Why does my cat vomit after eating? - We'll explain it to you

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Why does my cat vomit after eating? - We'll explain it to you
Why does my cat vomit after eating? - We'll explain it to you
Why does my cat vomit after eating?
Why does my cat vomit after eating?

Surely, as cat keepers, we have seen our feline vomit. Vomiting sporadically does not have to be worrying, but we should not take it as normal that a cat vomits every week or even more frequently.

Vomiting can have multiple causes and in this article on our site we will focus on those that explain why a cat vomits after eating. In any case, frequent vomiting should always be a reason for veterinary consultation.

Does my cat vomit or regurgitate?

Before explaining why a cat vomits after eating, we must know how to distinguish between vomiting and regurgitation, since it is a fact that our veterinarian will take into account. Regurgitar implies an effortless expulsion, while for vomit we will observe that the cat makes strong movements with its abdomen, stretches its neck and emits sounds corresponding to retching, after which expulsion of liquid or food occurs.

Vomiting can be acute, when repeated frequently in a short space of time, or chronic, which will be those that occur sporadically but without remission for weeks. Both regurgitation and vomiting will require a consultation with the veterinarian. Vomiting can be caused by intestinal inflammation, tumors, hairballs, ulcers, foreign bodies, but also by systemic diseases. Hence the importance of obtaining an accurate veterinary diagnosis, for which tests such as blood tests or ultrasounds and abdominal X-rays are carried out.

Why is my cat throwing up food?

First of all, we must distinguish whether the vomit is food or hair, since cats, due to their daily activity grooming, they ingest a large amount of hair, which is sometimes expelled by vomiting. A diet rich in fiber, regular brushing and the occasional consumption of m alt can prevent hairballs from being a problem. In any case, if the balls are formed by excessive grooming, a problem of stress or itching could be behind it.

If our cat vomits undigested food, we have to check if this occurs immediately after eating or if a period of time has elapsed. time, cases in which the explanation for why our cat vomits after eating will be different:

  • Vomiting immediately after eating or within half an hour may indicate both acute and chronic gastritis.
  • Vomiting food hours after eating may be due to an obstruction, a slow functioning of the digestive system, or pancreatitis.

My cat vomits undigested food - Gastric retention syndrome

This problem will cause our cat to vomit the entire undigested feed long after eating, although some cats vomit only juice gastric. In these cases the stomach is not able to function at a normal rate, it does not empty properly and that explains why the cat vomits after eating.

It can happen due to a primary or secondary injury or motor disorder. The presence of hairballs can trigger this syndrome. In addition to finding and treating the cause, if you're wondering what to do if your cat vomits after eating, it's recommended that these cats be fed a high-fiber diet, since it facilitates digestion. Likewise, in the most serious cases, surgical intervention may be required.

Why does my cat vomit after eating? - My cat vomits undigested food - Gastric retention syndrome
Why does my cat vomit after eating? - My cat vomits undigested food - Gastric retention syndrome

Vomiting in cats after eating due to gastritis

In this section we include chronic inflammatory bowel disease, quite common in cats and which could explain why a cat vomits after eating, although it should be known that in gastritis vomiting is not always related to the time of ingestion. So much so, that it is even possible to observe that the cat vomits the digested food.

There are numerous causes behind gastritis, which is why a veterinarian's diagnosis is required to initiate appropriate treatment. For more information, don't miss our article "Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment".

Gastritis can be acute or chronic. Once the cat is recovering, the recommendation is to feed it by offering the food in small doses.

Vomiting in cats after eating due to excess food

Finally, in some cases the explanation for why some cats vomit after eating is that they eat too fast, a lot food in a short time, so that their stomach is overloaded and they usually vomit the undigested feed.

What to do if your cat vomits undigested food for this reason? It can be solved by giving less food more timesYou can also use interactive feeders, which force them to eat more slowly. Special care must be taken because, due to the anxiety they show for food, they can end up suffering from overweight problems. See our article on "Why is my cat obsessed with food" to avoid this.
