How do you know if a Yorkshire is authentic? - Features and faults

How do you know if a Yorkshire is authentic? - Features and faults
How do you know if a Yorkshire is authentic? - Features and faults
How to know if a Yorkshire is authentic?
How to know if a Yorkshire is authentic?

Numerous doubts surface regarding the purity of a dog breed. There are different miscegenations that when associated with particular breeds usually appear as a result of puppies very similar to said breeds, but that do not meet the exact requirements of these. It is important to know the phenotype of certain breeds in order to diagnose any anomaly that may be harming your animal's he alth, but you must remember that physical appearance should not be taken into account when adopting a companion who will be loyal to you throughout his life. life.

In this article on our site we share our tips that will help canine guardians know when a Yorkshire terrier is genuine or pure, without leaving aside the importance of adopting pet dogs, ignoring their physical appearance, since what is truly important is not whether they are of breed or not, it is that they are he althy.

Origin of the yorkshire terrier breed

We must go back to the mid-nineteenth century to find a clue to the origin of this breed. Its actual origins are a bit confusing, since it was not the result of canine specialists, but ends up appearing almost by accident due to crosses that were made of breeds such as the paisley terrier, the waterside terrier and the clydesdale terrier. Some historians maintain that the M altese also intervened. These crosses occurred in the county of Yorkshire, in England, which ended up giving the breed its name.

The first specimen that was able to participate in a dog show was a male named Huddersfield Ben and he ended up defining the standard of the breed. This is of some importance, as there are breeders who describe some dogs competing today as having some crosses of their blood in their pedigree.

The Yorkshire is not a breed that has too many variations and its phenotype is very characteristic, which facilitates identification by the guardian or the person in question who evaluates a specimen. The few variations that the breed has been able to have arise from the commercialization of specimens and do not fall within the characteristics accepted by the International Cinological Federation (FCI) which, as we know, is the largest canine federation in the world. Worldwide, breeders and protectionists reject the general manipulation of any animal to make money, so they are encouraged not to collaborate with such practices or fall into these deceptions.

How to know if a Yorkshire is pure? - Characteristic

As we mentioned earlier, this breed is fairly easy to identify. It is positive to know the physical characteristics inherent to the breed, since a change in any of them can lead to a he alth problem in the animal. According to the FCI, to get to know the Yorkshire Terrier breed in depth, we must look at the following aspects:

  • Size: it is a dog classified as a toy or miniature dog, since its weight is accepted up to 3.2 kg, with a 1.5kg minimum Although the first specimens weighed a little more, today this is the accepted weight in competitions, however it is said that there are still Yorkshires that can reach 6 kg, although they are difficult to find.
  • Coat: the hair should be moderately long and hanging, never harsh. At no time should it impede mobility. It should be smooth, fine-textured and never woolly. As for the color, only a dark steel blue color is allowed and at chest level the color fire. Tan hair should be darker at the root than in the middle, finishing much lighter at the ends.
  • Head: Small, flat, the skull of this breed is usually not very prominent or round.
  • Mouth: The snout is moderately short. The nose must always be black.
  • Eyes: they are usually bright, round and very expressive.
  • Ears: small, always covered with short hair and erect.
  • Tail: covered with a lot of hair, always darker at the end of the tail.

When identifying a puppy and being able to place it in a classification or in a breed, what we must do is relate these physical characteristics to those of the puppy in question. It is important to know that there are currently much smaller types of Yorkshire, weighing up to 2 kg. These specimens are called “toy” or “ teacup ” and, in addition to not being accepted by the FCI, they are variations made by irresponsible people only to popularize a non-existent breed and increase its sales, an issue that only harms the animal. It is normal for you to come across sellers that offer this type of dog and it is important to keep in mind that you should not collaborate with these businesses. Remember that we are talking about lives, not objects.

Yorkshire terrier character

This is not as marked a characteristic as physical traits, but it can be taken into account when determining if a Yorkshire is purebred or not. In this case, the Yorkshire is usually a very alert and confident dog, intelligent and lively. Likewise, it is usually quite a barking, overprotective and defiant dog, so it is not surprising that it develops resource protection with its humans. It is attached and familiar.

However, we stress that character does not have to be decisive because the education the dog receives also greatly influences it. In this way, a Yorkshire can be pure and not match the personality traits described.

How to know if a Yorkshire is authentic? - How to know if a Yorkshire is pure? - Characteristic
How to know if a Yorkshire is authentic? - How to know if a Yorkshire is pure? - Characteristic

What if it's a Yorkshire mix?

A mixed-breed Yorkshire can have many different characteristics, such as a coat of a different color than that accepted by the FCI, with a rough or wire texture, a size greater than 4 kg, drooping ears, etc. With the above parameters you will have been able to discover how to know if a Yorkshire is pure, but it is necessary to mention that if it is a mestizo absolutely nothing happens The important thing when adopting a dog It is not that he meets a physical standard, it is that we give him a home and that his needs adapt to our lifestyle in order to cover them. If you offer him the necessary care, you will have at your side a faithful companion who will give you the best of himself every day, regardless of whether he is of race or not.

For all of the above, we encourage you to adopt and not to buy to avoid paying for businesses that may not meet the bases of well-being animal. If you have discovered that your Yorkshire is not pure, remember that his heart is and you should love him just the same.

Some mestizo puppies that arise from the crossing of a Yorkshire with other breeds or mestizos are:

  • Chorkie
  • Morkie
  • Shorkie

They are all mongrels and beautiful, don't you think?
