How to know if a M altese is authentic? - Official standard

How to know if a M altese is authentic? - Official standard
How to know if a M altese is authentic? - Official standard
How to know if a M altese puppy is authentic?
How to know if a M altese puppy is authentic?

Often, when we adopt a new companion, we wonder if it is purebred or not. In reality, we can only guarantee that it is a purebred animal if it has a pedigree that proves it. Otherwise, we will only be able to compare the characteristics of our dog with those of its breed standard to intuit whether or not it is a purebred specimen. In any case, you must remember that the important thing when adopting a new partner is not that they meet any racial standard, but that we can welcome them into our home and adapt to their needs and lifestyle.

If you're wondering how to tell if a M altese is real, keep reading this article on our site to try and find out.

Is it important that your M altese is purebred?

Really, it will only be important that your M altese is purebred if you intend to participate with him in a dog show or show that requires that the animals are purebred. The fact that a M altese Bichon is pure implies that its ancestors have been crossed with purebred individuals and, therefore, guarantees that to a large extent it will maintain the characteristics of the official breed standard, stipulated by organizations such as the International Cinological Federation (FCI).) [1]

If you do not consider the option of participating in this type of competition or exhibition, it will be insignificant whether or not your M altese is purebred. The really important thing is that you can adapt to his needs and become one of the family, regardless of whether it is a purebred or mixed breed dog.

Physical Characteristics of the M altese Bichon: Official Standard

First of all, we must know that the official standards of the different breeds of dog are established by canine societies. The most prestigious canine society at an international level is the FCI, which uses breed standards as a reference for the perfection of a breed in its dog shows.

The characteristics that are included in the official breed standard published by the FCI, and that can help you to know if a M altese is pure, are the following:

  • General Appearance: small size and elongated body, with very long white hair.
  • Size: height at the withers from 21 to 25 cm in males and from 20 to 23 cm in females
  • Weight: between 3 and 4 kg.
  • Head: rather broad (slightly more than half its length), with a very large stop (fronto-nasal junction). marked, forming an angle of 90º. The nose is voluminous, rounded and totally black. The upper lips perfectly match the lower lips and must be completely black. The teeth are white, the dentition is well developed and complete, and the incisors articulate in a scissors fashion. The eyes have an alert expression, being large and rounded. The eyeball is not sunken, but slightly protruding. The eyes must not show the sclera (whites of the eyes) and are dark ocher in color. The edge of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the third eyelid, are black. The ears are almost triangular and hang on either side of the head, with little erection.
  • Neck: always upright.
  • Cola: thick at the root and thin at the tip. It forms a single curve towards the back, touching the tip with the croup. A tail curled to one side of the body is also tolerated.
  • Extremities: with rather robust bone structure, parallel and vertical extremities. The pads are black. Nails should be black or at least dark in color.
  • Hair: pure white (or pale ivory), dense, shiny, silky, straight (no ripples or curls), and very long throughout the body. The coat of hair should fall heavily to the ground like a cape, without splitting, tufting, or matting.
  • Movement: with short and quick steps, uniform movement and skimming the ground.
How to know if a M altese puppy is authentic? - Physical characteristics of the M altese Bichon: official standard
How to know if a M altese puppy is authentic? - Physical characteristics of the M altese Bichon: official standard

M altese Character

Temperament is another trait that is taken into account when establishing a breed standard, so it can also help us identify whether a M altese is purebred or not. The FCI includes the M altese within the group of “companion dogs” due to its calm and affectionate character, especially with its family members. It is considered a very intelligent dog, characterized by a permanently alert expression. He is always attentive to what is happening around him, he is fast, agile and lively.

They have a cheerful, playful and friendly character, although they are not excessively restless. Although it is not common in this breed, if it lives in a somewhat stressful environment or does not receive adequate training as a puppy, it can misbehave or be somewhat grumpy. However, its intelligence and predisposition to learn makes it a very easy breed to train. Discover How to educate a M altese puppy in this other article.

How to know if a M altese is purebred?

The only document that can prove that a dog is purebred is the pedigreeThis document guarantees that the ancestors are purebred and that they have been crossed with other purebred specimens. In Spain, the only canine society authorized to process and issue pedigrees with international recognition is the Royal Spanish Canine Society (RSCE).

The process to obtain the pedigree of a purebred dog in our country is as follows. When a breeder has a litter of purebred puppies, he must notify the RSCE and officially register the litter. If the procedures are correct, the RSCE grants the breeder proof of registration in the Book of Spanish Origins (LOE) for each of the puppies. This receipt will be delivered to the permanent caregiver, who may request the official pedigree of their dog from the RSCE. The pedigree may also be processed by the breeder himself, who will transfer said document to the final caretaker.

In summary, if you are wondering how to know if your M altese puppy is pure, the answer is that you will only be able to know if they gave you the proof of registration in the LOE or, failing that, the pedigree If you do not have any of these documents, you will be able to intuit that your puppy is purebred if he meets most of the traits that are included in the official breed standard, but you will not be able to guarantee it 100%.

What if your M altese is a mixed breed?

As we mentioned at the beginning, unless you want to participate in a dog show or show, the fact that your M altese is not purebred is of no importanceIt only means that some of its ancestors may have been crossed with specimens that are not purebred and, therefore, their anatomical characteristics may differ slightly from the official breed standard.

Remember that racial standards are characteristics that are subjectively selected by certain organizations to differentiate a specific race. In addition, these standards change over time, which means that the characteristics that are considered ideal for a breed today may change in the future.

Furthermore, you should not forget that the really important thing about animal husbandry is that it be done responsibly. Regardless of whether the ancestors are purebred or not, the fundamental thing in animal husbandry is to ensure that the breeders are free of any hereditary or infectious disease that can be transmitted to their offspring and, consequently, can compromise their he alth and well-being.. Similarly, the freedoms of animal welfare are not always respected, so we always recommend opting for adoption and not buying animals.

In short, the fact that your M altese Bichon is a mestizo has no relevance if what is really important for you is to have a life partner by your side with whom to share your best experiences. Remember that Although your breed is not pure, your heart will always be For this reason, and because of the number of animals in shelters and shelters, we always encourage adopt responsibly and don't buy.
