Why is my rabbit sneezing? - Causes and treatments

Why is my rabbit sneezing? - Causes and treatments
Why is my rabbit sneezing? - Causes and treatments
Why is my rabbit sneezing?
Why is my rabbit sneezing?

In this article on our site we are going to review the causes that will explain why a rabbit sneezes Although this symptom may not be gravity, if we observe that our rabbit sneezes very frequently, we must bring it to the attention of a veterinarian with experience in these animals. Of course, it is essential that, before adopting a rabbit, we inform ourselves about its basic needs in order to avoid problems such as those that can lead to sneezing.

My rabbit sneezes all the time, is it normal?

Before we go on to explain why a rabbit sneezes, we should know that an occasional sneeze should not be a cause for concern, as it can occur as a normal reaction to dust or hair, for example. That in these punctual sneezes some mucus comes out of the nose is also part of the normal sneezing mechanism and is not worrying. However, it doesn't hurt to review the basic care of rabbits to ensure that ours gets everything he needs to be he althy and happy.

Yes it should alarm us, on the other hand, if our rabbit sneezes a lot or we detect some other symptom. When a rabbit sneezes all the time it usually indicates that something is wrong In general, the causes that justify sneezing in rabbits are usually related to allergies, intrusion of foreign bodies or respiratory diseases, as we will see in the following sections.

Does my rabbit have allergies?

It is not a frequent situation but it is possible that why our rabbit sneezes is due to an allergic reaction to some substance with which it comes into contact in its environment and that produces hypersensitivity. Therefore, in these cases we can examine the environment in case we have introduced any changes that could have triggered the sneezing attacks in the rabbit. For example, new hay or even a different food could explain the sneezing. In these cases we could also observe a clear nasal and/or ocular secretion, redness of certain areas of the skin or scratching.

A foreign body that gets into the rabbit's nose could also be responsible for excessive sneezing, in an attempt to to expel the object from the respiratory tract. As we have said, a couple of sneezes are not a cause for concern, but if the episode does not subside or we observe any other symptoms, it should be the veterinarian who examines it. A foreign body that is not removed is going to be a source of problems.

My rabbit sneezes and has snot

We have already seen circumstances where a rabbit sneezes but has no snot. In this section we will explain why our rabbit sneezes may be due to a respiratory pathology In this case, it is normal to also detect a runny nose, which we will sometimes see as stained hair around the nose or paws, if touched.

The cause of the symptoms, in these cases, is due to a irritation in the respiratory tract that is likely to be complicated by infection as a consequence of different pathogens. A rabbit with this picture will require veterinary attention. Not treating it can lead to a worsening, such as pneumonia, which can have fatal consequences. This is more worrying in younger rabbits, the older ones and those that suffer from some other disease, since in all of them the immune system is less strong, being more sensitive to any pathology.

Respiratory symptoms can also appear in cases of pasteurellosis, a bacterial disease for which there is a vaccine, but its administration is controversial in rabbits that live as pets.

Why is my rabbit sneezing? - My rabbit sneezes and has runny nose
Why is my rabbit sneezing? - My rabbit sneezes and has runny nose

My rabbit sneezes, what can I give him?

We have already talked about causes that can explain why a rabbit sneezes a lot, now we will review the necessary treatment. In the first place, it is essential that, if the sneezing does not subside or there are more symptoms, such as fever or runny nose, Go to the vet We should never give the rabbit anything on our own. account or follow medications that have been prescribed for other animals in the home. Each species is unique and what in some cures to others can even be fatal.

Therefore, we will leave diagnosis and treatment to the clinician. At home, to help the recovery of rabbits in which sneezing is due to an infection, we must offer a balanced diet, good hydration and a free environment of stress, all with the goal of strengthening your immune system, which is key to healing.

It is also important that we review your living conditions in case we need to modify substrates or foods that may be causing problems. Temperature is another factor to consider. If the rabbit emits secretions we must pay attention to its hygiene
