My dog has killed a rat, is it normal?

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My dog has killed a rat, is it normal?
My dog has killed a rat, is it normal?
My dog has killed a rat, is it normal?
My dog has killed a rat, is it normal?

If you ask yourself " my dog killed a rat, is it normal?" You should know that yes, dogs are predators and although they usually don't show the complete hunting sequence (tracking, stalking, chasing, capturing and killing) some do and they really enjoy it.

Rats are a highly motivating target, so it's normal for them to try to go for them if they see one running around. Also, did you know that there are dog breeds that were created as rodent hunters? In this article on our site we want to explain to you why your dog has killed a rat, in this way you will better understand his motivation and nature.

The dog's hunting instinct

Mainly due to domestication and the process of socialization of the puppy, we achieve that dogs do not fully show their predatory behavior, however, they continue to have the innate instinctOf hunting.

In the past, dogs were bred to carry out a specific task and in most cases behaviors related to hunting were promoted. For example, we find tracking dogs (beagle or basset hound), herding dogs (that "chase", such as the border collie or German shepherd) as well as collection dogs (that capture downed prey, such as the Labrador retriever).

However, the hunting dogs are the ones that have the most developed the complete hunting sequenceand generally those who carry out this type of behavior, such as chasing a rat. This is the case of miniature pinschers, podencos, terriers, bodegueros or schnauzers, among others. Also larger hunting dogs, such as the Norwegian elkhound, different types of hounds or scenthounds can show this behavior with some ease.

Finally, it should be noted that we find PPP dogs, for example, the American Pit Bull Terrier or the English Bull Terrier, breeds that have been selected for fighting for generations. However, let us also remember that not all PPPs have been selected for this purpose, this happens in some specific breeding lines.

In summary, we must point out that it is normal for a dog to chase a rat, corner it and sometimes even kill it, since he sees her as prey. In addition, hunting the prey positively reinforces the behavior, which may imply a greater desire to hunt.

My dog has killed a rat, is it normal? - The hunting instinct of the dog
My dog has killed a rat, is it normal? - The hunting instinct of the dog

The story of the buzzards

Now you know that dogs can kill rats due to their hunting instinct, but did you know that there are breeds of dogs that were developed exclusively to hunt rats and mice ? This further reinforces that instinct towards rodents and is probably the reason why your dog has killed a rat. Mousers are small in size, so they can go around corners in search of their prey.

Many mousers were born to work side by side with sailors to hunt the rodents that snuck onto ships, like Belgians schipperke (whose name means "little sailor") or the M altese bichon. They also guarded businesses and stables from pest rats, such as the affenpinscher, or went down into caves and mines to protect workers from being bitten of these animals.

There were also hunting dogs that were dedicated to chasing small prey, such as foxes or rabbits and that, simply because of their size, also hunted rats and mice, such as fox terriers.

The history of the lovable Yorkshire Terrier as mousers is very interesting. Born in Great Britain to help get rid of all the rats in the mines, they had such hunting instincts and were so ferocious in their work that rat-killing contests became popular. They put the dogs in a space full of rats and, against the clock, they had to kill as many as possible. Gambling became wildly popular at the end of the 19th century.

The most popular mouser breeds:

  • Affenpinscher
  • Fox terrier
  • Schipperke
  • Wheaten terrier smooth coat
  • Miniature Pinscher
  • Yorkshire terrier
  • M altese
My dog has killed a rat, is it normal? - The story of the buzzards
My dog has killed a rat, is it normal? - The story of the buzzards

What if my dog has killed a rat?

Rats are carriers of many diseases, so it's normal to worry if your dog has killed a rat. Among the diseases that can spread are leptospirosis, rabies, toxoplasmosis or trichinosis. However, if your dog is correctly vaccinated, it is very unlikely that he has caught any disease, since he would have to eat it whole or be bitten.

However, you should take him to the vet to rule out any problems and give you peace of mind. Or, if it has been infected, treat it in time to completely eliminate the disease.
