How do you know if your dog loves you? - 10 SIGNS

How do you know if your dog loves you? - 10 SIGNS
How do you know if your dog loves you? - 10 SIGNS
How to know if your dog loves you?
How to know if your dog loves you?

Probably your dog loves you much more than you imagine and it is in his own nature and method of survival to follow those who provide him with food and affection. However, if you have recently had your dog at home, you may have doubts about his affection

On a day-to-day basis, our dog shows us on endless occasions how much he loves us, although in a different way than we humans use. It is therefore essential to know the canine language.

Next we are going to explain some signs that indicate that your dog loves you and a lot! that you should not overlook. Discover how to know if your dog loves you and start to love him much more now that you know. We explain 10 signs that show it and that you should know!

1. He welcomes you enthusiastically

Dogs are curious by nature and practically always come out to greet anyone who enters their home, a place they feel like their own. However, if he welcomes you by wagging his tail, running around and playingit is a sign that he is glad to see you back. Your dog probably loves you!

How to know if your dog loves you? - 1. He welcomes you enthusiastically
How to know if your dog loves you? - 1. He welcomes you enthusiastically

two. Wag your tail whenever he sees you

If your dog wags his tail from side to side and even moves his hipswhen he does it… You can be very satisfied! This is an unmistakable sign that your dog is happy, looking for game and is happy to see you. Exaggerated, playful tail wags convey confidence, friendship, and joy.

How to know if your dog loves you? - 2. Wags his tail whenever he sees you
How to know if your dog loves you? - 2. Wags his tail whenever he sees you

3. Looking for you to play

Playing is a behavior that dogs practically never lose, even as adults. Except of course, those dogs that suffer from he alth or behavioral problems, as is the case of senile dementia or high levels of stress. That your dog looks for you to play a clear sign of rapport and that he is a happy dog

How to know if your dog loves you? - 3. He looks for you to play
How to know if your dog loves you? - 3. He looks for you to play

3. He pays attention to you

If your dog turns his head when you talk to him, moves his eyebrows and is always attentive to everything you do, it means that without no doubt you are a very special person in his life. The care he gives you is directly proportional to his love for you.

How to know if your dog loves you? - 3. He pays attention to you
How to know if your dog loves you? - 3. He pays attention to you

4. Follows you everywhere

That your dog wants to be with you constantly is a clear sign that he trusts you and feels comfortable around you. Although there are dogs that are more lap than others, the truth is that most can't resist accompanying you anywhere.

Of course, it is important to learn to differentiate this attitude from separation anxiety, when the dog is not able to manage his loneliness and begins to show destructive behaviors, exaggerated barking or urination and feces at home.

How to know if your dog loves you? - 4. Follows you everywhere
How to know if your dog loves you? - 4. Follows you everywhere

5. He fills you with kisses

Dogs love to lick! Although sometimes it may happen that they are attracted to the taste of your skin or that they try to stick their tongue in your mouth after you have eaten something, the truth is that when a dog licks your face, it is sending you a clear sign of friendship.

Sometimes it can mean "I'm fine" or "don't get too close" but in most cases, when a dog licks a person it means that he loves him.

We humans have a tendency to reinforce this behavior, since most of us like it. Therefore, when the dog interprets that we like her, they do not stop doing it. It's a way to show how much they love us!

How to know if your dog loves you? - 5. He fills you with kisses
How to know if your dog loves you? - 5. He fills you with kisses

7. He protects you

You don't need to train a dog in defense and attack for it to defend us. In fact, on our site we do not recommend using this type of training, as it increases stress levels in the dog and can have serious consequences if carried out by inexperienced people.

However, it is common for a dog to show a hostile attitude to those who yell at us or try to attack us. Although it may be very comfortable, remember that it is not positive to reinforce this behavior, since it can lead to aggressive behavior.

How to know if your dog loves you? - 7. Protects you
How to know if your dog loves you? - 7. Protects you

8. It comforts you when you're sad

Dogs are capable of feeling people's pain in very different ways. They recognize crying, similar to howling, as well as many behaviors we carry out in times of sadness.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they try to comfort us by staying by our side or offering us small gestures of love, such as gentle licks.

How to know if your dog loves you? - 8. It comforts you when you are sad
How to know if your dog loves you? - 8. It comforts you when you are sad

9. Let you hug and kiss him excessively

Although it's hard to believe, most dogs don't feel comfortable when we hug or kiss them excessively, that's because they feel imprisoned and somewhat stressed. It is normal for them to yawn and turn their heads as a sign of calm.

Even so, your dog is able to understand that this is a behavior that you like, so he allows himself to be done, with the intention that you understand that he loves you. Also, like licking, dogs tend to tolerate behaviors that we reinforce. So it is not surprising that they will let you do everything you want if you give them a "very good handsome" or an "I love you".

How to know if your dog loves you? - 9. He lets you hug and kiss him excessively
How to know if your dog loves you? - 9. He lets you hug and kiss him excessively

10. He never leaves you

The dog is, without a doubt, the most faithful animal that exists. He has earned to be man's best friend, for his loy alty and commitment. If you strive to take care of your dog, love him and offer him, as far as possible, the best quality of life, you will always have by your side a faithful friend who will never abandon you

How to know if your dog loves you? - 10. He never leaves you
How to know if your dog loves you? - 10. He never leaves you

Other signs that your dog loves you:

  • Lie on your belly
  • Lower their ears when you pet them
  • To take refuge in you
  • Look for you
  • Reacting to your emotions
  • Practice commands without being asked
  • Obey you

Remember that each dog has a specific personality and that for the same reason not all of them will act in the same way. Discover things you should know about dogs and understand more about canine psychology here on our site.

We recommend that you be patient and give a lot of affection to your dog so that he trusts you and begins to love you as much as he does. you to himIf you don't think he loves you very much because you don't see signs of affection on his part, you can also visit how to make your dog love you.

How to make my dog love me more?

If you have already discovered the signs that indicate that your dog loves you and you would love to strengthen that bond even more, you should know that it is possible by paying attention to the care that you you offer, to the attention you give and the food. Likewise, if after reviewing the previous list you consider that the link is not strong enough, the tips that we share in the following video will allow you to correct possible mistakes and make your dog love you more.

In this video we explain how to make a dog happier, which translates into strengthening that bond. Also, if the animal is happy with you, he althy and feels safe, it will offer you all of its love and loy alty!
