How the polar bear survives the cold

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How the polar bear survives the cold
How the polar bear survives the cold
How the polar bear survives the cold
How the polar bear survives the cold

The polar bears are not only one of the most beautiful animals in the world, but they are also one of the most interesting scientifically. These bears live in the Arctic Circle, surviving one of the most extreme climates in our world.

Here's the question: how does the polar bear survive the intense cold of the Arctic pole Scientists have spent many years investigating how this animal manages to keep warm. In this article on our site, we present the different theories that have emerged to answer this enigma.

The polar bear

The polar bear, also known as the white bear, is a carnivorous mammal of the Ursidae family, specifically,Ursus maritimus.

This is a bear with a longer body and more formed legs. The weight of the males ranges between 300 and 650 kilos, although there are known cases that have reached a much higher weight.

Females weigh much less, about half. However, when they are pregnant they must make an effort to store large amounts of fat, since that fat will be the one that survives during gestation and the first months of life of the cubs.

Although it can also walk, it does so clumsily, the polar bear is more comfortable swimming. In fact, they can swim hundreds of kilometers.

As we said before, polar bears are carnivorous. Of the few times that they come to the surface, it is usually to hunt. Their most common prey are seals, belugas or young walrus specimens.

How the polar bear survives the cold - The polar bear
How the polar bear survives the cold - The polar bear

How the polar bear survives the cold

As you may have imagined, one of the factors that makes the polar bear able to survive the cold is its fur. Although this explanation is too simple.

The first thing to say is that under the skin of polar bears there is a thick layer of fat that protects them from the cold Later, as in other mammals in this area, its fur is divided into two mantles: one lower and one outer. The outer layer is stronger to protect the thinner and denser inner layer. However, as we will see later, the fur of polar bears is considered a marvel when it comes to capturing and retaining heat.

Another factor in its morphology that helps conserve heat is its compact ears and small tail. By having this structure and shape, they manage to avoid unnecessary heat loss.

How the polar bear survives the cold - How the polar bear survives the cold
How the polar bear survives the cold - How the polar bear survives the cold

Theories about how the polar bear survives the cold thanks to its fur

It is not exactly proven how polar bears manage to overcome such extreme temperatures, although almost all theories go two ways:

  • The capture of heat
  • The retention

A study maintains that polar bear fur is hollow and is also transparent. We see it white when the environment that surrounds it is reflected in this mantle. It is curious, since, instead, his skin is black.

At first, the fur would capture the sun's infrared rays, then, no one knows very well how, it would transmit them to the skin. The function of the fur would be to retain heat. But there are more theories:

  • One of them states that the fur traps air bubbles in the environment. These bubbles would become a protective layer that would protect you from the cold.
  • Another suggests that the polar bear's skin emits electromagnetic waves that would heat the bear.

Although we insist, these are all theories.

What all scientists agree on is that polar bears have more problems with overheating than with freezing De hence one of the great threats to this species is the warming of our planet due to pollution.

If you are a bear lover and want to know more about other species of this wonderful mammal, don't miss our articles that talk about the habitat of the panda bear and its diet.
