If you live with a dog you should know that taking him for a daily walk is more than a he althy act for you, for him and for your union, it is an essential activity so that the dog can enjoy a complete state of well-being.
Depending on each breed, dogs may have different physical exercise requirements, but there is no doubt that each dog should exercise within its possibilities and limitations, among other reasons, because this is one of the best resources to avoid dangerous canine obesity.
However, it is also important to know how to reduce any risk that could arise from practicing physical exercise, such as gastric torsion, therefore, in this AnimalWised article we answer the following question: Walking the dog before or after eating?
It is normal to take the dog out after eating, but it is not always appropriate
If we take our dog out after eating it is easier to establish a routine so that he can evacuate urine and feces regularly and this is the main reason why many owners take their dog out immediately after eating.
The main problem with this practice is that it can increase the risk of gastric torsion, a syndrome that causes dilation and torsion of the stomach, affecting the circulatory flow in the digestive system and can cause death if not treated in time.
Although today the exact cause of gastric torsion is not known, it is known that it is more frequent in large dogs and that the abundant intake of liquid and food orPhysical exercise after eating can facilitate its appearance.
Therefore, one way to prevent this serious condition is not to walk the dog after meals, although it is also true that if we are dealing with a small breed, older dog, little activity physical fitness and moderate food intake, gastric torsion is unlikely to occur as a result of a light walk on a full stomach.

Take the dog out before meals to prevent gastric torsion
If your dog is a large breed and requires significant daily physical activity, it is best not to take it for a walk after meals but rather before, as doing so will help prevent gastric torsion.
In this case, after the walk let your dog calm down before eating, let him rest and when he is calm you can give him the food.
Maybe at first you can relieve yourself inside the house (especially if you weren't used to walking before eating), but it will be possible to regulate your evacuation as you get used to the new routine.
Detect gastric torsion as soon as possible
Taking your dog for a walk before meals does not completely eliminate the risk of gastric torsion, so it is important that you know the symptoms of this condition:
- Dog burps or has abdominal cramps
- He is very restless and complains
- Vomits copious amounts of foamy saliva
- Your abdomen is very swollen and hard
If you detect any of these symptoms, go to the vet as soon as possible.