Dog breeds, before and after

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Dog breeds, before and after
Dog breeds, before and after
Dog breeds, before and after
Dog breeds, before and after

To know what dog breeds were like before, we have to go back to 1873, when the Kennel Club appeared, the breeders' club in the United Kingdom that standardized the morphology of dog breeds for the first time. However, we can also find old works of art in which the dogs of the time are staged.

In this article on our site we are going to show you the breeds of dogs of the past and those of today, a journey through time that is very impressive and fundamental to understanding why current breeds suffer from so many he alth problems or how it is possible that dogs are the only species with such a varied morphology. Discover 20 dog breeds before and after, you will be surprised:

1. Pug or pug

In the photograph on the left we can see Trump, a pug or pug by William Hogarth in 1745. At that time the breed was not standardized but it was known and popular. Of course we don't see a snout as flattened as the current one and the legs are much longer. It can even be estimated that is bigger than the current pug.

Currently Pugs suffer from different he alth problems related to morphology such as elongated palate, patellar sprain and dislocation, as well as epilepsy and Legg-Calve Pethers disease, which can cause loss of muscle in the upper part of the thigh and pains that limit the movement of the dog. He is susceptible to heatstroke and regularly drowns

Dog breeds, before and after - 1. Pug or pug
Dog breeds, before and after - 1. Pug or pug

two. Scottish Terrier

The schottish terrier has undoubtedly undergone one of the most drastic changes in terms of morphology. We can observe the much longer shape of the head and a drastic shortening of the legs. The above photograph dates from 1859.

They usually suffer from different types of cancer (bladder, intestinal, stomach, skin and breast) as well as being susceptible to von Willebrand's disease, which causes hemorrhaging and abnormal bleeding. He also often suffers spine problems.

Dog breeds, before and after - 2. Scottish terrier
Dog breeds, before and after - 2. Scottish terrier

3. Bernese Mountain Dog

In the image we can see a Bernese Mountain Dog from 1862 painted by Benno Rafael Adam, an important animal painter of the 19th century. In this realistic painting we see a Cattle Dog with a much less pronounced and more rounded cranial area.

He usually suffers from diseases such as dysplasia (of the elbow or hip), histiocytosis, osteochondritis dissecans and is also susceptible to gastric torsion.

Dog breeds, before and after - 3. Bernese Mountain Dog
Dog breeds, before and after - 3. Bernese Mountain Dog

4. Old English Sheepdog or Bobtail

The attributes of the bobtail or old English sheepdog have changed a lot from the 1915 photograph to the current standard. We can mainly observe that long hair, the shape of the ears and the cranial area have been enhanced.

The coat has undoubtedly been one of the factors that has most influenced its he alth, as it is susceptible to otitis and allergies. It is also affected by hip dysplasia and other diseases related to joints and mobility.

Dog breeds, before and after - 4. Old English sheepdog or bobtail
Dog breeds, before and after - 4. Old English sheepdog or bobtail

5. Bedlington terrier

The morphology of the bedlington terrier is undoubtedly one of the most impressive. A similar resemblance to that of a sheep has been sought, which has culminated in an anomalous shape of the skull. The photograph shows a copy from 1881 (left) that has nothing to do with the current one.

It is susceptible to various diseases, such as heart murmurs, epiphora, retinal dysplasia, cataracts and a high incidence of kidney and liver problems.

Dog breeds, before and after - 5. Bedlington terrier
Dog breeds, before and after - 5. Bedlington terrier

6. Bloodhound

It is quite shocking to see the official standard of the bloodhound described some 100 years ago. As we can see, wrinkles have been greatly enhanced, which are now a distinctive feature of the breed. The ears also seem much longer nowadays.

This breed has a very high rate of gastrointestinal ailments and skin, eye and ear problems. They are also susceptible to heat stroke. Finally, we highlight the age of mortality of the breed, which is approximately between 8 and 12 years old.

Dog breeds, before and after - 6. Bloodhound
Dog breeds, before and after - 6. Bloodhound

7. English Bull Terrier

The English bull terrier is undoubtedly one of the most popular current breeds, whether it is the standard or the miniature. The morphology of these dogs has changed radically from the moment of photography, in 1915, until now. We can observe a significant deformation of the skull as well as a thicker and more muscular body.

Bull terriers are highly prone to skin problems, as well as heart, kidney, deafness, and luxating patella. They may also develop eye problems.

Dog breeds, before and after - 7. English Bull Terrier
Dog breeds, before and after - 7. English Bull Terrier

8. Poodle or poodle

The poodle has undoubtedly been one of the most popular breeds in beauty contests. The morphology changes have selected him to display different sizes, as well as to show a particularly sweet and manageable character.

It is susceptible to epilepsy, gastric torsion, Addison's disease, cataracts and dysplasia, especially in giant specimens.

Dog breeds, before and after - 8. Poodle or poodle
Dog breeds, before and after - 8. Poodle or poodle

9. Doberman Pinscher

In the 1915 image we can see a Doberman Pinscher thicker than the current one and with a shorter snout. The current standard is much more streamlined, however we are concerned that limb amputation is still accepted.

He is very prone to spine problems, gastric torsion, hip dysplasia or heart problems. She also experiences Wobbler syndrome, which results in neurological deficits and disabilities, and is more common in females than males.

Dog breeds, before and after - 9. Doberman pinscher
Dog breeds, before and after - 9. Doberman pinscher

10. Boxer

The Boxer is one of the most popular and beloved dogs, but it has also undergone a huge transformation. In this photograph we can see Flocky, the first boxer registered on record. Although the photograph may not reveal it, the shape of the jaw has been greatly modified as well as lower lips, much more sagging.

The boxer dog is susceptible to all kinds of cancer, as well as heart problems It also has a tendency to gastric torsion and often suffer from dizziness due to excessive heat and respiratory problems, due to its flattened snout. They also experience allergies.

Dog breeds, before and after - 10. Boxer
Dog breeds, before and after - 10. Boxer

eleven. Wire-haired Fox Terrier

It is curious to observe this portrait of a wire-haired fox terrier from 1886. Unlike today, it has much less curly hair, the less elongated snout and a totally different body position.

Although the incidence of he alth problems is not as high as the Boxer, for example, it does present frequent problems such as epilepsy, deafness, thyroid problems and digestive dysfunctions among others.

Dog breeds, before and after - 11. Wire-haired Fox terrier
Dog breeds, before and after - 11. Wire-haired Fox terrier

12. German shepherd

The German Shepherd is by far One of the most abused breeds in beauty pageants. So much so that there are currently two types of German Shepherd, the beauty and the working, the first being the most affected, since the second still resembles the 1909 model that we see in the image.

Currently his main he alth problem is hip dysplasia, although he may also suffer from elbow dysplasia, digestive problems and ocular. The photograph that we show you is of the winner of a 2016 beauty contest, a dog that, probably, in a few years will not be able to walk due to the great deformation of his spine. Still, the "current standard" requires German shepherd dogs to have this totally abnormal curvature.

Dog breeds, before and after - 12. German Shepherd
Dog breeds, before and after - 12. German Shepherd

13. Pekingese

The Pekingese is one of the most popular dogs in China since, at some point in history, they were considered sacred animals and They lived with roy alty. As in the previous breeds, we can observe a important morphological change, with a more flattened snout, a more rounded head and wider nostrils.

Although at first it may not seem so different (as is the case of the German shepherd), the Pekingese suffers enormously by suffering from he alth problems such as respiratory problems (stenotic nostrils or elongated soft palate), different eye problems (trichiasis, cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy or dyschitiasis) as well as mobility dysfunctions, mainly due to patellar luxation or degeneration of the invertebral discs.

Dog breeds, before and after - 13. Pekingese
Dog breeds, before and after - 13. Pekingese

14. English bulldog

The English bulldog has undergone a radical change, perhaps much more than other breeds that we have named in this list, we can seehow the structure of your skull has deformed from 1790 to today. His body has also been selected, in search of a plump and muscular profile.

It is probably one of the breeds that most hereditary problems presents. He usually suffers from hip dysplasia, skin problems, shortness of breath, predisposition to gastric torsion and eye problems.

Dog breeds, before and after - 14. English Bulldog
Dog breeds, before and after - 14. English Bulldog

fifteen. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The cavalier king Charles spaniel is undoubtedly one of the most popular dogs in the UK. We can see part of the young King Carlos II in the photograph on the left, posing next to his favorite dog. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was an exclusive dog of the nobility and the ladies used to put it in their laps in winter to keep out the cold. King Charles was one of the first to start selecting dogs to achieve a specific and desired morphology, simply based on the "beauty" of the dog.

William Youatt, a disease veterinarian, was one of the earliest critics: "The King Charles breed is at present materially altered for the worse. The muzzle is very short, and the forehead is ugly and prominent, like a bulldog's. The eye is twice its original size, and has a stupid expression that exactly matches the character of the dog."

Dr. William was not misguided, currently this breed is prone to many diseases, including the hereditary disease syringomyelia, tremendously painful They are also susceptible to mitral valve prolapse, heart failure, retinal dysplasia, or cataracts. In fact, 50% of dogs of this breed die from heart problems and the ultimate cause of death is old age.

Dog breeds, before and after - 15. Cavalier king Charles spaniel
Dog breeds, before and after - 15. Cavalier king Charles spaniel

16. Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard dog is one of the most famous cattle dogs, perhaps due to its appearance in Beethoven, the well-known film. In the photograph on the left we can see a thinner dog, with a smaller head and less marked features.

Genetic selection has made him a dog prone to dilated cardiomyopathy as well as obesity and dysplasia. It is also susceptible to heat stroke and stomach torsion, so active exercise is not recommended.

Dog breeds, before and after - 16. Saint Bernard
Dog breeds, before and after - 16. Saint Bernard

17. Shar pei

The Shar Pei is currently one of the most demanded breeds, but just like the English Bull Terrier, the exaggeration of its attributesis making the breed prone to many he alth problems. The well-known wrinkles it shows have given it an unmistakable appearance, but also discomfort and various ailments

It is susceptible to all kinds of skin problems as well as eye problems, also due to endless wrinkles. He also usually suffers from a specific illness, Shar Pei fever and has usually food allergies.

Dog breeds, before and after - 17. Shar pei
Dog breeds, before and after - 17. Shar pei

18. Schnauzer

The schnauzer is one of the most popular and beloved breeds today. We find three types: the miniature, the standard and the giant. We can see the change it has undergone since the 1915 photograph. The body has become more compact, the snout is more elongated and the characteristics of the coat, such as the beard, are much more accentuated.

It is susceptible to schnauzer comedo syndrome, which consists of a type of dermatitis that usually affects the animal's digestion, causing allergies. He also experiences pulmonary stenosis and vision problems, sometimes related to hairy eyebrows.

Dog breeds, before and after - 18. Schnauzer
Dog breeds, before and after - 18. Schnauzer

19. West Highland white terrier

The west Highland white terrier, also known as " Westy ", comes from Scotland and although it was formerly a hunting dog for foxes and badgers, today it is one of the most loved companion dogs and appreciated.

In the photograph from 1899 we can see two specimens that are quite different from the current standard, because they do not have as dense fur as the one we know and even its morphological structure is quite remote.

They often suffer from craniomandibular osteopathy, abnormal jaw growth, as well as leukodystrophy, Legg-Calve-Pethes disease, toxicosis or patellar luxation.

Dog breeds, before and after - 19. West Highland white terrier
Dog breeds, before and after - 19. West Highland white terrier

twenty. English Setter

In the English setter we can clearly see the exaggeration of the characteristic attributes of the breed from 1902 to now. The elongation of the snout and the length of the neck have been enhanced, as well as the presence of hair on the chest, legs, abdomen and tail.

Like all the aforementioned breeds, it is susceptible to various diseases such as allergies, elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism and other types of allergies. Their life expectancy is between 11 and 12 years.

Dog breeds, before and after - 20. English Setter
Dog breeds, before and after - 20. English Setter

Why do all these breeds suffer from so many he alth problems?

Breed dogs, especially those of pedigree, have been crossed for generations between siblings, parents and children and even grandparents and granddaughters. Currently it is not a common or desirable practice, however, even some respected breeders include the crossing between grandparents and granddaughters. The reason is very simple: the aim is to strengthen the attributes of the breed in addition to not losing the lineageon future puppies.

Information from the BBC documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed has been used.

The consequences of inbreeding are evident, proof of this is the great rejection that society experiences towards those who practice it. In ancient Egypt, specifically in the 18th dynasty, he showed that royals who carried it out were more susceptible to perpetuating hereditary diseases, aggravating existing hereditary diseases, early mortality and, finally, infertility.

As we have mentioned Not all breeders carry out these practices, but they are common in some cases. For this reason it is highly recommended to properly inform ourselves before taking a dog to our home, especially if we have thought about going to a breeder.
