10 SIGNS your DOG is HAPPY - Find out how to tell if your dog is happy

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10 SIGNS your DOG is HAPPY - Find out how to tell if your dog is happy
10 SIGNS your DOG is HAPPY - Find out how to tell if your dog is happy
Signs your dog is happy
Signs your dog is happy

How to know if your dog is happy? We always feel extremely happy with our pet, but on many occasions we do not know for sure if our furry friends are with us. Dogs, just like people, can feel happy or, on the contrary, they can have anxiety or even suffer from depression.

Dogs are very sensitive animals and can change their moods depending on different situations and we, as owners and friends, want them to nothing tarnish your happiness. Since dogs don't talk, you have to know how to interpret the clues that indicate that they are happy, that's why in this article on our site we show you 10 signs that your dog is happy

You don't lose your appetite

Dogs are very greedy animals unless they have a problem, be it physical or psychological. If he is sick or depressed it is normal for him to lose his appetite. Now, how do I know if my dog is happy? A happy dog will ask you for food and gobble up whatever you put in his bowl. This is one of the 10 most telling signs your dog is happy.

Don't forget that when they eat the same food day after day they may get bored and stop gobbling up all their food at once. In this case, you have to pay attention to the other signs to make sure that your dog is happy and has not stopped eating due to other problems. This can be solved by giving him other foods from time to time.

Signs that your dog is happy - He does not lose his appetite
Signs that your dog is happy - He does not lose his appetite

He always wants to play and walk

How to know if a dog is happy is easy if you notice that he is active. That is, an active dog is a happy dog Whether with their owner or with other animals, dogs tend to be very playful. In addition, they are always willing to take long walks to release energy. Some dogs are more dynamic than others, but whatever energy they have, a happy dog will always want to spend time walking and playing.

We leave you the following article with The best times to walk a dog, here.

Signs that your dog is happy - He always wants to play and walk
Signs that your dog is happy - He always wants to play and walk

Get enough sleep

An adult dog sleeps about 16 hours a day, while puppies need up to 20 hours sleepA happy dog will need just the right hours of rest to regain strength and regain energy to keep asking you for games and walks.

If your dog sleeps more than necessary it may be because he suffers from a problem such as depression, boredom or other diseases such as distemper or parvovirus. It is important that you pay attention to discover the cause and fix it as soon as possible.

Signs that your dog is happy - Get enough sleep
Signs that your dog is happy - Get enough sleep

He asks for love

A happy dog loves to be close to his loved ones and share moments together. He will ask you for caresses and affection several times a day and will show you his belly so you can scratch it. This is a sign that trusts us and feels comfortable and safe with our company.

Another way to demand your affection is by asking you to play, which, as we have already said, is another sign that your dog is happy.

Signs that your dog is happy - He asks you for love
Signs that your dog is happy - He asks you for love

He likes to browse

Another sign of a happy dog is that they are very curious animals and love to discover the world around them They like to sniff and check out new things and unknown places. A dog that is not interested in unknown things and people is an apathetic dog, which probably has mood problems.

Now that we have reached the middle of the article you have already seen 5 signs on how to know if my dog is happy with me, we will continue to see others.

Signs that your dog is happy - He likes to pry
Signs that your dog is happy - He likes to pry

Its relaxing

Don't think your dog is bored if you see him relaxed most of the time. This is because he has no stress to alert him, so he is in a happy mood. Even so, you always have to be aware that he reacts to stimuli that you know he likes, such as the question " Shall we go for a walk? ".

Signs that your dog is happy - He is relaxed
Signs that your dog is happy - He is relaxed

Does not bite or destroy objects

The next of the signs on how to know if your dog is happy is based on observing your dog's behavior regarding the furniture and objects around him. It is true that one of the symptoms of a bored and sad dog is to break and bite everything within reach to attract attention, so if you see that your furry friend doesn't dedicate his time to this activity, it's because he's a happy dog.

Signs that your dog is happy - Does not bite or destroy objects
Signs that your dog is happy - Does not bite or destroy objects

Move the booty

Probably one of the most obvious signs of a happy dog. Even someone who is not a dog's guardian knows how to recognize this symptom. These body signals show us that the care we are providing is effective and that our furry ones are in a good mood Another body signal that dogs do when are happy is to jump, for example.

Signs that your dog is happy - Wags its tail
Signs that your dog is happy - Wags its tail

Your pupils dilate

Dilated pupils in dogs are a temporary symptom that your dog is happy. If this dilation is accompanied by a sparkle in the eyes, your dog is undoubtedly happy with you. Even so, you have to be careful, because if you notice that your dog has dilated pupils for days, he may have a he alth problem.

If you want to know more about Dilated Pupils in dogs: causes and treatment, don't hesitate to read this post.

Signs that your dog is happy - His pupils are dilated
Signs that your dog is happy - His pupils are dilated

Encloses the eyes

The last sign to discover if your dog is happy with you also has to do with the eyes. It is a small and light gesture, but it really means a lot: squinting. If when you are caressing your furry little one you see that he makes this gesture, it is because he really is a happy dog, since when he comes into contact with you he relaxes

Signs that your dog is happy - Squinting
Signs that your dog is happy - Squinting

Attend to changes

Despite having taught you 10 signs that your dog is happy, you are the one who knows him best, you know his way of being and his attitude and you are the one who is going to detect any change in behavior and if he is sad. Pay attention to the small details and see if his behavior has changed and, above all, strive for your furry friend to have a full, he althy and totally happy life. He will return it to you the same way.
