Domestic rats are wonderful pets, they are small, affectionate, playful and very intelligent, so it is not surprising that they are increasingly found in homes around the world, sometimes even living peacefully with animals of other very different species. However, the general population is not as used to interpreting the behavior of rats as we do with that of dogs or cats, so we may have doubts about whether or not our domestic rat feels affection for us..
In this article on our site we tell you about some of the signs that your rat loves you and we explain what you can do so that your relationship improves. If you already share your life with a rat or are considering incorporating one into your family, don't stop reading!
1. You have a good quality of life
For your rat to love you and establish a he althy attachment relationship with you, it is essential that you dedicate time and effort to correctly cover all its physical and psychological needs. Rats are social, gregarious, and extremely intelligent animals, so you'll need to spend time with them and provide them with enough environmental stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored or stressed.
These are some aspects that you should take into account when caring for your rat and that will help make it happy and improve your relationship:
- It is a highly social animal and does not like being alone, so it is advisable to have at least two rats. A joint parenting or a good presentation are the keys so that they can live together in peace and enjoy each other's company.
- You cannot give him just anything to eat, because you would put his he alth at risk. Rats need to eat a omnivore, well-balanced, high-quality diet and have fresh water readily available. Find out what rats eat in this other article.
- You must house it in a spacious, clean cage with access to several dens or places to shelter. Every day you will have to let her out of the cage to explore the outside, you can even get her used to going for walks with you!
- The rat is a highly intelligent mammal, so you will need to provide mental stimulation on a daily basis in the form of interactive toys or training with she.
Guaranteeing that your rat is in good he alth and in a state of well-being, both physical and emotional, will always be the first step in achieving a good bond between you. So if you're wondering how to make your rat love you, here's the answer.

two. Seeks to interact with you and is proactive
If your rat is interested in physical contact with you, it follows you around the house, Seeks your attention by rearing up on two legs above youor invites you to play with her, a good sign! It means that she likes to spend time with you.
Rats are very attentive, quick learners and respond well to positive reinforcement training, so training with your rat and teaching him new tricks and skills can be a great activity to keep him stimulated and build link between you. If you carry out short and pleasant training sessions, teach him the commands in a patient and progressive way and completely reject the use of aversives such as yelling, hitting, punishment and intimidation, your rat will be much more predisposed to learn, will have positive experiences with you. you and you will enjoy these moments very much.
On the other hand, if you find that your rat is constantly avoiding you, he hides when you approach him or screeches and scrambles when you you want to hold or pet her, you should rule out any ailments and analyze the possible mistakes you might be making. To do this, you can always count on the help of your veterinarian and/or an ethologist specialized in the behavior of these small rodents.
3. Emits signs of happiness when he is next to you
When we adopt a pet, regardless of its species, we must first find out about its natural way of behaving and communicating so that we can understand each other better and be able to Recognize what you need at each moment.
The language of rats is very broad. Every day these small animals emit many body and auditory signals to express themselves to their peers and also to their human guardians. Through this non-verbal language they tell us if they are scared, playful, angry or happy, they let us know when something is bothering them, when they are not feeling well or when they feel safe and confident, among many other things.
As guardian and responsible for your rat's well-being, you must learn to interpret these signals and never bother it or force it to do something if you observe any indication that it does not feel comfortable or that it is afraid. Likewise, you shouldn't scold her if she ever shows her teeth or makes any other kind of threatening sign, as this is the only way she can ask you to Get away from her without having to attack yourself. If you respect its messages, you will show the animal that you understand what it wants to convey to you and that it can fully trust you.
On the other hand, if your rat shows signs of joy in your presence, it is a good indication that he appreciates you and wants to be with you. with you. Some of these signals can be:
- He runs to you when he sees you.
- Gently grinds his teeth and opens his eyes wide.
- Invites you to play running, jumping or giving yourself small bites.
- Wiggles the tail gently.
- He keeps his ears facing forward.
4. He is able to relax by your side
Rats are cautious animals by nature. Due to their size and lifestyle, they are frequent prey for other animals such as cats, so it is completely normal that they are also somewhat distrustful and vulnerable in the presence of humans.
Its instinct makes rats often remain alert when we are around them, attentively watching our every move. However, if your rat lays down to rest or even falls asleep on you, he calmly eats his food next to you or is able to focus on other activities while you are with him, means that you are not a threat to him and that he can be vulnerable to you, since he has total confidence in you and knows you will not hurt him.
To do this, we must be consistent and patient with their socialization process and always treat them with respect.
5. It allows you to manipulate it and is comfortable in your hands
As with any other animal, for your rat to feel comfortable being caressed or carried in your arms, you must gradually accustom it to handling, preferably when the animal is still young. Creating positive environments and experiences when handling your rat and associating caresses with reinforcers will make your furry feel more and more comfortable in this type of interaction and begin to actively seek physical contact with you
With patience, you can teach him to stay on your shoulder or jump into your hands, you can get him used to being brushed or even given a bath from time to time. Of course, you must respect its limits and always handle it gently, as it is a very small animal that we can inadvertently damage if, for example, we grab its tail or one of its legs.
Tell us, have you discovered that your rat loves you? If not, keep in mind that you have time to earn their trust and strengthen your bond by putting all our advice into practice.