace the prescription of a homeopathic veterinarian:

  • Calcarea Carbonica: It is one of the best homeopathic remedies to treat all kinds of fears and the nervousness that may originate from them. Especially useful for dogs with a slow metabolism and fluid accumulation.
  • Lachesis Mutus: This remedy is ideal for those dogs that do not stop barking, become excessively attached to their owner and show a behavior territorial and jealous.
  • Belladona: It is useful when the dog shows his nerves by biting, although in the case of Calcarea Carbonica bites it can be just as effective.
  • Arsenicum Album: The dog's nervousness manifests itself above all at night, the dog wanders during the night and can wake up suddenly between 1 and 3 in the morning.
  • Chamomilla: This is a remedy especially indicated for nervousness in young dogs or puppies.
  • Natrum Muriaticum:This remedy should be taken into account when the dog shows nervousness of him clinging to the owner and also shows symptoms of depression.
Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Homeopathic remedies for nervous dogs
Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Homeopathic remedies for nervous dogs

Administration of homeopathic remedies

It is important to clarify that only a homeopathic veterinarian can recommend a treatment of these characteristics, otherwise, without his help, it is very difficult for homeopathy to act completely successfully.

The administration protocol for homeopathic remedies may vary depending on the remedy and the specific case of each animal, however, it is generally must follow these indications:

  • Homeopathy must be administered diluted, therefore, either the homeopathic remedy is purchased in drops or the granules are diluted in water.
  • The administration is done orally, we can help ourselves with a syringe to ensure that our dog follows the established treatment.
  • To improve the effectiveness of homeopathy, the remedy should be spaced from food.

The dilution of the remedy will vary depending on each specific case, although a dilution of at least 30 CH is usually used to treat behavioral problems. The frequency with which we administer the remedy will also vary in each case, even so, generally s e should space the dose as improvement is observed.

Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Administration of homeopathic remedies
Homeopathy for nervous dogs - Administration of homeopathic remedies

Veterinary care and anxiety

If you detect that your dog is nervous, anxious or stressed, it is very important that you go to the vet as soon as possible, although in At first this does not seem serious to you.

A timely veterinary check-up is a priority, since some typical manifestations of nervousness in dogs can also be the cause of a cognitive disorder, such as senile dementia.
